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Yrs. to Mr Js Taylor who is at N York came to my hands this day. he inform’d me that the Champagne was disposed of before your letter got to him, & that he had wrote you it could not be obtaind but expect his letter must have miscarried.— No good Champagne can be purchased here at present that I can hear of, or I should have bought it & sent it on. we are full of French Soldiers from Havana...
I recieved last night your favor of the 19th. and am sorry you have paid so much respect to my dimensions as to puzzle yourself with them, and still more to alter the writing machinery. they were meant to be entirely subject to your correction, & they are still so. I made the drawing from memory, & have seen since I returned here and have had a polygraph under my eye that I had not left room...
In the Washington Federalist of May 18. a person, well known here , has undertaken to give a report of an action at law lately tried in the district court of Charlottesville, wherein the President of the US. was pl. and one Johnson def. the tendency of this statement is to mislead the public by presenting one part only of proceedings at law, instituted for the establishment of a right to...
I have to apologize for not forwarding the Case from Kuhn, Green & Co, ere this; the reason was, that no opportunity has offered till now.—I have this day put it on board the Schooner Citizen, Capt. Lawson, addressed to Mr. Barnes of George Town—the vessel sails the first fair wind—I have written Mr Barnes ⅌ Post, requesting his attention to forwarding the same—After begging you to accept my...
Had You been no other than the private inhabitant of Montecello, I should e’er this time have addrest you, with that Sympathy, which a recent event has awakend in my Bosom. but reasons of various kinds withheld my pen, untill the powerfull feelings of my heart, have burst through the restraint, and called upon me to shed the tear of sorrow over the departed remains, of Your beloved and...
I have received, my best friend, your kind and truly affectionate letter of the 12 th: or rather 6 th: inst t: on which I find some of George’s taste for literature, as I presume by the scratches I take to be his hand-writing. It is not improbable but that my Spirits have been some few degrees below the point of temperate warmth, and that my letters may have betrayed some marks of it— Yet my...
I sieze the earliest opportunity of answering your very kind letter of the 9 th which I did not recieve untill friday evening owing to a violent of Storm of Thunder and Lightning and the heaviest Rain ever known in this part of the Country by which the roads have been so much injured that the mail was delayed one day I never witness any thing like it M rs. Hellen who continues in a very weak...
I have the Honour to acknowlege the Receipt of your Letter of Yesterday’s Date, and to acquaint you, in Answer to it, that I have no other Evidence to furnish of the Violation of my Dwelling by the Officer of Justice mentioned in the Letter I had the Honour to address to you on the 4th. Inst. than that of one of my Servants, a Woman of Colour, who saw the Constable within my Dwelling at the...
I have lately recieved a letter from Genl Smith covering one from Mr John A Morton, who was formerly of this County, but who now resides at Bordeaux, who has been some time since anxious for an appointment from the Government of the United States, as Commercial agent, at Bordeaux, Havre, or Antwerp. He informs me that the Consul of the United States at Bordea[u]x has lately failed in business,...
20 May 1804, Santiago de Cuba. “On the 9th. April last died in this city, Alexander Frazier, who called himself of Baltr. But, I believe ’tis certain he was not a native american, if a citizen. I had several times seen Sd. Frazier, but Knew very little of him. Some say he was born in germany, others in Holland, by his Speech I took him for a scotch man. But, as I understood he called himself...
20 May 1804, Washington, North Carolina. “Being led to hope that the late Convention with the French Republic provides for the Citizens of the United States who have suffered previous to September 1800. by illegal captures and Condemnation of their Vessells in the Ports of the Republic, And being informed that through you such Claims are to be forwarded to Fulwar Skipwith Esquire the Agent of...
20 May 1804, New Orleans. “The Treaty ceding Louisiana to Spain in 1762 and her act of acceptance I have not been able to meet with among any of the records in this City. In the Archives of the Cabildo (now in possession of the Municipality) I find no traces of any events prior to the arrival of General O’Reilly. “The proceedings of the Supreme Council of New Orleans (under the Government of...
Had you been no other than the private inhabitant of Montecello, I should e’er this time have addrest you, with that sympathy, which a recent event has awakend in my Bosom. but reasons of various kinds withheld my pen, untill the powerfull feelings of my heart, have burst through the restraint, and called upon me to shed the tear of sorrow over the departed remains, of your beloved and...
