Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Preston Moore, 21 February 1761

To Samuel Preston Moore

ALS: Library Company of Philadelphia

London, Feb. 21, 1761

Dear Sir

I wrote to you per Capt. Calef, via New-York, that I had receiv’d yours8 with a Copy of the Act that I had put it into the Hands of our Solicitor Mr. Eyre, and would do what I could to forward it.9 But the Copy you sent me not being under Seal, we could not present it; and were oblig’d to wait Mr. Penn’s Leisure, who had the regular Copy in his Hands. By the enclos’d Notes you will see what Progress has been made.1 I shall defray all necessary Expences as you desire;2 being with great Regard, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

To S. P. Moore, Esqr

Endorsed: From Benjn. Franklin Esqr. Feb. 21. 1761

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8Neither BF’s nor Moore’s letter mentioned here has been found.

9For an explanation of the private act in favor of Moore and Richard Hill, see above, pp. 271–2 n.

1Penn presented this act with others to the Privy Council, Jan. 15, 1761; they were referred to the Privy Council Committee the next day, and by the Committee to the Board of Trade on the 20th. The Board of Trade in turn referred them to its counsel, Sir Matthew Lamb, on February 5. Statutes at Large, Pa., V, 646–8. BF’s “Notes” have not been found.

2Eyre’s itemized and receipted bill of Aug. 10, 1761, indicates that the expences totaled £36 15s., which BF paid. Lib. Co. Phila. See also “Account of Expences,” p. 61; PMHB, LV (1931), 131.

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