Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Arthur Lee, 17 September [i.e., August 1779]

To Arthur Lee

Copy: Library of Congress

Passy Sept. [i.e., August] 17. 1779.9


I this day communicated to Mr. Le Comte de Vergenes the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me, relating to the Accession of Spain to The Treaty. His Excellency was pleased to say that he would Speak about it to Mr Le Count d’aranda, who would probably write to his Court for Instructions concerning it. With great Regard. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your most obedient and most humble servant


To the honble. Arthur Lee Esqe.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9We are confident that this letter was actually written on Aug. 17. The one BF forwarded to Vergennes is Arthur Lee’s of Aug. 14, above. On Aug. 18 Lee wrote BF that he had received his “favor of yesterday, in which you inform me of your having communicated to his Excellency Count Vergennes my Letter of the 14th, with his Excellency’s determination upon it.” APS. The recipient’s copy was also misdated Sept. 17; see Lee to BF, Oct. 8.

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