George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Brigadier General John Paterson, 28 October 1778

From Brigadier General John Paterson

Hartford Octor 28th 1778


Your Excellency has been informed that my Brigade, have had a larger & better supply of cloathing, than any of the other Massachusetts Brigades1—The Regiments in my Brigade, have not had more cloaths than the Others. Last spring they had a supply of cloathing, at the same time with the other Brigades, which is the only time they have had any, since they have been in service, all the Westcoats & Breeches, & most of the Coats, are now worn out, owing to the bad Quality of the Cloath—I shall be much obliged to your Excellency, to be put upon a footing, with the rest of the Troops from Massachusetts. I am with much respect your Excellencys Obedt hble servt

Jno. Paterson

ALS, DLC:GW. GW replied to this letter on 1 Nov. (DLC:GW).

1For GW’s previous information regarding the clothing of Paterson’s brigade, see GW’s letters to Horatio Gates and to George Measam, both dated 27 October.

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