George Washington Papers

[Diary entry: 25 May 1785]

Wednesday 25th. Mercury at 64 in the Morning—67 at Noon and 70 at Night.

Wind pretty fresh all day from the Southward. Clear, and pleasant—very conducive to Vegetation.

The blossom of the transplanted fringe tree was beginning to display. The locust blossom full out.

Expected General Roberdeau and some Methodist Clergymen to dinner but they did not come. Had Peas for the [first] time in the season at Dinner.

Daniel Roberdeau (1727–1795), once a Philadelphia merchant dealing largely in the West Indies trade, served as a brigadier general of Pennsylvania militia during the early years of the Revolution and later served in the Continental Congress. He had moved his family to Alexandria some time before 1780, when he became a member of a fire company in that town (MOORE [1] description begins Gay Montague Moore. Seaport in Virginia: George Washington’s Alexandria. 1949. Reprint. Charlottesville, Va., 1972. description ends , 152).

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