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Results 48781-48830 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
13 April 1804, Northumberland, Pennsylvania. “As it sometimes happens that communications from the several departments of the General Government are required to be inserted in the newspapers of the several States, I take the liberty of requesting that if any thing of the kind should require to be inserted in the newspapers of this State, from the department over which you preside, that the...
13 April 1804, New Orleans. “On last evening, I received your letter of the 12th. Ultimo. “The difficulties with respect to the Ship from St. Domingo have all passed by. The correspondence between the Commissioners of the United States and M. Laussat Copies of which, have been forwarded to you, will inform you particularly as to that vessel. “I must confess, that my opposition to the approach...
13 April 1804, Charleston. “The Memorial of Gilbert & John Davidson … Sheweth That your Memorialists being owners of the Ship Franklin mounting twenty Guns and manned by fifty men, of the Ship Fair American mounting eighteen Guns and manned by fifty men, & the Brig Unanimity mounting twelve Guns and manned by twenty three men, in the year 1799 caused the said Vessels to be loaded in London...
13 April 1804, Navy Department. “Immediately on receiving your letter of 30 ult —I called on Capn Morris for the information therein required—& yesterday received from him two letters of which the accompanying are true copies.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, ML ); letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 45, Letters to Secretary of State). RC 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Smith; docketed by Wagner....
13 April 1804, Greenock. “I arrived in this Country in July last and expect to remain for some length of time, as I am a Citizen of the United States and it is a right I by no means wish to relinquish I would take it as a singular favor if you would have the goodness to acquaint me if any or what new regulations may have taken place during my absance from that Country with respect to Citizens...
The Governor of this State having done me the honour to authorise me to print, in the Republican Argus a newspaper printed by me in this town, all the laws of a public or general nature passed during the late session of the Pennsylvania Legislature: I presume to acquaint you with the fact and take the freedom respectfully to solicit the honour of your approbation to my printing the laws of...
I now take the Liberty to Address a few lines to you to enquire after your welfare—I had the honour to be Introduced to your Excellency by my Freind Doctor George Logan when I was at the City of Washington with a Petition from the Inhabitants of the Island of Nantucket to Congress in Feb’y AD. 1803 . I have been Elected again a Senator for Nantucket and Dukes County in our State Legislature....
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of messrs Gibson & Jefferson to procure from mr Collins the underwritten seeds and send them by the first boats, packed in a box or keg. 3. gallons of dwarf marrow fat peas. if he has none of these, send the best he has for common sowing. 3. oz. radish seed. scarlet preferred 3. oz. lettuce seed. the Roman preferred 1. oz. Endive seed (not the curled) PrC ( MHi );...
On Board Schooner Edward & Edmund. have Say 80 Bundles Nail 0.0.0 at 124$ $248 porterage 1.33 $249.33 the Schooner is to sail in three days from this and we hope will be at Richmond early we are Very Respectfully Your Friends RC ( DNA : RG 59 , Appointment Papers); mutilated; at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq
I recieved by last post mr Gallatin’s observations on Dr. Stevens’s case. his outworks are stronger than his main citadel: that is to say, on the 1st. and great question which involves important principle, he yields a good deal, and presents no views of the residue which are new and difficult. but on his 2d. & 3d questions relative to evidence he is truly strong, and his preliminary...
I perceive from Acts passed at the late Session of Congress; that you are to make a vareity of appointments in the newly acquired Territory, as well as some in the M.T. that being the case—I am impel’d by that confidence that jenuine Republicanism inspires, to solicit you in behalf of a young Man, my Brother in Law, Wm. Bayard Shields, who went out last fall with Judge Rodney to Natchez—That...
Received of the Honorable John Adams Esq. by Cotton Tufts Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three Cents in full for one years Interest on said Adams’s Note of hand given to me March 29th. 1802. MHi : Adams Papers.
The enclosed is a copy of a letter from the President of the United States, which he requested me to communicate to you and the other gentlemen. I am Sir with the highest esteem your Huml. Servt. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC undated; date assigned on the basis of replies to Jefferson’s letter from Dearborn, Gallatin, and Smith dating from 14 to 16 Apr. ( DLC : Jefferson Papers);...
