George Washington Papers

To George Washington from William Vans Murray, 21 January 1795

From William Vans Murray

Congress—21. Jany 1795.


As a vacancy will happen in the Treasury Department as intimated by the Secretary, it is possible there may be a vacancy in the departments subordinate to that of the Officer who intends to resign—Mr William Winder of Somerset, on the Eastern Shore of Maryland & now a Senator of that state, is a man of sound character, of strong parts & particularly qualify’d in accounts—He was engaged in the accounts of the former government.1 I am with every sentiment of respect, Sir your most Obedient humble sert

W.V. Murray.


1William Winder (d. 1808) represented Somerset County in the Maryland House, 1777–78, and the Eastern Shore in the Maryland Senate, 1793–95. He had served as commissioner of accounts for the state of Delaware from 1782 to 1787 and as district commissioner for settling the accounts of Virginia and North Carolina with the Confederation government from 1787 to 1789. Winder served as accountant of the Navy in 1798 and 1799.

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