Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Gourlade & Moylan, 31 January 1781

From Gourlade & Moylan

ALS:6 American Philosophical Society

L’Orient 31 Januer 1781

Honord Sir

We received the honor of your Letter of the 20th. inst. and in consequence of it’s contents, we have paid Cap: Nicholasson Broughton of Marble-Head, seventy two Livres, for wch. you will find his rect. Inclosed7 & for wch sum we have debited your acct.

The Ship Marquis of Fayette do’s not yet appear.

We have the honor to be with the utmost respect Honord Sir Your most obt & most humble sts

Gourlade & Moylan

The Honorable Doctor B. Franklin &ca &ca

Addressed: The / honorable Doctor Binjamin Francklin / à Passy

Notation: Gourlade & Moylan 31 Jan. 81

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

6In Moylan’s hand.

7For BF’s letter of Jan. 20 see our annotation of the first entry in his journal, published under Dec. 18, above. The receipt enclosed with the present letter is missing.

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