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Results 48801-48850 of 184,431 sorted by author
Draft: New York Academy of Medicine With Regard to our fathers Estate I can only so far Inform you that the houshold Stuf as sold at Vendue amounted to a Little more than [ illegible ] old Tenor. The house and Land was apprisd at £200. This letter answered BF ’s inquiry of January 2; it was drafted in the margin of BF ’s letter, Dec. 8, 1752. Torn in MS , but the figure was probably £70....
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , I , 4–5. As to the original of our name there is various opinions; some say that it came from a sort of title of which a book, that you bought when here, gives a lively account. Some think we are of a French extract, which was formerly called Franks; some of a free line; a line free from that vassalage which was common to subjects in days of old:...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society These Comes to Inform you that I got Home well In three Days after my Departure From you; I Have not met aney Good Opertunity to Send for that money, desire youd Imbrace the first Good One that you Have. I would Beg one Favour that youd go to the Post Office and Enqur whether there was a Letter for me, In the Time in that Time that I was In...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you about the Begining of Jany. which gave Account of the weather and wind we Had from the Time of Youre Departure to that Time, Which was Fine and Very Pleasant, Hope you Injoyed the same. Sister and Dear Salley, with a Number of your Frends Lookd for advice From you By the December Packet. But as Youre Ship Had no Business to Touch at Falmouth...
8 March 1804, New York. In March 1798 their ship Hunter with its cargo “was captured by a Spanish Privateer in the Straits of Gibraltar, and carried into Algesiras.” “The Spaniards, conscious there had been no legal cause to arrest the Ship, wanted to alter the nature of the case by making it appear that she had been taken by a French privateer which was in sight at the time of the capture &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind favour of the 5 febr. and am verry Glad to hear that you and Coz. Sally Were Well and it adds to our joy the encouragement you give us of Seeing you once more in Boston. My wife and Children have thro gods goodness (Enjoyd) with myself a good Share of health which is a great Blessing. I have one favour to ask of you Sir that is one more...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With pleasure I Embrace this oppertunity of informing you that I and my wife and my four Daughters thro Gods goodness are all well and Desire kindly to be remember’d to you hopeing that these may find you and Coz Sally in the Same good health. I am Sir much oblidged to you upon my own part for the prints you sent me for Mr. Bowen. I had it Neatly fram’d,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind Letter by Mr. Danforth with the book of advice Inclos’d, for which I kindly thank you, and hope I Shall follow your good Directions. I find Still the times are hard and Dificult, but Desire to be thankfull. I Rubb along with my Neighbours. I hope Sir these Lines may find you in good health as they Leave me and my Family. My Wife and my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take it particularly kind of you to write to me at a time when I know you must have so much Business on Your hands. However I hope tis hapily setled before this and that we shall have the Satisfaction of seing you here in the fall, which we long for. As I know my dear Papa likes to hear of Wedings I will Give him a list of my Acquaintance that has enter’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I returnd from Burlington last night, were I have been at Mama’s very Particular desire. I left my Brother very well. Sister is very Poorly. Cousin Laycock was found dead in her Bed, Yesterday morning without any Ilness. Your Friend Joseph Morris has passed Meeting with Samuel Mickels Daughter: She has a fine fortune. Our Neighbour Keples son is married to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind present and am very Glad to hear you and My Daughter and Mrs. Stevenson are well and give you humble thanks for your very Great favours. I have sent this Week by Mrs. Biggs the Welford Carrier that Inns att the Windmill in St: Johns Street and Will be in London on Wensday next ten pounds of Butter a Couple of Chickins a Sage Cheese...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I humbly ask pardon for giving you the trouble of this but hearing you was att Lutterworth Some time Since and Inquired after me but had not the happyness of Seeing you has gave me a great deal of uneasyness but now I am in my way again of bussiness, and am Inform’d you are in London have taken this Opportunity to Write to you. I have not heard you purpose...
Letter not found. 21 April 1809. Mentioned in Robert Smith’s letter to Franklin, 24 Apr. 1809 (DNA: RG 59, Domestic Letters). Relates to the trial in Philadelphia of the state militia involved in the Olmstead case, and Franklin as attorney general of Pennsylvania apparently asked JM to intercede. “The President had decided, that there ought to be no interposition on his part in the prosecution...
