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Results 48451-48500 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
15 May 1804, Department of State. Transmits to Pichon an extract of a letter recently received by the collector at Charleston. If the illegal armament of which this letter speaks is not stopped by the agent of the French republic at Charleston, wishes Pichon to give the necessary orders to have it discontinued forthwith. Tr ( AAE : Political Correspondence, U.S., 57:113). 1 p.; in French....
Vous êtes le prémier-Magistrat du pays où règne la Liberté. Pourquoi donc un Jeune français, déplorable Victime de la tyrannie du prémier-Consul Bonaparte, hasarderait-il de se mettre sous la protection des lois des États-Unis? ah! c’est parceque, quoiqu’il soit réfugié à Philadelphie, il craint de n’être pas assez à l’abri des coups que pourraient lui lancer sourdement Certains-hommes qui,...
I arrived here the night before last. mr Gallatin being absent I enquired of mr Madison as to the commission of Collector, & found it had been forwarded to you at Warren by mr Gallatin. I found it too late also to enjoin secrecy, as, mr Gallatin not having intimated that, it had not been attended to. I am afraid I omitted to recommend this myself, altho’ it’s expediency was so obvious that it...
I arrived here the night before last, and yesterday recieved from the post office your favor of Apr. 29. with others which had been accumulating there for me. I hasten to answer it in order that the polygraph desk you have in hand for me may have the benefit of the improvements you mention. to wit the screw to move the stay pen. the improvement in the pen-bar. Hawkins’s improvement by a stay...
On the 25th. of March I had the pleasure of acknoleging the receipt of the pipe of Madeira forwarded to me, as also the box of Champagne, and mentioning that the latter was found good, I asked the favor of you to send me eight cases of it, say 480. bottles, requesting at the same time as early information as convenient whether I could get that quantity. not having heard from you, and the...
May. 15. 04 State Judge Davies’s enquiries mr Merry’s case Pichon’s memorial he hazards general assertions neither proved nor true the law of nations does not make a nation responsible for acts of individuals out of it’s limits. yet friendly nations do watch to a certain degree. does France watch the atrocities of it’s privateers men with & without commissions it to be assurd. on our part of...
I return the letter from Mr. Coffyn. Capt. Rollins ought to cause it to be presented to the Treasury with proof that the Men were landed in the United States, on which it will be paid to him or his order. I am &c. Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). Neither the enclosure nor a letter from Simons transmitting it has been found, but as Francis Coffyn was U.S. commercial agent at...
A publication, in the United states Gazette of the 20th ulto., headed “Mr. Jefferson’s Impiety” I have good reason to beleve will do hurt to the Republican Intrest, if not refuted. 7/8 of the people on this side of the Mountans, in this state, & Pennsylvania, are professors of Religion, they are generally honest; but are Subject to be deceved and lead wrong on political questions—the Feds...
14 May 1804, Department of State. Acknowledges Pichon’s letter of 9 May . Not having access at that moment to the circumstances and proceedings of the legal action in Charleston against Mr. Sachs, limits his remarks to the information Pichon has received that the judge’s decision turned on the nature of the captured ship and not on the commission under which Sachs was authorized by the French...
14 May 1804, New Orleans. “On this morning, I received the enclosed letter from the Commandant of the District of Ouachitas and returned the answer of which the paper marked B is a copy. “You will have discovered, that some time had elapsed after the delivery of Louisiana to the United States, before the posts of Nachitoches and Ouachitas were taken possession of by our troops; This delay...
14 May 1804, Philadelphia. “I received the enclos’d Letter Yesterday, from Mr: Dewhurst, with a Request that I would forward it to you, and transmit him any Answer you may be pleas’d to make to it. While I was at Washington I took the Liberty to mention to you his Desire of being appointed Consul for the Island of St: Croix, and to recommend him to your particular Attention. Permit me now to...
your goodness will readily excuse my thus addressing myself to you, when I inform that I have that unhappiness within which surpasses all shew. Owing to my unhappy pecuniary situation. Nothing but Stearn necessity could compell me thus to address you the much honoured Chief of happy America. My Friends live in Berkshire Massachusetts, they are neither Naybobs nor dependants, but live esteemed...