Since my last Letter , I have endeavoured to inform myself of such vacant Land which from quality and situation was the most valuable. I have sought information upon this subject, from several old Inhabitants, but more particularly from Don Carlos Trudeau late Surveyor General of Louisiana, a man of some Science, great integrity of Character, and possessing much local knowledge.— Mr. Trudeau...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 16th. of this month in which you express the acceptance by the Bank of the United States of the terms and conditions on which certain claims are to be paid thro’ the Office of Discount and Deposit in this City, as set forth in my letter of the 24th. Ult., and also that the office has named James Davidson Esquire their Cashier to be the Agent...
Your Letters of the 4th and 11th Inst. were laid before the President on his Arrival at the Seat of Government, and I have now the Honour to assure you, in Pursuance of his Direction, that the Interest which the United States have in common with other Nations, in the Immunities attached to public Ministers, is seconded by his Disposition to maintain them in all their legal Extent. The...
Information has been received that several Malefactors have been forcibly put on board of American Vessels, by the Officers of the Batavian Government at Surinam, to be brought to the U:States. This is a practice so injurious to the public safety, and so derogatory to the respect which is due from one government to another, that it cannot be tolerated by ours, and will not, as it is presumed,...
Your favor enclosing a dft. for fifty six dollars came to hand yesterday. I am much pleased to hear that the Cyder has proved to be excellent. I will as soon as I can see Colo. Cocke engage 15 blls for you. I now do myself the pleasure of sending you for a sample two quarter Casks of Wine—one of Madeira six Years old—warranted to be of the first quality—the other of the best Lisbon Wine....
You requested that I would get a copy of the costs in the qui tam vs Johnson —I suppose you wanted only Johnson’s costs—they amount to fifty one dollars, & twenty one cents.—Johnson has applied to me to day on the subject, & I told him that I should write to you immediately & expected that you would make arrangements to pay him the money in a very short time All your friends in this quarter...
Yours of the 15th Instant received yesterday. The Cabinet work of your Polygraph is nearly complete, it is a neat and good piece of work but without any ornaments of fineering. I am now making tryal of the machinery and finding some advantage by a different length of the horozontal part. I have ordered such to be made as I think will best suit the desk; something shorter than that you have in...
J’ai reçu la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 15 de ce mois contenant l’extrait de celle qui vous est adressée par le collecteur de Charleston relativement à la Corvette Française le Télégraphe. Le batiment, Monsieur, ayant mis à la voile de Charleston, il y a près de deux mois, l’avis du Collecteur est aujourdhui sans objet. Je prendrai la liberté, Monsieur, de vous faire...
18 May 1804, Biddeford. “If you will do me the Honor to give me your Opinion on a Law of the United States, which Provides for the Captain of a Ship to make Return of his Crew on his return from a Foreign Voyage, Provided any of his Crew are taken from the Ship. In November last past I Commanded the Ship Ocean from this Port, and on my Passage from Barbadoes here, I had Two Men Elisha Andrews...
18 May 1804, London. No. 33. “Conformably to a clause in your instructions of April 4th. 1803 it is now my duty to report to you that the Ship Ruby Alexander Shaw Master registered as the Property of Niele McNeal of Charleston sailed from this Port on the 15th. Instant for Angola on the Coast of Africa and from thence was destined to proceed to Charleston South Carolina.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD...
18 May 1804, Gibraltar. No. 150. “By my last Communication No: 149 [10 May 1804] I had the honour of anexing Copy of one from Stephen Cathalan Junr: Esqr. Comercial agent at Marseilles in conformity to his request, but have not heard further from him on the Subject of the Tunis Warr. Capn: Dogget in the Brig Albion from Marseilles for Boston arrived the 15th: Int: in 12 days, who informed me...
The following is a list of Articles forwarded you by Mr. Peter Chouteau . Minerals . No. 1. A specimen of Silver Oar from Mexico No. 2. ditto of lead, supposed to contain a considerable quantity of Silver, from Mexico. } These were presented me by Mr. Peter Chouteau, who received them from the Osage Indians—They having collected them in some of Their War excursions into that Country No. 3. An...