I take the Liberty of requesting your acceptance of the inclosed pamphlet. It is the Work of an active Member of the Society of Friends and written, I verily believe, from Motives honorable to the heart of the Author. He has been for several years much grieved by the part which has been usually taken by a Majority of his Brethren of that Community, on political occasions, and is ardently...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I came here on Thursday last to attend the Funeral of my poor old Mother who died the Monday Noon preceeding. Mr. Bache sent his Clerk Express to me on the Occasion, who reached Amboy on Tuesday Evening, and I set out early the next Morning, but the Weather being very severe, and snowing hard, I was not able to reach here till about 4 o’Clock on Thursday...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I came to Town with Betsy on Monday last in order to stand for my little Nephew. He is not so fat and lusty as some Children at his Time are, but he is altogether a pretty little Fellow, and improves in his Looks every Day. Mr. Baynton stood as Proxy for you and named him Benjn Franklin, and my Mother and Betsy were the God Mothers. I did not know that...
LS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you by the Stage on Thursday last since which I have not heard from you. As you were so kind as to say that you had no objection to doing any thing for me that might be in your Power respecting the Lands in the Traders Grant from the Indians, I send you enclosed a Copy of a Letter on that Subject from Mr. George Morgan, together with my Answer...
ALS : Yale University Library I wrote you a few Lines on Saturday last to go per the Pacquet, in which I mention’d a Pamphlet wrote by my Father in Answer to the Remarks on the Letter to Two Great Men. I could not send you one by that Opportunity, but as Capt. Monk has inform’d my Father that he is just upon the Point of sailing to America, and will take Charge of any Thing we may have to...
LS : American Philosophical Society I have recieved your Remarks on our Account on which I have only to observe, That The Ten Guineas must have been paid by you for Nelson’s Passage, and you expressly say you paid it, I find, in your Letter of the 21st: of Septbr: 1765. which probably you kept no Copy of, as you mention the Vessel to be just upon the Point of Sailing. The 8 Guineas being in...
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society [ First part missing ] there is no foreseeing the Consequences which may result from such a Congress as is now intended in America, chosen by the Assemblies, or by Committees from all the several Counties in each of the Provinces.” I cannot but think it very extraordinary that neither the Assembly of Massachusetts Bay nor the Town of Boston have...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here on Monday Evening last when I had the Pleasure of receiving yours of June 2. by the Packet. I am on my Way to Albany with Mrs. Franklin, who wanted a Jaunt this Summer on Account of her Health; and I have some Business to transact there likewise. I am surprized the Grant was not made out when you wrote. By the May Packet Wharton wrote that...
ALS : Morristown National Historical Park If I am found among the last in congratulating Col. Schuyler and my Country on his Release from Canada, my Distance must be my Apology. It cannot methinks be attributed to a Want of Regard for either, when ’tis recollected that for the Sake of the latter I last War serv’d as an Officer in its Service, and my Esteem for the former prompted me to become...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am this Moment return’d from an Excursion of four or five Days in the Jerseys. The Mail is made up and the Post just upon his Departure. I detain him just to acknowledge the Receipt of two Letters from you, which I have not Time to read thro’. This is all that I can possibly say at present; your Regard imagine the rest, for Your truely affectionate In a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this Moment heard of Mr. Francis’s being to embark To morrow Morning for England. His unfortunate Connection with Mr. Hagen, a considerable Merchant in London, who has lately fail’d is the Occasion of his sudden Departure. The Distress which must be necessarily brought on him and his Family, in case Hagens’s Affairs should prove as bad as...
