Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Philippe Reibelt, 16 February 1805

From Philippe Reibelt

Baltimore le 16 fevr. 1805.

Monsieur le President!

Conformement a Vos ordres du 14—recus ce Matin il partira demain a Votre Adresse un paquet renfermant:

2 Exempl. Dict. de poche de Catineau, reliè a 190 Cents 380
1 Fables de Lafontaine 2 Vol in 18-brochè 64
1 Contes—ditto 64 .
Aux quels j’ai pris la Libertè d’ajouter:
le dernier Exemplaire—du Dict. de prononciation de Tardy—reliè 195
et Un Ouvrage politique d’Arnould, qui me paroit interessant pour la Biblioth. du Secretariat d’Etat, Cartonnè à 150

Ayant—en decaissant une petite Caisse—trouvè encore un Elzevirien en 32 format, Scotia et Hibernia—qui n’a pas etè portè aux Catalogues imprimès jusqu’ici—je le crois de mon devoir, de Vous anoncer cette petite decouverte, afin, que, si çet Ouvrage manquoit a votre Collection, Vous puissiez me donner Vos ordres.

Daignez agreèr mes profonds respects.


Editors’ Translation

Baltimore, 16 Feb. 1805

Mister President!

In accordance with your order from the 14th, received this morning, a package will leave tomorrow to your address containing:

Two bound copies of the Dictionnaire de poche by Catineau at 190 cents 380
One copy of La Fontaine’s Fables, two volumes in 18mo.—softcover 64
One copy of La Fontaine’s Contes, the same 64
To which I have taken the liberty of adding:
The last copy of Tardy’s dictionary of pronunciation, bound 195
A political work by Arnould, in paperboard, which I thought would be
of interest for the secretary of state’s library

Opening a small box I found another Elzevir publication in 32mo. format, Scotiæ et Hiberniæ, which does not yet appear in the printed catalogues. I felt obliged to announce this small discovery so you might order the work if it is not in your collection.

Please accept my deep respect.


RC (DLC); above signature: “Le Depot Americ. General de Levrault, Schoell et Comp. Impr. Libraires a Paris”; endorsed by TJ as received 18 Feb. and so recorded in SJL.

Dict. de prononciation: L’Abbé Tardy, An Explanatory Pronouncing Dictionary of the French Language (London, 1799).

Un Ouvrage politique d’Arnould: Ambroise Marie Arnould, Résultats des guerres, des négociations et des traités qui ont précédé et suivi la coalition contre la France (Paris, 1803).

Elzevirien: see TJ to Philippe Reibelt, 31 Jan.

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