Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Wharton, 15 May 1779

From Samuel Wharton

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris 15 May 1779

Dear Sir

I have sent a parcel of Papers about Vandalia, which it may be proper, That you should have a Copy of.4 I am with the sincerest Respect & Esteem Dear Sir Your’s most affectionately

Saml. Wharton

His Excellency Benjamin Franklin Esqr. &c &c &c—

Notation: Wharton Paris 15 may 1779.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4BF and Wharton were still partners in the proposed colony to be founded on lands purchased from the Indians: XXII, 19–21. Wharton continued to pursue their claims with Congress: George E. Lewis, The Indiana Company 1763–1778: a Study in Eighteenth Century Frontier Land Speculation and Business Venture (Glendale, Cal., 1941), p. 249. On July 1 Wharton wrote to WTF requesting “the fair & rough Copy of the Memorial concerning Vandalia.” APS.

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