LS : Public Record Office You will probably have heard before this reaches you of the Return of Col. Croghan, and the Success he every where met with in his Negotiations with the Indians. Frequent Attempts (some of them very expensive) had been before fruitlessly made by the Military to take Possession of the Illinois. And tho’ that valuable Country has of Right belonged to us ever since the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This is to let you know that Betsy and I are here on a Visit to my Mother, who, with all the Family are in good Health. I have recd. your letter of the 18th. of Febry. by Capt. All, and a Packet containing Mauduit’s Pamphlet, and some Letters to you, by Capt. Faulkner. But none of us had a Line from you by the March Packet, which is just arrived. I have it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Session of the Assembly which ended the 21st. Ulto. and the Xmas Holidays since, have so engrossed my Time, that I have not been able to write you fully as I intended. At present I have taken up the Pen principally to acquaint you that I have had a very amicable Session, contrary to the Expectation of every Body, and indeed contrary to the Intention of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Enclosed is a Letter I wrote last Week at Phi[ladelphia] in order to go by Mesnard, but it happened to be too [late for] that Opportunity. Coz. Davenport is greatly obliged to you for [ torn ] you sent him. As he could not make out to get a comfortable Living at Philadelphia, not having a sufficient Capital to carry on his Trade, nor able to procure any...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favoured with your Letters by the October and November Packets, and want much for an Opportunity of writing to you safely on several Subjects, but I cannot venture to do it by the Packet, as your Letter by the October Packet came opened to me exactly in the same Manner that mine did to you. And Mr. Todd I hear has wrote to Mr. Foxcroft that his Letters...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you Yesterday in a Hurry on hearing that the Packet was to sail from New York Tomorrow but my Letter got over to Bristol too late for the Post, who it seems missed his Tuesday’s Stage and did not get into Philadelphia till Wednesday, and the Postmaster kept him till Thursday Morning and then dispatch’d him early, whereas in common he is not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you last Week; since which Nothing new has occurr’d, worth communicating save a [paper?] publish’d by Chattin, that has made a great Noise here; one of which I inclose for your Perusal. It has given great Pleasure to many, and only [angered?] those, as I can learn, whose Approbation of it would be a Condemnation of their own Conduct. There are many...
ALS : New York Public Library By one Accident or other we are still in N. York. But I know not how to complain of my Detention; for has it not afforded me the Pleasure of another Letter from my Betsy. A Letter for which I cannot be enough thankful. I must answer it in short; the Time of our Departure being now positively fix’d to this Afternoon. The Name of our Pacquet is, The General Wall ,...
ALS : Public Record Office Having just heard that there is a Vessel to sail for Bristol Tomorrow Morning from Philadelphia, I embrace the Opportunity to send you a Copy of a Letter I this Week receiv’d from Mr. Coxe, with my Answer, and a Letter from our Speaker to the Speaker of Massachusets Bay. Mr. Coxe never consulted me on his Resignation, but on the contrary told me about 10 Days ago...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I informed you by the Packet which sailed a few Days ago, that I had received yours of the 14th. and 15th. of July, and 8th. of August, but that the one you mention to have wrote to me on the 3d. of Augst. at Mr. Sargent’s was not come to hand. My Mother, however, has I find received one of that Date from you by the Packet, which makes me suspect that mine...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I must beg Leave to recommend the Bearer, Daniel Coxe, Esqr; of Trenton, to your Civilities and good Offices; and desire you would introduce him to Mr. Jackson, and such other of our Friends as you think may any ways contribute to make his Stay in London either advantageous or agreeable. I am, Honoured Sir, Your ever dutiful Son, Daniel Coxe ( c .1739–1826)...
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society [ Beginning lost: ] Allen and Turner procured any Information to be given me, that the People would rise and destroy all their Iron Works in New-Jersey; that Mr. Turner had mentioned the Matter to him, and that upon his telling Turner that it was a Machine not within the Law, he laugh’d, and said that he knew very well what it was, and that if...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Mr. James Logan has just called upon me, to let me know that there is a Vessel sails Tomorrow for Liverpool, and that he returns to Philadelphia early in the Morning in hopes of being in Time to write by her. Had I known anything of this Vessel’s being to sail before, I should have wrote you a long Letter, as I have a great deal to communicate...
I received, some Time ago, a Letter from my Son, Wm. Temple Franklin, requesting me to make Enquiry after a Box which he had left, when here, with a Mr. Woodmason, to be ship’d for Havre, containing, besides some valuable Books for his Grandfather, a set of Blackstone’s Commentaries for you. After making the most particular Enquiry in my Power, I learnt that the Box had been shipp’d on Board a...
