Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Arthur Lee: Two Notes, 18 February 1779

To Arthur Lee: Two Notes

(I) and (II) LS:4 Harvard University Library; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives


Passy, Feb. 18. 1779.


I have the honor to communicate to you herewith Copies of Resolutions of Congress, of Sept. 11. Sept. 14. & Oct. 22.5 I shall endeavour strictly to comply on my Part with the Commands of Congress contained in the latter; which are at the same time perfectly agreable to my Inclinations.

I have the honor to be with great Respect Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant.

B Franklin

Honble. A. Lee Esqr. Chaillot.


Passy, Feb. 18. 1779.


I beg you will be pleased to send me by the Bearer, all the public Papers in your hands, belonging to this Department.

I have the honor to be with great Respect Sir Your most obedient humble Servant.

B Franklin

Honble. A. Lee Esqr Chaillot.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

4In WTF’s hand.

5Concerning BF’s election as minister plenipotentiary and his instructions: XXVII, 633–46; JCC, XII, 901, 908, 1039–52.

Index Entries