12 April 1804, Department of State. “I have the honor to inform you, that on the 23d. February last, by direction of the Board of Commissioners under the 7th. Art. of the British Treaty, who were then about to terminate their functions, the sum of £526.4.9, being the balance due the U:States for monies advanced on account of that board, was paid over to Mr. Monroe our Minister at London.”...
12 April 1804, Washington. “Inclosed herewith are the letters last recd from Mr. Pinkney, with some communications from the Mediterranean, and from the Comissrs. under the 7th. art: of the British Treaty. The capture by Capt: Preble was in some respects very apropos; but is there not danger that it may give umbrage to the Grand Seignor?” Adds in a postscript: “Not knowing the address of...
12 April 1804, Department of State. “I have the honor to enclose a bill drawn upon me by Mr. Cathcart for five thousand two hundred & fifty dollars, which, from the accompanying letter of advice, appears to be intended to cover expenditures on account of the Navy Department. I shall refer the holder of the Bill to you for payment.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. See...
12 April 1804, Washington. “Mr Thornton not having failed to transmit to His Majesty’s Government an Account of the Representation which you were pleased to address to him under Date of the 27th of October last Year respecting the Blockade of the Islands of Martinique and Guadeloupe, it is with great Satisfaction, Sir, that I have just received His Majesty’s Commands, signified to me by His...
12 April 1804, Washington. “I have the Honour to acquaint you that I have just received a Letter from Rear Admiral Sir John Duckworth, Commander in Chief of His Majesty’s Squadron at Jamaica, dated the 2nd of last Month, in which he desires me to communicate to the Government of the United States that he has found it expedient for His Majesty’s Service to convert the Siege, which he lately...
The Agent of the Chocktaw factory has requested instructions on a subject of so delicate a nature as to require your opinnion, as to what steps ought to be taken. I have stated the subject fully to Mr. Madison and he advises me to write to you.—it appears that the Commandant of Mobile has introduced a practice of demanding a duty of 12½ persent on all exports from the Territory of the United...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the family is all well and lives tranquil The inclosed letter I recd. today from Captn Hand Sir your Hble. Servt RC ( MHi ); addressed: “The President of the U. States Monticello”; franked; postmarked 13 Apr.; endorsed by TJ as received 20 Apr. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosure not found, but see J. P. G. Muhlenberg to TJ, 23 Mch.
The enclosed letters from Govr. Claiborne to Mr Madison were communicated to me with a request that they should be transmitted to you. On the subject of the seamen, Mr. Trist will receive the proper instructions as soon as Dr. Barnwell’s answer shall have been obtained. But Mr Claiborne’s conduct respecting the establishment of a Bank appears inexplicable; for you will find by the enclosed...
Inclosed herewith are the letters last recd from Mr. Pinkney, with some communications from the Mediterranean, and from the Comissrs under the 7th. art: of the British Treaty. The capture by Capt: Preble was in some respects very apropos; but is there not danger that it may give umbrage to the Grand Seignor? I have nothing to add but assurances of my respectful attachment. Not knowing the...
Finding my health and constitution greatly impaired by long indisposition I am induced to beg leave to Resign the Office of Commissioner of Loans for the State of New York which you were so Kind as to confer on me. I am Sir with Sincere Respect and Gratitude your most Obedt. Servt. I am informed by William Few that it is his intention to become a Candidate for said Office, and believing that...
It is ascertained here on unquestionable testimony that Thomas Logwood of Buckingham county in this Commonwealth has been guilty of counterfeiting the notes of several of the branch banks of the United States, particularly those of Boston, Charleston, Savanna and Norfolk. The manner in which this business has been detected is as follows: Information was given to a member of the Council of...
