Results 48401-48450 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
48401 Adams, John Adams, Abigail John Adams to Abigail Adams, 28 April 1777 1777-04-28 There is a Clock Calm, at this Time, in the political and military Hemispheres. The Surface is...
48402 Adams, John Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Adams, 17 October 1798 1798-10-17 I have received, last night, a Letter from His Excellency Governor Jay, inclosing a Copy of an...
48403 Washington, George [Diary entry: 16 March 1771] 1771-03-16 16. Rid by Posey’s to the Mill in the forenoon—at home afterwards.
48404 Van der Kemp, François Adriaan Adams, John To John Adams from François Adriaan Van der Kemp, 9 … 1826-06-09 So many months are past Since I received a Single line from Massachusetts—in former days I was...
48405 Jefferson, Thomas Vaughan, John Thomas Jefferson to John Vaughan, 3 July 1812 1812-07-03 The Atlas of Le Sage & work of mr Tracy are safely recieved. I observe noted on the package that...
48406 Washington, George Washington, William Augustine From George Washington to William Augustine Washington … 1795-05-17 If the enclosed should get to your hands in time, it may serve to remove doubts, and for that...
48407 Cushing, Hannah Phillips Adams, Abigail Smith From Hannah Phillips Cushing to Abigail Smith Adams, 23 … 1813-02-23 My mind it seems had been in unison with yours for some time past, & I had determined the last...
48408 Bordwell, Joel Jay, John To John Jay from Joel Bordwell, 2 October 1787 1787-10-02 May it please your Excellency to accept a Line from us as a Token of Respect from me . Methinks...
48409 Washington, George Lamb, John From George Washington to Colonel John Lamb, 13 August … 1779-08-13 I have received Your favor of Yesterday. By the Resolutions of Congress the Regimental pay...
48410 Washington, George [Diary entry: 5 September 1769] 1769-09-05 5. Clear and warm with but little wind & that appearing to be Southwardly.
48411 Washington, George Martin, Thomas Coleman From George Washington to Thomas Coleman Martin, 17 … 1798-06-17 I have received your letter of the 21st Ulto in answer to mine, relative to the Wheat Machine. At...
48412 Jefferson, Thomas Crosby, Sampson From Thomas Jefferson to Sampson Crosby, 15 September … 1795-09-15 Your favor of July 28 . came duly to hand, and since that I have recieved the box containing...
48413 Willis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Willis, 11 October 1804 1804-10-11 Letter not found. 11 October 1804. Described in Daniel Brent to Willis, 23 Oct. 1804 (DNA: RG 59,...
48414 Jefferson, George Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson, 15 March … 1803-03-15 I duly received your favor of the 5th. inclosing 1000$, with which I have taken up your dft in...
48415 Washington, George Adams, John To John Adams from George Washington, 20 August 1795 1795-08-20 I have received your favor of the 10th. inst. with its enclosures.—They contain a great deal of...
48416 Pope, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Pope, 31 October 1808 1808-10-31 As you are now very busily employed in your official duties; which increases as Congress...
48417 Paradise, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Paradise and William … 1779-06-01 AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Paradise and Mr. Jones present their best respects to Dr....
48418 George Jefferson & Company Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from George Jefferson & Company, 25 … 1798-01-25 Your favor of the 14th. instant enclosing a note of Mr. Barnes’s for $500. to be taken up by Mr....
48419 Hodgson, Adam Adam Hodgson’s Account of a Visit to Monticello, [17 … 1820-06-18 ———. I fear , however, that I am leaving no room for an account of my very interesting visit to...
48420 Franklin, Benjamin Banks, Joseph From Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Banks, 30 November … 1783-11-30 ALS : British Library; press copy of ALS : Harvard University Library I did myself the honour of...
48421 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 30 January 1821 1821-01-30 The inclosed letter to mr. Cabell so fully explains it’s object, and the grounds on which your...
48422 Gerry, Elbridge Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Elbridge Gerry and Others, 23 … 1785-08-23 We have the honor of addressing this by our worthy friend, the honorable Mr. Sayre, who was...
48423 Jefferson, Thomas Carroll, Charles From Thomas Jefferson to Charles Carroll, 4 April 1791 1791-04-04 Mr. Brown having agreed to settle our balance at £21. 16s. 9d. sterling principal and interest, I...
48424 Jefferson, Thomas Goodman, Jeremiah Augustus Thomas Jefferson to Jeremiah A. Goodman, 11 March 1813 1813-03-11 The blockade of the Chesapeak having sunk the price of flour to 7. Bar Dollars , for which I am...
48425 Villiers, Louis-Pierre Dufourny de Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Louis-Pierre Dufourny de … 1779-12-08 ALS : American Philosophical Society Une Personne que je désirerois obliger, m’a consulté sur...
