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Results 48751-48780 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received your letter of this day with the papers accompanying it. For fear of a revival of...
I have the pleasure to inform your Excellency that the detachment sent against the Mutineers as...
The Divine Providence manifests itself always for our cause. In my Last of the 26th inst. I have...
My last informed your Excellency of the Enemys having passed Hoods on their way down the River...
after my return to this City I had the Honor of your Excellencys favor of the 16th Instant. we...
The Commonwealth of Virginia Dr. to A. Willy for Candells for the use of the Councill Chamber for...
A French officer of the name of Dubuisson a Colonel in our Army and formerly aid to the Baron Du...
I have calls on me which I must in a Few days comply with, for £16000 or thereabouts for my...
I inclose your Excellency a Copy of the Arrangement proposed by Colonel Carrington and myself,...
Several matters of Public Importance resting on the Hands of the Executive to be transacted to...
A Letter from your Excellency of the 24th of December directing that 137 Men of the Militia of...
1. How many arms have we in the state fit for service, bayonets &c. Muskets in good repair...
Cabin Point, 29 Jan. 1781 . When at Ruffin’s Ferry on 22 Jan., Mathews received orders from Gen....
The habitual drunkenness of Colo. Warneck renders him in the opinion of the board unfit to be...
[ Richmond ] 29 Jan. 1781 . Encloses a certificate concerning payment of which the quartermaster...
[ Richmond, 29 Jan. 1781 . Minute in the War Office Journal (Vi) under this date: “Letter, to the...
[ Richmond, 29 Jan. 1781 . Minute in the War Office Journal (Vi) under this date: “Letter, to the...
As it will be necessary that every Proposition relating to the trading Department should in...
The Battery, which is to be errected upon Wind Mill Hill below the Old Battery at Hood’s,...
I send you below a List of the Counties which were called on to make a part of the 4000 men for...
[ New Windsor, New York, January 30, 1781. On February 5, 1781, Schuyler wrote to Hamilton :...
Draft and copy: Library of Congress I recd your Favour of the 9th. Inst. I am convinc’d of the...
AL : American Philosophical Society The Princess of Daschkaw presents her best thanks to Dr...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Le Manifeste n’a pas...
48775General Orders, 30 January 1781 (Washington Papers)
The General returns his thanks to Major General Howe for the judicious measures he pursued and to...
Having been indulg’d with a Parole, unsolicitted, and unexpected, thro the Interest of Genl...
This day the Commissioners met at the Jersey Camp to hear the Claims of those Soldiers who...
I have here ten men drafted from the pensilvania Line, into the Corps of Sappers, as they Are...
I have this morning been honored with your several favors of yesterday, to which I shall duly...
Before this letter reaches Boston, you will, no doubt have heard ⟨o⟩f the revolt of part of the...