Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to George Muter, 31 January 1781

To George Muter

In Council Jany. 31st. 1781.

Being certified by Major Genl. Baron Steuban that the Continental rules are, that spirit shall not be issued, but to Troops on long marches, on duty in wet weather, or on fatigue duty, and that he has accordingly regulated the present issues to the Militia and troops in Service; It is the opinion of the Board, that Troops in the seperate service of the State, should be placed on the same footing with those under Continental Officers, and therefore that the regulation before mentioned be adopted by the State.

Tr in War Office Journal (Vi).

This letter, a reply to one of Muter’s letters of 29 Jan., is quoted in full (including TJ’s signature, which does not appear in the text here printed) in a letter from Muter to the “Commanding Officer of the State Garrison regt.,” 31 Jan. (Tr in War Office Journal, Vi), with an explanation that the “original, of which the above is a Copy goes with the order (on the back of it) but I thought it necessary to advertise you of it.”

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