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Results 48781-48790 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
As this intelligence received yesterday possibly may not be conveyed to you through any other...
I have received your Letter of the 24th Inst. —And shall write to the Board of War on the Subject...
RC ( LC : Continental Congress Miscellany). In Madison’s hand, except for signatures of Jones and...
I inclose you a letter from Colo. Meade, one of Baron Steuben’s aids, by which you will perceive...
I did myself the Honor to attend at the Door of the Council Chamber yesterday with a view of...
Jenvoye Mr. Vaucheret aupres de Votre Exelence pour Vous apprendre qua mon arivée au poste...
Permitt me to mention to your Excellency that a very large quantity of nails will be wanted for...
The money (30,000 dollars) due me agreeable to act of assembly for depreciation, is with-held in...
Your Excellency’s favor by Capt. Blackwell without date together with bills to the amount of One...
Philadelphia, 30 Jan. 1781. “Tho: Bee, Isaac Hobbe and Jno Mathews, Delegates from So Carolina,...