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Results 48781-48810 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
13 April 1804, Northumberland, Pennsylvania. “As it sometimes happens that communications from...
13 April 1804, New Orleans. “On last evening, I received your letter of the 12th. Ultimo. “The...
13 April 1804, Charleston. “The Memorial of Gilbert & John Davidson … Sheweth That your...
13 April 1804, Navy Department. “Immediately on receiving your letter of 30 ult —I called on Capn...
13 April 1804, Greenock. “I arrived in this Country in July last and expect to remain for some...
The Governor of this State having done me the honour to authorise me to print, in the Republican...
I now take the Liberty to Address a few lines to you to enquire after your welfare—I had the...
Th: Jefferson asks the favor of messrs Gibson & Jefferson to procure from mr Collins the...
On Board Schooner Edward & Edmund. have Say 80 Bundles Nail 0.0.0 at 124$ $248 porterage 1.33...
I recieved by last post mr Gallatin’s observations on Dr. Stevens’s case. his outworks are...
I perceive from Acts passed at the late Session of Congress; that you are to make a vareity of...
Received of the Honorable John Adams Esq. by Cotton Tufts Sixty Seven Dollars and Fifty Three...
The enclosed is a copy of a letter from the President of the United States, which he requested me...
12 April 1804, Department of State. “I have the honor to inform you, that on the 23d. February...
12 April 1804, Washington. “Inclosed herewith are the letters last recd from Mr. Pinkney, with...
12 April 1804, Department of State. “I have the honor to enclose a bill drawn upon me by Mr....
12 April 1804, Washington. “Mr Thornton not having failed to transmit to His Majesty’s Government...
12 April 1804, Washington. “I have the Honour to acquaint you that I have just received a Letter...
The Agent of the Chocktaw factory has requested instructions on a subject of so delicate a nature...
I have the pleasure to inform you that the family is all well and lives tranquil The inclosed...
The enclosed letters from Govr. Claiborne to Mr Madison were communicated to me with a request...
Inclosed herewith are the letters last recd from Mr. Pinkney, with some communications from the...
Finding my health and constitution greatly impaired by long indisposition I am induced to beg...
It is ascertained here on unquestionable testimony that Thomas Logwood of Buckingham county in...
I received Yesterday your favour of the ninth. Of Mr Baron I know neither the Person nor the...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of a letter I propose to write to Mr. Erving, Agent of Claims...
11 April 1804, New Orleans. “The inflam’atory address (enclosed you in my letter of the 8th....
Personal acquintance, and the Concerns I take in the wellfare of the United States, dos me take...
Mr. Madison some time ago communicated to you my willingness to act as the Governor of New...
It having been intimated to us, that Stephen Thorn, Esq. is a Candidate for the Office of...