I enclose a formidable recommendation in favour of Th. Newton as Collector for Norfolk; also the letters of resignation of Morgan & Garland. The last is mistaken as the office of surveyor, in N. Orleans, will be better than that of naval officer. Considering the difficulty of making appointments there, and that it was your original intention to appoint him naval officer, might it not do to...
I arrived here last night after the most fatiguing journey I have experienced for a great many years. I got well enough to Orange C.H. the first day. the 2d. there was a constant heavy drizzle through the whole day, sufficient to soak my outer great coat twice, and the roads very dirty and in places deep. the third the roads became as deep as at any season, & as laborious to the horse. Castor...
In respect to the Land business here, I will not Trouble you with any details, as I presume this is done by the Register in his Communications to the Secretary of the Treasury as often as necessary, but I will Just Mention that it is progressing as fast as can be expected Considering the number of Claims and Nature of the business—Had not the Time for bringing in Claims been extended, we...
AGREEABLE to instructions received from the President and Directors of the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on Buildings of the State of Virginia, I have to inform you that in consequence of recent and heavy losses, by Fire having taken place in the Borough of Norfolk and in several counties in this State, it becomes necessary to call upon the respective members of the Society for a...
I have the honor of inclosing you the first Copy of my Song (termed National) on the great event of the Acquisition of Louisiana, so happily effected through your Wisdom and Patriotism. As the expression of a Nation’s Joy , I am persuaded, you will chearfully receive it. For my own part, Sir, from my high Veneration for your public and private Character, I cannot describe the pleasure I feel,...
I recieved your favor of the 3 d three days since it gave me real pleasure as you appear to be in good spirits and write much more cheerfully than you have done some time past— I was much surprized at the change you mention in M rs. Whitcombs person she wrote Caroline she had been unwell but I did not think she had been seriously sick— I have just done reading Madame de Staals new Novel which...
13 May 1804, New Orleans. “I received on this morning the enclosed letter from Captain Turner, the Commandant Civil and Military of the District of Nachitoches on the Red River, and immediately returned an Answer of which the paper, marked A, is a copy. “In my letter to you of the 10h. instant, I mentioned that, the Marquis of Casa Calvo, Governor Salcedo, and the Intendant, Moralis, were...
Our old friend McElory is here and has the principles of 75—he is much hurt at the conduct of his son Archibald—and at the situation in which he has been plac’d in consequence thereof— May I request that you will look into his case and do to him that justice due to his country, and which will afford much pleasure to a parent who is a good republican. health & friendly salutations! RC ( DLC );...
I am honored with your favor of the 13th. March. I am extremely obliged by your condescension in communicating your remarks on some part of my imperfect sketch of the Missisippi: from what you have written I see the necessity of a short appendix, which I shall consider in the light of an apology for dissenting from the opinions of so many eminent mathematicians, who have written on the theory...
I now send you my bond with condition for the payment of One thousand & Twenty seven Dollars & seventy Eight Cents; which sum is thus composed—  Ballance of principal and interest beyond my notes Ds. 60.23  Difference between simple & compound Interest   967.55 Ds 1027.78 The statement delivered to you some time since will explain this result. The Bond bears interest only from the first of...
I this moment met with the enclosed letter from Mr. Matthew Lyon to his constituents, and I sincerely hope it may be the only Copy that has reached this city. As a Western man, I feel myself under no obligations to Mr. Lyon for his boasted zeal for the Western interest, and although I am not disposed to question the purity of his motives, I am firmly persuaded, that during the last Session, he...
I have this day written to the Secretary of war on a subject of importance to the U. states as well as myself—I am a[n]xious to sell between eight & nine hundred acres of land adjoining the Public property at Harper’s ferry. This tract contains five or six hundred acres of well wooded land distant from one to two & half miles from the works—which is the only wood convenient to them. The...
Since my last respects of the 20th Ulto so many circumstances have come to my knowledge to make me believe that several persons are endeavouring to injure me with the Government that I have judged it necessary again to repeat to you that I should feel much flattered if any thing of this nature should appear in your office by your recommending the President to order our Minister at Paris to...