I have since my last received your favors of the 3d. & 8th—Hollo day to whom you allude has been dead for some time. If Henderson were a person in whose correctness I placed confidence, I would without waiting to hear from you again have the mill-stones valued; but knowing him as I do, I apprehend if he were pleased with the valuation he would abide by it, and if not, would say, he had not...
Refered to by the Map  No. 1 Plan.  At about three hundred miles from the village of the great Ozages in a west direction, after having passed many branches of the River Arkansas, is found a low ground, surrounded with Hills of an immense extent, having a diameter of about fifteen Leagues.—The soil is a black sand, very fine, & so hard, that Horses hardly leave their tracts upon it; in warm...
I have the honor to enclose for your signature Commissions for the following gentlemen, now Lieutenants { Charles Stewart— Captain in the Navy. Isaac Hull } to be Masters Commandants Andrew Sterett John Shaw Isaac Chauncey John Smith Richard Somers Stephen Decatur & George Cox now Midshipmen { Arthur St. Clair
On my arrival here I found your favor of the 8th. instant, and now return you the Diplomas signed. I will thank you to subscribe for three copies of the volume of transactions now coming out. I am glad to learn they will in future be in 8vo. it is certainly the most convenient form, and pedantry alone ever introduced the folio and quarto formats. Accept my friendly salutations & assurances of...
From Capt. Rogers I have understood that It is the Intention of Government to send, Armed Vessells to the Neighbourhood of Hispaniola, for the protection of our Commerce against uncommission[ed] French Vessels. This information has not a little alarmed our Republican Merchants, they Say, when we trade to Hispaniola, we know our Risque & take it at our peril, we know we have no right to trade...
17 May 1804, Philadelphia. “A few days ago came to my hand the Inclosed Account and Bill of Exchange —it is informal by the Neglect of my friend Mr. Bernard Lacoste not puting his name as an endorser. Should that be the only difficulty—in Order to remove that part of the Busness—I am willing to receive the money and give a receipt makeing myself Accountable should any thing turn up that may...
17 May 1804, Baltimore. “Having some time since taken the liberty of troubling you with a complaint respecting the capture of my Brig Lear, I now beg leave to communicate to you the result thereof. “The enclosed Paper No. 1, is copy of a Letter written to my Correspondent at St Kitts, & accompanying such vouchers as I thought might be required; the paper No 2 is copy of his reply thereto, by...
17 May 1804, Cadiz. “I had the honour of writing you the 28th. March whereof I inclose you a Copy. “I have now that of transmitting you Copy of a letter just received from John Leonard Consul at Barcelona concerning the report at Marseilles that the Bey of Tunis had declared War to the U, S, of America; should said event be unfortunately confirmed, I will do myself the pleasure of informing...
It is with reluctance that I take the liberty of addressing you least I should give offence, and finding that I am not capable of expressing myself as I could wish causes a timidity which I cannot avoid especially to so Great a personage but when the reason is known I flatter myself to be pardon’d. Men I am afraid who I aught to reverence for their grey hairs has attempted to injure me in the...
I took the liberty when I was at the City of Washington, of recommending as a fit person for a commercial agency, Mr. John D. Lewis Son to the Marshall of the District of Delaware. Mr. Lewis will deliver you this letter. His present wish is to be appointed Commercial Agent at Martinique. The present situation of mercantile affairs seems to render an appointment of an agent at that Island...
I hope you will Pardon the freedom I take in troubling your excellency about such an affair as I am about to relate to you, but the Losses I have sustained these 3 years Past prompts me to it. On the 20th. of Novr. I took Command of the Brig ReUnion of Charleston, owned by Harry Grant. who was one of our Consuls at Leith but was mostly at Paris. I arrived at Morlaix in France, Consigned to...
16 May 1804, Office of Discount and Deposit, Washington. “The Letter which you did me the honor to write me on the 24th. Ultimo respecting certain funds in the hands of Mr. George W: Erving in London, having with your concurrence been referred to the Bank of the United States; the Board have been favored in course with an answer from that Party, empowering them to take immediate order for...