I received Yesterday your favour of the ninth. Of Mr Baron I know neither the Person nor the Character: but it Seems to me that a demonstration will not be the less mathematical for the Nation or the Morals of the Author. The Accademy can not know the Manners of all their correspondents, and if the Cause of Truth and Science is really promoted by a bad Man even whom they know to be Such, I...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter I propose to write to Mr. Erving, Agent of Claims in London, and the draft of a notification to be published in the Newspapers, as therein expressed. The transfer of the monies received on account of the adventures of Masters and Seamen of captured Vessels, for which restitution has been decreed, from London to this City, in the manner explained,...
11 April 1804, New Orleans. “The inflam’atory address (enclosed you in my letter of the 8th. instant) is very generally censured, and I have been requested by a number of respectable citizens to offer a reward for the discovery of this incendiary and (when discovered) to punish him with severity. Lest however, a consequence might be attached to this unimportant affair both here and in the...
Personal acquintance, and the Concerns I take in the wellfare of the United States, dos me take the Liberty to writ you this, Since I had the Honor to See you here in Amsterdam I allways have Interested me for the American trade and Navigation, Twice I had the honor in absence of the Consul Sylv. Bourne to represent the Commercial Concerns of the U.S. of America, allways with the best Succes...
Mr. Madison some time ago communicated to you my willingness to act as the Governor of New Orleans, from which appointment it was understood that I was excluded by the constitution. I have lately learnt, that it is in contemplation to send a person to Naples, to arrange our affairs in that quarter—Shoud this be the case, and the appointment such a one as I ought to accept, I shall have no...
It having been intimated to us, that Stephen Thorn, Esq. is a Candidate for the Office of Commissioner to settle certain claims of our citizens under the late Treaty with Spain—We cheerfully recommend him as a gentleman well qualified for that Commission . His integrity and fidelity to the true interests of his country, we have no doubt may be implicitly relied upon. We are, Sir, With the...
I snatch a moment to return you my most Sincere and devout thanks, for all your acts of benevolent friendship to my self and family, to express the sensations they have occasion’d wou’d be impossible I shall therefore not attempt it. Henry Browns detention was occasion’d by his having been attack’d the day after he saw you with a Bilious fever which confined him to his bed for three days, he...
[ New York, April 10, 1804. On July 12, 1804, Le Guen wrote to Hamilton : “Vous m’aves fait La remise Le 10. avril dernier.” Letter not found. ]
You were probably acquainted in this Country with Colonel Toussard who will have the honor of delivering you this letter. He has filled several stations in our Military service at different periods and always with much credit to himself and advantage to the service. During our revolutionary war he lost an arm in an action in which he displayed much zeal and bravery, and to my knowlege was...
My last to you was of the 6th of February, since which I have received your several letters dated on the 24th of October the 10. 20 22. 24 November 12th Decr. 10 & 24 of January. The complaint made to you by the French ambassador respecting desertions to our public ships from the French, has been communicated to the Secretary of the Navy, who will cause the proper enquiries to be made and will...
Inclosed is a letter to James Monroe Esqr Respecting his priv⟨ate⟩ affairs which you will be so obliging as to have forwarded to him & should the Direction be an Improper one will thank you to have it Inclosed under a new cover with the necessary Direction; I know not how accts. Stand between you and Mr Monroe But if there is any thing due from you to him & you can with convenience pay it it...
10 April 1804, Amsterdam. “I had the honor sometime since to address you on the subject of having an Agent of the Consulate named for the Helder —soliciting some pecuniary aid from the Govt for the support of this establishment. I have now to forward you a remonstrance which has been lately made to me on this head by the American Masters in Port. As I before observed it will be difficult...
10 April 1804, New Orleans. “Tranquility continues to reign in this city and its vicinity. M. Laussat takes his leave of the Spanish Commissioners on this day; and the day after tomorrow he proposes to pay his last visit to the American Commissioners. His departure therefore it is expected will take place in a few days. The Barracks evacuated by the Spanish troops have been put in our...
10 April 1804, New Orleans. “Last Sunday I made a visit to the Convent in this City and was received by the Nuns with every mark of respect. “To an affectionate and complimentary Address, which was presented me, I returned an answer a Copy of which is enclosed. “I am much pleased with this institution; the Nuns have uniformly supported the most amiable character and the education of female...
