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Results 4891-4920 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have the pleasure to own the reception of your Letters of the 20 May, 29 th . September, & 8 th...
I return the letters from Mr. Gilmer inclosed in yours of Novr. 30. His account of the engaged...
Inclosed I send, and ask your acceptance of, one right to use my New Patent Pump for raising...
The Honble. Thomas Jefferson of Albemarle in this State, is hereby authorized to use one right,...
J. A. G. Davis presents his compliments to M r Jefferson4 and having just procured from the lower...
During my illness, which still confines me to my room, I have sounded Torrey, as to the...
I return the letters from M r Gilmer enclosed in yours of Nov r 30. His account of the engaged...
I take infinite pleasure in presenting you with a copy of a small work, entitled Garnetts...
Above you have the measurement of dome of the Rotunda above the steps—I also send you a Copy of...
The Rev d Mr Patterson and the Rev d Mr Fullerton are on their Way to spend the Winter in the...
Permit me, to take the liberty, of introducing to you my nephew Richard Kidder Meade, son of my...
In addition to former favours I have to Request the goodness of you to be so Verry oblidgeing to...
In a work, on which I have been some years engaged, I propose to insert a note, that will involve...
I received per Brig Argus, from Mess rs Dodge & Oxnard, Marseilles, an Invoice & Bill of Lading...
Permit me to introduce to you Mr Ticknor & his Lady, this Gentleman is a Professor at our...
The salaries of the Professors were to commence from the day of their embarcation at 1500. D. a...
I detained the inclosed letters awhile to enable me to write my letter of informn. addnal. to our...
By your letter of the 21 st to Col o T M Randolph I learnt with sincere regret that you were...
I observe from the paper, that both the Trident, & the Columbia (Liverpool packet) have just...
I detained the inclosed letters awhile to enable me to write my letter of informn addnal to our...
You will herewith receive the first of four codes, which forms a system of Penal Law, prepared...
Your letter, of the 21st. sprightly and entertaining like all the rest, has been recieved. I...
My health is so bad that I am obliged to relinquish my correspondence almost in spite of myself...
I return my thanks for the copy of the Agricultural Almanack, obligingly sent me. You do not...
M r Emmet’s letter which you were so kind as to inclose to me supported by your own would have...
D r Blaettermann will arrive in the Trident, bound from London, to new York; & I wonder he is not...
I was honoured last Spring, by a communication from you on the subject of anatomical Preparations...
I return with thanks, Mr Jarvis’s Letter, enclosed in your’s of the 6th.—The sense of the People,...
I am guardian to a youth that I wish to receive his education at the University of Virginia. He...
I have received from Mr Curtis your valuable present of American Wine; whether it is made from...