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Results 48791-48800 of 184,431 sorted by author
Printed form, with MS insertions in blanks: American Philosophical Society This Indenture Witnesseth, That James Franklin late of Newport in Rhodeisland, but now of Philadelphia in Pennsilvania Hath put himself, and by these Presents, doth voluntarily, and of his own free Will and Accord, put himself Apprentice to Benjamin Franklin of the City of Philadelphia, Printer to learn his Art, Trade,...
We the undersigned take the liberty of recommending the Honr Marmaduke Williams for the appointment as a Judge in the Mississippi Territory, to fill the Vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Judge Bruin— We are Sir with due respect yours &c DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of Application and Recommendation.
29 January 1805, Washington. “The enclosed Resolution of the Legislature of the State of North Carolina contains the determination of that State upon the Amendment proposed to the Constitution of the United States by the State of Massachusetts.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). 1 p. Enclosure not found, but see n. 2. David Stone (1770–1818) was U.S. senator from North Carolina from 1801 to 1807 and...
25 November 1811, Senate Chamber. The writers enclose for consideration a letter from former governor Williams of the Mississippi Territory. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, LAR , 1809–17, filed under “Williams”). RC 1 p. Addressee not indicated. For enclosure, see n. 1. The North Carolina senators forwarded a confidential letter they had received from Robert Williams, dated 2 Nov. 1811 (3...
J. Franklin returns compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and acknowledges the receit of his note of the 14th Instant. J. Franklin has no personal acquantanc with Mr. West. But from the best information he is able to obtain, he is a man of good Charactor and demeanor in his office and a republican and no Doubt well qualified to Discharge the Duties of Marshall . RC ( DNA : RG 59, LAR ); endorsed by...
We have Received from the Governor of the State of North Carolina the inclosed Act of the Legislature of that State with a Resolution instructing us to endeavor to have a Road joining the one contemplated in the Act established thro’ the Country of the Cherokee Indians. It does not occur to us, there is any mode by which that object may be effected but by Treaty with those Indians, we...
The underwritten present their best respects to the President and inform him they possess no other knowlege concerning the direction of, or points between which, it is desired the contemplated road thro’ the Cherokee Country, should pass, than that furnished by the Act, itself, of the Legislature of North Carolina.—They understand that act was passed upon an application from the State of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may serve to Lett you Know that I expected to hear Complaints from Philadelphia of hot wether since we had hear about the Time of your Date about 10 Days of your ordinary sumer wether i.e. hot and moist which occasiond abundence of Complaints Like the Important subject of your Last. Haveing some faith in Blanchards Remedea for the stone I had about a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Im Glad the Clay is so forward and hop the quantity we Expect from Philadelphia will be sufficient to Repair the works in the spring. Our furnice stands well at present and the Glassmen are fulley Employd in makeing Window Glass and Bottles. The former made of our own Materials is Light and Cleere beyond our Expectation so that we Expect it will be thought...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have spoke with Turner about your seal. He thinks he cant git the Designe Compleated before the post going but will have it Ready against the next. Rogers & Foule to whoom I Red the parigraph of your Letter Relateing to your Ballence and Foul Tole me he [would] Take Care that it be paid when Billey Comes who is not yet arriv’d but suppose he will be...