Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Jonathan Williams, Jr., 1 February 1781

To Jonathan Williams, Jr.

Incomplete copy:4 Library of Congress

Passy, Jan. 22. 1781.

Dear Jonathan,

I received yours of the 25th. past. Mr. Chaumont, who continued at Versailles during his Difficulties, now appears again at Paris, having as I hear received 500,000 Remittances from America, with which he has resumed his Course of Payments. I have not yet had an Opportunity of making the Proposal to him, which you mention, relative to the Cloth, but shall before next Post. I hope the Ship is arriv’d at L’Orient, before this Time, as his Son told me some Days since that She was sailed. Your Step in writing to Bordeaux was a prudent …

Mr. Williams.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4A page of the letterbook is torn out and the end of the letter is missing.

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