16 May 1804, Portsmouth. “Jonathan Steele Esqr who was lately appointed District Attorney for N. H has resigned that office; I would therefore ask leave to name, Daniel Humphrys Esqr. for that appointment; this Gentleman has been many years in the practice of the law, sound in his principles, the man of Talents, and sterling integrity—he is Brother to David Humphryes who was our late Minister...
16 May 1804, Bordeaux. “I have the honour to enclose you copies of my last respects under date of the 11 Ulto. and 12 inst. “The Contestations with the Custom house which I mentioned in my last have nearly ceased and the several failures which took place in this City about the begining of January being long since known in the UStates no further difficulty of that nature is to be apprehended....
16 May 1804, Boston. “It is with extreme reluctance that we are again compelled to address you on our affair in Spain, & to give you any additional trouble in soliciting your attention to that business; but we find, that it is only through our own Government, we can hope to obtain that protection & justice, which the Spanish Government seems totally to have denied us. “We beg leave to refer...
16 May 1804, Washington. “The many strange methods that have been adopted, by a Vilanous, and active combination, to ruin me, makes me regrett your being occupied, at the hour you appointed for me to call on you—a few minutes would have been sufficient to have convince’d you that the characters that were named, as my accusers merit no credit, as they are the persons who are implicated, in the...
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to mr Beckley and incloses him a catalogue just recieved from mr Erving of some books shipped by him lately for the Congressional library, cost £68.2. sterling. mr Irving adds that there remains in his hand an unexpended balance of £63.1.1 sterl. Th:J. has recieved no account yet from mr Livingston of the balance remaining in his hands. perhaps...
Your favor of April 13. came to hand in due time, and I have heard of the arrival of the two tons of nailrod at Richmond which are therein announced. the remittance for the same shall be made at it’s due time. on a late visit to Monticello I found that the manager of my nailery had so increased it’s activity as to call for a larger supply of rod quarterly than had heretofore been necessary. I...
Washington, D.C., 16 May 1804 . TJ issues a “full free and entire pardon” of James Medcalfe of Pennsylvania, mariner, who was convicted by a U.S. Circuit Court in Pennsylvania of a misdemeanor violation of an act of Congress entitled “An Act in addition to the act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States.” Medcalfe had been sentenced to three months imprisonment and fined...
I take the liberty of sending to you the enclosed for Consideration—If you should be of the Opinion, as I am, that Capt Morris ought to be dismissed without the intervention of a Court Martial, you will be pleased to Correct the enclosed letter so as to please yourself— Respectfully Y H S RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 16 May and “Capt Morris’s case” and so...
May 16. Deptmt War. Pichon’s complt of not returng salute to flag at N.O. Presents to Indns. at St. Louis. tobo. Whiskey. Capt. Lewis says 2000 D war between Kickapoos & oth. Indns. E. of Misipi, & Osages Homestubbe’s talk. Poutewatamies have killed the Indian murderers Capt Stoddart . barracks wanted at St. Louis a stone fort intended as only a bastion. gorge wants closing best to erect...
Understanding that Benjamin Parke, Esqr. is an applicant for the appointment of Receiver of the Land-office about to be opened at Vincennes, I take the liberty to trouble you with a few lines in his behalf. This would be unnecessary were he as well known at Washington as he is here, and were it not that every Candidate for office is at this time particularly liable to have his character...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the ratification, by the Legislature of Rhode Island, of the Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, relative to the election of President and Vice President, which you have been pleased to transmit to me. With the greatest respect, I have the honor to be, Sir, Your most obed. servt. RC ( R-Ar ). In Wagner’s hand, signed by JM;...
Le soussigné chargé d’affaires de la République française après avoir revendiqué les droits de son gouvernement qu’il considère comme lèsés par le caractère que prennent les communications entre les Etats Unis et les révoltés de st. Domingue, croit prévenir les intentions du même gouvernement en désavouant les irrégularités qui paraissent se commettre par des Corsaires portant Pavillon français...
The explanations, which the government of France, has given to his Catholic Majesty concerning the sale of Louisiana to the United States, and the amicable dispositions on the part of the King my master towards these States, have determined him to abandon the oposition, which at a prior period and with the most substantial motives, he had manifested against that transaction. In consequence and...