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Results 48861-48870 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy: Library of Congress Le Comte de Vergennes a l’honneur de renouveller à Monsieur Franklin l’assurance de ses sentimens et de lui envoyer des Paquets à son adresse arrivant d’Espagne. Il en est resté un a Madrid que M. Le Cte. de Montmorin croit ne contenir que des Journaux. The packet was probably the one carried by the Victorieux which arrived in Cadiz on Aug. 13; see our annotation to...
Copy: Library of Congress It appearing on the Examination of Mr. Ross’s Accompts, that the Committee are very considerably indebted to him, I conceive you may Safely Settle with him the accts. you have with the Committee agreable to Orders received by him from Robert Morris Esq. I have the honour to be &c. Ross had represented in Nantes Morris’ firm of Willing & Morris, and the orders...
AL (draft): National Archives Mr. L. thanks Mr. Franklin for the Pacquets he was so good as to forward to him. They contain only the Journals of Congress & old Newspapers without any Letter. Mr. L. will be obligd to Mr. F. for letting him know if he can have it, by what vessel they came, to what Port & when She saild.
AL : American Philosophical Society Franklin did not often grant passports to British citizens, least of all to those who were spying on him. But in this case, the self-appointed spy was so innocuous, and the intelligence he communicated to the British government so patently outrageous, that he was neither suspected by Franklin nor valued as a source by his own government. In short, despite...
Copy: Library of Congress Since Mine of the 1st. of last Month, of which the above is a Copy, I have received the honour of yours of The 23d. of July; and The Packages containing the Sample of a Soldiers uniform mention’d in yours of april 20. is also Since come to hand. I cannot at present give any orders for such cloathing but I am of opinion that if you were to send those uniforms to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society ✝ vive jesus Permette moi monsieur d’avoir l’honneur de madresser directement a vous pour s’avoir s’il est possible des nouvelles de Mr le chevalier Delaluzerne mon neveu a qui je suis tendrement attachée je pense que son arrivée chez vous peut estre süe a present dans ce paiis cy et vous avez surement les nouvelles les plus sures. Je desire encore lui...
AL : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr Franklin presents his Respects to M. le Comte de Vergennes, with Thanks for his kind Care in sending him the Packets that came by the Way of Spain. Mr Franklin sends herewith some Packets he has just Receiv’d from America in a Vessel arrived at Nantes, a swift Sailer, which is soon to return. See Vergennes’ letter of Sept. 8. On a Sept. 12,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Baron de Holtzendorff s’etant rendû hier à Passy, pour avoir l’honneur de conférer avec Monsieur Franklin sur un objet important, et n’ayant pas eû celui de trouver ce Ministre, il Le prie, afin de ne pas risquer inutilement un autre voyage, de vouloir bien lui indiquer un jour de la semaine prochaine et l’heure de sa commodité pour être seur de le...
AL : Harvard University Library Mr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Lee, and sends all the Journals he has; but, as he has not yet had time to read them, he prays Mr Lee to return them when he has perus’d them.— Addressed: The honble A Lee Esqr / Paris. Notation: Sepr. 12. 1779 Lee did so later that day with a note saying, “Mr. Lee presents his Compts. to Dr. Franklin & returns the...
Copy: Library of Congress I yesterday received your favour by Mr. Schorndorff with the Packets for Mr. De Vergennes and myself. I have acquainted the Minister with The Opportunity of writing by the return of the Mercury, and shall not unless he desires it, keep her here Longer than may be necessary on her own Account. I have a Letter also from The Navy Board of Boston; but as they make no...