48426 Jefferson, Thomas Peale, Charles Willson Thomas Jefferson to Charles Willson Peale, 18 February … 1818-02-18 Your favor of Jan. 15. is recieved, and I am indebted to you for others; but the torpitude of...
48427 Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin, Albert From Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 31 October … 1807-10-31 The rent we proposed for the Indiana lead mine was 2/10 of 3. years’ produce = 6/10 of 1. years...
48428 Vaughan, Benjamin Jay, John To John Jay from Benjamin Vaughan, 12 October 1789 1789-10-12 Inclosed I trouble you with a bill of lading for some goods for Yale College, ordered by D r ....
48429 Franklin, Benjamin Coombe, Thomas, Jr. From Benjamin Franklin to Thomas Coombe, Jr., 22 July … 1774-07-22 ALS : Yale University Library; draft: American Philosophical Society I received with great...
48430 Jefferson, Thomas Virginia Delegates From Thomas Jefferson to the Virginia Delegates in … 1781-02-07 The Courier d’Europe a vessel from Penet & Coy. [Company] having on board military stores for...
48431 Jefferson, Thomas Tyler, John Thomas Jefferson to John Tyler, 26 May 1810 1810-05-26 Your friendly letter of the 12 th has been duly recieved. altho I have laid it down as a law to...
48432 Paterson, John Washington, George To George Washington from Brigadier General John … 1778-10-28 Your Excellency has been informed that my Brigade, have had a larger & better supply of...
48433 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander From George Washington to Alexander Hamilton, 18 March … 1794-03-18 Pay to the Director of the Mint the within sum of sixteen hundred dollars—and also the further...
48434 Franklin, Benjamin Election Results in Philadelphia County, 1764 [1–3 … 1764-10-01 AD : American Philosophical Society The county elections for members of the Assembly and for...
48435 Washington, George [Diary entry: 13 June 1771] 1771-06-13 13. At the same place as yesterday & on the same business till Dinner. Colo. Fairfax & Lady dined...
48436 Madison, James Gallatin, Albert From James Madison to Albert Gallatin (Abstract), 1 … 1805-02-01 1 February 1805, Department of State . “I request you to be pleased to issue a warrant for three...
48437 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1806-08-03 I arrived here yesterday after a very fatiguing journey but find my health tolerably good Your...
48438 Dougherty, Joseph Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Dougherty, 16 August … 1805-08-16 I Recd. your second Letter yesterday morn. the preceding evening the box containing the other...
48439 Morris, Robert Washington, George To George Washington from Robert Morris, 29 August 1782 1782-08-29 I am to request your Excellency that out of the Sums which may come to your Hands in the Manner...
48440 Franklin, Benjamin Vicq d’Azyr, Félix From Benjamin Franklin to Félix Vicq d’Azyr, 1 March … 1784-03-01 ALS : Académie Nationale de Médecine, Paris I should be very happy to be present at the Reading...
48441 Walton, Matthew Madison, James To James Madison from Matthew Walton, 11 September 1812 … 1812-09-11 11 September 1812 , “ Prince Edwd .” Expresses his opinion that William Hull’s name should be...
48442 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 24 August 1803 1803-08-24 Your two favors of the 18th. & 20th. were recieved on the 21st. The letters of Livingston &...
48443 Nourse, Joseph Madison, James To James Madison from Joseph Nourse, 16 April 1823 1823-04-16 I have examined the items of Account presented by Anthony Morris Esq under the head of Contingent...
48444 Washington, George [Diary entry: 2 December 1769] 1769-12-02 2. Lowering Forenoon with some Intervals [of] Sun in the Afternoon. Warm. Wind So. Wt.
48445 Truxtun, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Truxtun, 6 May 1808 1808-05-06 After You read the enclosed hasty Scrawl, you will do me the Justice to Appreciate My disposition...
48446 Committee of the Continental Congress To Thomas Jefferson from the Marine Committee of … 1779-06-25 Philadelphia, 25 June 1779 . They inform the Governor of Virginia that “the Minister...
48447 Roane, Spencer Jefferson, Thomas Spencer Roane to Thomas Jefferson, 22 August 1818 1818-08-22 On my arrival at this place, a few days ago, I found your favour of 28 th June . The postmaster...
48448 Adams, John Quincy Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from John Quincy Adams, 12 August … 1794-08-12 I have just received your favor of the 9th inst. with the inclosures, and agreeable to your...
48449 Webb, Foster Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Foster Webb, 12 April 1781 1781-04-12 We have no Continental Money on hand, and do not think any can be procured. There stil remains...
48450 Rush, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas Benjamin Rush to Thomas Jefferson, 2 January 1811 1811-01-02 Soon After I received your last & Affectionate letter , I was called upon to witness a most...