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Results 48801-48810 of 184,431 sorted by author
Draft: New York Academy of Medicine With Regard to our fathers Estate I can only so far Inform you that the houshold Stuf as sold at Vendue amounted to a Little more than [ illegible ] old Tenor. The house and Land was apprisd at £200. This letter answered BF ’s inquiry of January 2; it was drafted in the margin of BF ’s letter, Dec. 8, 1752. Torn in MS , but the figure was probably £70....
MS not found; reprinted from Duane, Works , I , 4–5. As to the original of our name there is various opinions; some say that it came from a sort of title of which a book, that you bought when here, gives a lively account. Some think we are of a French extract, which was formerly called Franks; some of a free line; a line free from that vassalage which was common to subjects in days of old:...
AL (incomplete): American Philosophical Society These Comes to Inform you that I got Home well In three Days after my Departure From you; I Have not met aney Good Opertunity to Send for that money, desire youd Imbrace the first Good One that you Have. I would Beg one Favour that youd go to the Post Office and Enqur whether there was a Letter for me, In the Time in that Time that I was In...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you about the Begining of Jany. which gave Account of the weather and wind we Had from the Time of Youre Departure to that Time, Which was Fine and Very Pleasant, Hope you Injoyed the same. Sister and Dear Salley, with a Number of your Frends Lookd for advice From you By the December Packet. But as Youre Ship Had no Business to Touch at Falmouth...
8 March 1804, New York. In March 1798 their ship Hunter with its cargo “was captured by a Spanish Privateer in the Straits of Gibraltar, and carried into Algesiras.” “The Spaniards, conscious there had been no legal cause to arrest the Ship, wanted to alter the nature of the case by making it appear that she had been taken by a French privateer which was in sight at the time of the capture &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind favour of the 5 febr. and am verry Glad to hear that you and Coz. Sally Were Well and it adds to our joy the encouragement you give us of Seeing you once more in Boston. My wife and Children have thro gods goodness (Enjoyd) with myself a good Share of health which is a great Blessing. I have one favour to ask of you Sir that is one more...
ALS : American Philosophical Society With pleasure I Embrace this oppertunity of informing you that I and my wife and my four Daughters thro Gods goodness are all well and Desire kindly to be remember’d to you hopeing that these may find you and Coz Sally in the Same good health. I am Sir much oblidged to you upon my own part for the prints you sent me for Mr. Bowen. I had it Neatly fram’d,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received your kind Letter by Mr. Danforth with the book of advice Inclos’d, for which I kindly thank you, and hope I Shall follow your good Directions. I find Still the times are hard and Dificult, but Desire to be thankfull. I Rubb along with my Neighbours. I hope Sir these Lines may find you in good health as they Leave me and my Family. My Wife and my...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take it particularly kind of you to write to me at a time when I know you must have so much Business on Your hands. However I hope tis hapily setled before this and that we shall have the Satisfaction of seing you here in the fall, which we long for. As I know my dear Papa likes to hear of Wedings I will Give him a list of my Acquaintance that has enter’d...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I returnd from Burlington last night, were I have been at Mama’s very Particular desire. I left my Brother very well. Sister is very Poorly. Cousin Laycock was found dead in her Bed, Yesterday morning without any Ilness. Your Friend Joseph Morris has passed Meeting with Samuel Mickels Daughter: She has a fine fortune. Our Neighbour Keples son is married to...