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I was detain’d at Philadelphia some time after Date of my last to you (by Mr Jo: Watson) however we at length embarkd, on the 28th of October we lost sight of the American Coast and after a Passage of 35 Days in which we had very boisterous weather and two dreadfull Storms on the French Coast from which we with the utmost difficulty escap’d Ship wreck, we arriv’d at Dover, where we gladly...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just now receiv’d your Favour of Nov. 12. and hear the Packet is to return directly from New York, while I have scarce time to write a Line before the Post goes. The House have past a Bill to pay the other Colonies what was over-receiv’d by us; which Bill is now before the Governor. We have lately had horrid Rioting on our Frontiers. The Inhabitants...
Extract: Public Record Office In my last I wrote you that Mr. Foxcroft, my Colleague, was gone to Virginia where and in Maryland some offices are yet unsettled. We are to meet again in April at Annapolis, and then shall send you a full Account of our Doings. I will now only just mention, that we hope in the Spring to expedite the Communication between Boston and New York, as we have already...
Your letter and the Boy were immediately sent to M r . Punderson, who I’ve not seen since but am informed that he is well pleased with him. Seal the inclosed before you deliv r : it to M r . Kissam and you may conclude an agreem nt with him, viz t : To pay him £200 when the time of y r . being with him Commences, that is, immediately after the passing of y r Degrees at College in May next, tho...
Letterbook copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I am very glad to hear you got home Safe with your Daughter and Mr. Foxcroft without any further accident; and hope your arm has recovered it’s former Strength. I here enclose, open for your perusal, a Letter to Mr. Canton on the Subject I spoke to you about. If any thing should occur to you to improve the Telescope further than what is noticed...
The contents of your letter have not a little alarmed me: and really upon seriously weighing them with what has formerly passed between αδνιλεβ and myself I am somewhat at a loss what to conclude. Your ‘semper saltat, semper ridet, semper loquitur, semper solicitat’ &c. appear a little suspicious, but good god! it is impossible! I told you our confab in the Apollo: but I beleive I never told...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1763–1764 (Philadelphia, 1764), pp. 33–4. During the summer and early autumn of 1763 hostile Indians repeatedly attacked isolated settlements and farms on the Pennsylvania frontier, killing many whites, carrying others off into captivity, and driving the rest in terror from their homes to the relatively few garrisoned forts or...
Captn Mather whom I met with at this place a day or two ago, seeming to be pretty much distressd to compleat his Loading before the lay days are out, I shall, in order to facilitate his dispatch, give him all the Tobacco I have ready upon York River amounting to Fifty two Hhds, on which please to make Insurance and proportion the charge hereafter for I cannot at this Instant tell what part is...
Letterbook copy: Harvard College Library I am favoured with yours of the 11th inst. and am much obliged to you for the trouble you have given yourself of sending a Messenger to Alexandria. I should have proposed this Measure long ago, if I had any Notion that the conveyance of letters to that Town had been so precarious: for tho’ I have had sevral letters from him, yet I cannot find that any...
I received your letter of Wednesday the 18th instant; in that, of this day, you mention one which you wrote last Friday, and sent by the Secretary ’s boy; but I have neither seen nor heard of such a one. God send, mine of Jan. 19 to you may not have shared the same fate; for, by your letter, I am uncertain whether you have received it or not; you therein say, ‘you hope to have received an...