12 May 1804, Lisbon. “By the post of yesterday I received a letter from Mr. Leonard covering a copy of a letter from Mr Cathalan under date of the 17th. Ulto. communicating the unpleasant intelligence of a declaration of War by the Bey of Tunis against the United states, a copy of which I have the honor to inclose. This information not being corroborated by any other letters, altho I have...
12 May 1804, Cagliari. Respectful thanks are due for the latest news that Anna Porcile and her mother have been ransomed from slavery at Tunis by William Eaton for five thousand piastres. They had been held for several years by the barbarians and are now embarked for Cagliari in a state frigate. Believes the Sardinian people will always esteem the U.S. for such a great and beneficial gesture....
12 May 1804, Lorient. “None of our vessels having entered this port during the last half year, I did not make you any returns on the last day of December last, nor have I had anything to communicate worthy your notice. “I have lately hear[d] frequent complaints from our countrymen at Nantes of the inconveniences they suffer by the absence of the commercial agent of the United States appointed...
As soon as I had the honour to receive your letter of the 31st. of March I wrote to such Gentlemen of my acquaintance in Upper Louisiana as I thought best acquainted with the Subject for information relative to the Situation & population of the Several Settlements in that District. My own Knowledge of that Country is very imperfect but from my present impressions I think that it might be...
In Novemr. last I took the liberty to make application through my friends in the united States, for the appointment of Consul for Genoa, since which the Blockade of the Port has been Kept up with so much rigour as to have produced a perfect stagnation in trade, this, together with the encrease of the business of my House at Gibraltar have determined me to leave my establishment here, under the...
It is with deep concern, at a crisis So important, As the present, where the fate, and prosperity, of Our country, and the Happiness, of Our present administration, So much depends on the Exertions, of every real republican, I behold with pain, in reading Over the list of Senators, to find So many decided Federalists, who are no doubt making use, of every Artifice, in their power, to oppose...
Names of the Senators of Sou. Carolina Those marked R. are Republicans, D. are doubtful, and F. are Federals Jno. Gailliard President, R J Blake R R Marion R R Barnwell F Jno. McPherson F J Blasinghame D C. C. Pinckney F Josh. Calhoun R R Pinckney, F Levy Casey—R J. Postell Senr. F Wm. A Deas—F B Rogers—F Elias Earl—R Arthur Simpkins R Ths. Farrar R OBrian Smith R C Godwin
Jusqu’au moment je n’ai pas eté honnoré de reponse á touts mes Depeches, que trés respectueusement j’avais humilié a Sa grandeur et Justice, le dernier du 12. Xmbre. passé , et par les mêmes je me Suis fait un devoir de lui exposer le plus convenable, et de lui attester mon empressement, et fidelité, que de pouvoir meriter de plus les graces du Puissant Gouvernement. je repette par la presente...
Genrl: Wilkison, will do me the honour to make application to the President, for an appointment in the Army of the United States, if my recommendations are such as may be approved off, I must take the liberty to solicit the appointment of a Lieuftennancy in the recruiting service, however this must be alone submited to your Honour to direct— The President will please pardon the liberty I have...
I take the liberty to recommend to your Excellency the bearer hereof Mr. James Vail my nephew, and to solicit your appointment of him to the place of commercial agent for the United States at in case of Mr. Pattersons declining to fill that office,   I have determined to establish him in a commercial house at that place in addition to mine here, and willing to pledge myself for his filling the...
[ New York, May 7–11, 1804. On May 7–11, 1804, H wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “… if Morris will come. Send him the enclosed note.” Letter not found. ]
On Sunday Bonaparte & wife with the Judges will dine with you. We shall be 16 in number if Morris will come. Send him the enclosed note on horseback, this Evening, that James may bring me an answer in the morning. He is promised the little horse to return. If not prevented by the cleaning of your house I hope the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow. Let the waggon as well as the Coachee come in on...
I have recd your favor of the 5th. instant, and inclose as it requests a remittance of 56 Dolrs. the cost of the Cyder furnished by Col. Cocke. The excellence of the sample, makes me desirous of being recollected on the subject, as soon as the next crop will bear a shipment. If it be convenient to Col. Cocke to spare 14 or 15 Bbles, I shall be glad to take that quantity, and thank you for...
