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Results 48811-48840 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Pardonnés si ma foible voix s’élance jusques vers votre personne importante, pour lui témoigner,...
I have your letters of 30 th: ult o & 3 d curr t: for which I thank you— The letter, which has so...
I have taken the liberty to send you a copy of the second edition of the naval history of the...
As I know how much your time must be engrossed by your studies my Dear John altho’ the temporary...
Letter not found: to George Mason, 20 August 1775. On 14 Oct. 1775 Mason wrote to GW : “I have to...
mr Micajah Carr informed me that a rit of right was brought against him by Donalds & Buchanon for...
48817[Diary entry: 23 April 1775] (Washington Papers)
23. Wind Southerly and very warm all day.
I am to express my Acknowledgments to You for your kind favor of the 17th. June last, with which...
Letter not found. 14 September 1788 . Acknowledged in Monroe to JM, 24 Sept. 1788 . Discusses the...
48820[Diary entry: 20 March 1771] (Washington Papers)
20. At home all day (except before Breakfast when I rid to the Mill) with the above Company.
I have duly recieved your favor of the 9 th of the last month , furnishing me with those facts...
48822[Detector No. I], [28 July 1792] (Hamilton Papers)
[Philadelphia] Gazette of the United States , July 28, 1792. Philip Marsh has written: “After...
I had the honor of writing you on the 19 th . of Sep. twice on the 22 d . & again on the 24 th ....
Availing myself of the kind offer of your aid in replacing some of the literary treasures which I...
Your letter of the 30th Ulto came to my hands yesterday afternoon. As I propose, next Spring to...
Enclosed, is a detale of the Illegal and unjust Capture and dention, of the Sloops Union, &...
An Expres[s] mail from Genl. Brown, states Officially that an action took place at Chippeway with...
I presented the Secretary of War with an account of expences inevitably incurred on my tour to...
You will be surpris’d at the receipt of a letter from me dated at Philadelphia on the 22d March....
I duly recd. your favor of the 25th. inclosing the Report of the Adjutant Genl. The latter I have...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 37, fol. 211). The Board of Admiralty beg leave to lay the enclosed Papers...
As I am writing By a Gentleman Who goes through England and Carries my letter Himself, I shall...
I have had the honor of receiving your letter of the 28th. March accompanied by the printed...
Novem r . 1 st . Received a Letter from M r . Jefferson of 5 th . August 1789, mentioning that...
Mr Jay presents his Compliments to General Washington, and encloses an Extract from a Letter in a...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Journal; and the Weekly Advertiser , October 12, 1774; reprinted with...
Inclosed is a power of Attorney from one of two persons interested in the Certificate referred to...
At a Meeting of the Justices, the grand and petit Jurors, and the Officers of Talbot County...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania,...
48840[Diary entry: 3 January 1768] (Washington Papers)
3. At Home with Doctr. Rumney. Dr. William Rumney (d. 1783), who was born and trained in England,...