AD : American Philosophical Society On Sunday last, about 45 Minutes after 3 in the Morning, a Dwelling House, one of a continued Row on the West Side of Second-Street in this Town, was struck by Lightning, but, being at that Time untenanted, no Person was hurt. About 6 aClock the same Morning, I went to take a View thereof, and at that Time made some Notes of the Course which I observ’d the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I writ to you on the 13th. Inst. by Capt. All, and informed you that yours of the 3d. of Augst. was not come to hand; since which I have received it by the Septr. Packet. What prevented it from coming by the Augst. Packet, as my Mother’s of the same Date did, I know not. I have likewise received yours of the 17th. of Augst. by Sutton (I believe,) and your...
ALS (incomplete): American Philosophical Society Many of your Friends, as well as myself, would be glad to have such a Bust of you. Pray what would be the Expence? That of Lord Halifax, I am told, was not cut in Marble first, but made of Clay, and from that the Casts in Plaister of Paris was made. I am often ask’d for your Prints by your old Friends and Acquaintance, and I have given among...
ALS : New York Public Library I have now the Pleasure to inform my dearest Betsy that her Franklin is safely arriv’d in England about two Hours ago, after a Passage of 27 Days. I am so much hurried in getting our Things ashore, and enquiring for Horses and Carriages for transporting us up to London, that I have not Leisure to give you any of the Particulars of our Voyage. I design to do it...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Mail which [left?] England in December is arriv’d, but I have not [heard?] from you, nor had I one by the November Mail. I apprehend that it must be owing either to the Letters being detain’d at the Post Office in London, or else to their being intercepted by some impertinently curious Person between New-York and here. At first I was apprehensive that...
ALS : Morristown National Historical Park At this time William Franklin appears to have been deeply in love with Elizabeth Graeme of Philadelphia. Seven of his letters written to her between his leaving Philadelphia with his father and their sailing from New York survive, and one written after they reached England. Those which give information about his father’s movements and activities not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Ever since the Termination of the unhappy Contest between Great Britain and America, I have been anxious to write to you, and to endeavour to revive that affectionate Intercourse and Connexion which till the Commencement of the late Troubles had been the Pride and Happiness of my Life. Uncertain, however, whether the decided and active Part I took in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In your Letter of the 20th. of April last you sent me enclosed your London Account against the Estate of Mr. Parker, and requested me to assist in securing the Debt. I gave the Account soon after it came to hand to Miss Parker, who promised to deliver it to her Mother, and to let me have a Copy of her Father’s Account against you as it stood in his Books,...
AL : American Philosophical Society I wrote a few Lines to you by this Packet and enclosed a Letter to L.H. I have several other Letters to write to him by this Opportunity which prevents my writing fully to you. I have just had the Pleasure of hearing from Mr. W. Logan that you were well the first of Janry. his Son having seen you at that Time. Addressed: To / Benjn. Franklin, Esqr / Depy....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr. Thos. Hopkinson, Son of your old Friend, calling on me for a Letter of Introduction to you, it is with Pleasure that I comply with his Request as he has the Character of a very sober, ingenious and promising young Gentleman. He intends to take the Gown, tho’ I understand much against the Inclination of many of his Friends who have taken Pains to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Yesterday sent down to Philadelphia two Half Barrels of choice Pork, and a Keg of dryed Apples, to be sent to you in a Vessel which I see has just entered out for London, vizt. the Brig John, J. Ashmead Master. One of the Barrels I should be glad you would order to be sent to Mr. Sargent with my Compliments, and Thanks for his Present of Wine, which came...
I. Printed in The Gentleman’s Magazine , XXVII (September 1757), 417–18. II. Printed in The London Chronicle: or, Universal Evening Post , No. 113, Sept. 17–20, 1757, pp. 275–6. Soon after beginning his negotiations with the Proprietors, Franklin became convinced that they “were repeatedly publishing scandalous and malicious Falshoods against the Assembly and People of Pennsylvania” in the...