48971From Thomas Jefferson to the County Lieutenants of Dinwiddie and Essex, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I have received particular information that Richard Overby and Richard Wills two of Capt....
48972From Thomas Jefferson to William Davies, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
I am anxious to have secured for the detachment which is next to proceed Southwardly as many...
48973From Thomas Jefferson to George Gibson, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
The Executive are Shortly to proceed to the reformation of the State Forces according to a...
48974To Thomas Jefferson from George Gibson, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Your favor of the 28th. ultimo did not come to hand before the 3rd. Inst. From its being folded...
48975To Thomas Jefferson from William Lewis, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
Osbornes, 5 Feb. 1781. Agreeable to TJ’s instructions Lewis has “made Every Captain Acquainted...
48976[From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 5 February 1781] (Jefferson Papers)
[ In Council, 5 Feb. 1781. War Office Journal (Vi) has the following entry under 5 Feb.: “Sent in...
48977[To Thomas Jefferson from George Muter, 5 February 1781] (Jefferson Papers)
[ Richmond, 5 Feb. 1781. Va. War Office Journal (Vi) under this date records a “Letter, to the...
48978To Thomas Jefferson from George Muter, 5 February 1781 (Jefferson Papers)
War Office, 5 Feb. 1781. Lt. Col. Edmonds [Elias Edmunds] of the state artillery regiment is in...
48979William Rose’s Return of Tents, with Addenda by Jefferson, [5 February 1781] (Jefferson Papers)
A List of Tents delivered the Army & Militia during the last & present Invasion. 1780. Octo. 3d....
48980From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 6 February 1781 (Adams Papers)
I have received your Favours of the 3d. and 5th. with their Inclosures all in good order. I have...