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Results 48871-48880 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL : American Philosophical Society je suis arrivée hier de la campagne, il y a deux mois que je ne vous ai vue, jai le plus grand désir de vous voir, voulez me donner a dinér aujourdhuy, jyrai savoir par moi meme de vos nouvelles, et vous embrasser de tout mon coeur. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin / a passy The only Sunday, Sept. 12, during BF ’s stay.
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have now before me yrs of Nov 26 1778 Brought me by my unfortunate son Collas & won of Apr 22 79. The first I ansuered some time ago but as you may not recve it I now Renew my thanks for it & the Benifits there bestowed & confermed in the other, mr Williams writs me He is redy to comply with your Desier, but as mr. Collas does not See any other way to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Received with all gratitude the Letter your Excellency did me the honnour to write me the 8th. Instant. The expressions of your Excellency are the expressions of Humanity; they will give all Comfort & quietude to the Prisonners & to the Crew of the Black Prince Privateer; they will encourrage the People already Listed for my New fine Vessell the...
Copy: Library of Congress Le Comte de Vergennes fait tous ses remercimens à Monsieur Franklin des paquets qu’il lui a envoyés hier. Ils lui ont apris l’arrivé a Boston de M. Le Chr. de la Luzerne, et des differens Evenemens avantageuses aux Etats unis dont le Cte. de Vergennes desiré que M. Franklin puisse lui donner la Confirmation mardi prochain. At the King’s weekly audience for foreign...
Copy: Library of Congress The Bearer M. De Guio having been an officier in The American Service and brought Prisoner into England, I request you would procure him a Passage to Boston if convenient in the Mercury Packet. He will pay the Captain for his passage on his arrival there; having considerable arrearages of pay due to him. I have the honour to be, Sir &c. Jean de Guio, a Canadian to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society May it Please your Excelencys Goodness: Whereas your Petticioner Is a Native american and has Now A Wife and Family in the Province of Pensilvenia in Lancester County, Left I Fear in great distress as By Reason of The War, i Came to Sea in the Swallow Slope Belonging to Rhoad Island Commanded By Capt: Murphy and Was taken And Carried into Portsmouth Where I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send herewith a number of Bills which when Billy has examined please to accept.— Mr Alexander is desirous of knowing from Lord MCartney the particular Situation of his Estates and affairs when he left the Island and for this Purpose wishes to know whether he is to remain at Rochelle, or to have liberty to come to Paris that he may apply accordingly. This...
Copy: Library of Congress I am Sorry I cannot give you the Commission you desire having none Left.— But I see nothing amiss in your taking what you can, and carrying it in tho’ without a Commission for since the Congress, in reprisal, have immitated the Governement of England, and encouraged Sailors employ’d in Ships to Seize and bring them in giving them the whole as a Reward for their breach...
Copy: Library of Congress I should with great Pleasure comply with Capt. Blackwell’s Request on your Recommendation if it were in my Power; But I have now no blank Commissions left. I am much obliged by the Intelligence you have so often so kindly Sent me, and am with great Esteem Gent Your m. o. & m. humble Servant.
ALS and AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Every body seems to be sorry that Mr Gerard is going to leave Philada. but particularly this Family whose esteem he has entirely gain’d, he is kind enough to take charge of a Box of Squirril skins for Temple in which is a parcel of news papers for you, and a peice of homespun Silk which I have long wish’d to send you for the Queen whose...