I have the Honour to transmit to you inclosed the Copy of a Letter which, though dated yesterday, has just been sent to my House by Mr Henry Suttle, the Person named in the Representation which I had the Honour to make to you on the 4th of this Month. In Consequence, Sir, of this Letter, it is now necessary that I should trouble you farther by stating that on the Day (the 2nd Inst. now Nine...
11 May 1804, Tunis. “The letter you did me the honor to write, on the 26th. Decembr. 1803 was handed me with its enclosures, on the evening of the 24th. Ultimo by Rd. OBrien Esqr; who came here in the U: S: Schooner Enterprise, at the request of the Consul General Lear, ‘in order to confer with me and ascertain the precise expectations of the Bey of Tunis, and close our affairs, with this...
11 May 1804, Surinam. “It has again become my duty to communicate to your department another change of the Govt. of this Colony. It capitulated on the fourth Instant to Sir Charles Green & Samuel Hood Esq Commanders in Chief of the B. Forces. Inclosed you will find a Paper contg. the capitulation. I shall take the earliest oppy to inform you of the new regulations when they are made known.”...
Agreably to your direction I shipped to Georgetown to the care of Mr Barns the two Boxes and an Empty vase as I received them from the ship Hannah Captn Yardsley—In the vase there was not the least trace of plant or root, I thought it best to forward the vase as it was to you, the Captn assuring me he would charge no freight—The plants I understand from the Captn were just taking root when...
On receipt of your letter of the 27th ulto., which was I think on the 2d instt., I had immediately a commission issued in Mr Nicholas’s name & transmitted to him at Warren; and by same mail wrote to Mr Davies that his resignation would be accepted. It is not practicable to recall the proceedings. I never had thought Mr Nicholson equal to the office of Commissr. of loans, and on hearing of his...
I enclose a letter from Mr Trist which does not give a very flattering account of our official prospects in New Orleans. I think we must take our officers from the many candidates who migrate there. Mr Nicholas may be one of them. The Rhode Island delegation very strenuously recommended a person , not Russel, whose name I have forgotten, but whom you may find in your file. Affectionately &...
I have again presumed to intrude on your Exclys. condescention. That innate fear of Committing myself to censure thro’ inexperience, so natural to persons of my age (29) has emboldened me to trouble you again, for your opinion of the enclosed dedication which will be put to press on the 1st. of June next (the whole work being finished except the plates) Your silence on that head, untill that...
10 May 1804, New Orleans. “Mr. Lyon has agreed to reprint, in his paper, the Laws of the United States upon the terms you proposed; but in full expectation that when you are acquainted with the high expenses attending his establishment, you will augment his compensation. Of these expenses Mr. Lyon can inform you in person, and I believe they are infinitely greater than the printers in any...
10 May 1804, New Orleans. “Your letter of the 9th. ultimo, together with its enclosures, I have this moment received and beg you to be assured of my faithful attention thereto. “The Spanish Commissioner the Marquis of Casa Calvo, the late Governor Salcedo, and the Intendant Moralis, are yet here; the Marquis contemplates a long residence; Salcedo is making preparations to retire to the...
10 May 1804, Gibraltar. No. 149. “Without the honor of any of your favours since my last No. 148 [24 Apr. 1804] I have only time to forward you Via Cadiz the annexd Copy of a Letter just received from our Comercial Agent Stepn: Cathalan Junr: Esqr. at Marseilles with the Disagreeable News of Tunis having declared Warr against the U. S. “None of our State Vessels in this Neighbourhood.” Adds in...
10 May 1804, Antwerp. “I have the honour to transmit you enclosed, 1°. Triplicate of my Letter of the 1st March last by the Diana of Philadelphia which Ship has been detained Six Weeks at Flushing by an Embargo. 2°. Duplicate of my last respects of the 14th. April ⅌ the Brig Cherokee of Boston & of its enclosures. 3°. Copy of the Table fixing the rate of the Colis Fee or Wharfage money payable...
10 May 1804, Philadelphia. Informs JM that he has arrived at Philadelphia where he intends to spend the summer. All communications may be directed to him there. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , Spain, vol. 2). 1 p.; in Spanish; docketed by Wagner.