10 April 1804, Philadelphia. “Agreeable to Acts of Congress for Securing coppy rights of Books &c. I Send you the inclosed pamphlet My expectation are to make Some money for the purpose contempelated and then to have A Lottery by Some Lagislative body And have a fund to reward those who make New discouverys in Medcen that would be of general good to the people at large you may give it a...
10 April 1804, Bordeaux. “I have the honour to enclose you a letter which I recd. a few days since from Mr Cathalan of Marseilles who informs me it contains the pleasing intelligence of Commodore Prebles having destroyed by means of a fire ship the frigate Philadelphia as she lay in the harbour of Tripoly. “Since my last respects of the 1t. of March I have been continually engaged before the...
I have the honor to enclose a Memorial. Permit me, sir, to subscribe, Sir, With the highest respect, Your Most Obedient servant, RC ( PHi ); addressed: “The President”; endorsed by TJ as received 23 Apr. and so recorded in SJL with notation “W”; also endorsed by TJ: “referrd. to Secretary at War. Th:J.” Enclosed in TJ to Dearborn, 27 Apr. Massachusetts native William Amherst Barron...
Wm. A. Barron begs leave Respectfully to represent, That, in Capacity of Captain in the Corps of Engineers, in the service of The United States, he has, from the twelfth day of June, Eighteen Hundred and Three, to this date, commanded the said Corps; and, has superintended, and, instructed, the Military Academy, during this interval, at West Point: That, the necessary extra Expenses of his...
Your favor of 29th Ulto Came to Hand in Course and would have been replyd to before this but we waited for A Vessel for Richmond one has at length offerd and will sail sometime next week by which opportunity shall send you the Rod Iron as orderd we are Very respectfully Your Friends RC ( MHi ); at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqe.”; endorsed by TJ as received 20 Apr. and so recorded in SJL .
I have recieved several letters from you in the course of your journey to Tombigbee, but having left them at Washington (on a short absence) I cannot acknolege them by their dates except the last which was of Dec. 24. Congress having fixed the commencement of the new government of Louisiana to the 1st. of Oct. next, the appointment of it’s officers will be made only in time for them to be...
I am in immediate want of 500. f of flooring plank 1½ I. clear of the saw, to be cut thirded and free from knots, in any lengths from 12. to 18. feet, of the finest pine, which I would pray you to secure for me without delay, if you have it not ready seasoned . my plaisterer will be here in 2. or 3. weeks, & the plank is to be seasoned & laid, before he can begin.    Also 500. f. of beech...
Th: Jefferson with his compliments to mr Munroe incloses him the order for a quarter’s interest on the Maryland loan. the demolition of mrs Fenwick’s houses having awaited years can await a month longer when I shall be returned to Washington and be in a situation to act more understandingly on the subject. PrC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso. Enclosure not found, but see below. On 17...
If I had the talent to write any thing worthy the attention of the great & good, to whom should I so readily address it, as to the Man who fills the Office of first Magistrate of the freest Nation upon earth, with the talents & integrity that have assurd him the admiration & esteem of every true Republican Imperfect as are the few pages I have written upon the present state of Great Britain, I...
When I had the honor of an interview with you previous to my leaving the city of Washington and conversed respecting the political divisions among the republicans of this state, it was foreign from my wish to draw from you any thing that it would have been improper to communicate. I sincerely and without disguise stated to you the true situation of the parties and assured you that the friends...
I beg you will do me the Honor of accepting the inclosed Publications, I am emboldened to take this Liberty from the great attention you give to the Science of Agriculture, in the Practice of which, I have devoted the most considerable part of my Life; I most heartily wish you Health to pursue the objects, which so happily for your Country, you have adopted. I have the Honor to be Sir, Your...
Your favor of Mar. 28. found me at this place, where I recieved it only yesterday. if you will be so good as to send the articles recieved from Messrs. Kuhn, Greene & co. by the first vessel which shall be going from your port to Washington, Georgetown or Alexandria, it would be most convenient. if there be no communication by sea with those places, then if addressed to Norfolk to the care of...