James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Edward Richards, 23 May 1804

To Edward Richards

Department of State 23d. May 1804.


The President has received your letter of the 17th. with its enclosures.1 It does not appear from your statement, that, in the wrongs you mention that you have sustained, there is any circumstance calling for or even admitting of the interposition of the Executive of the United States; but your complaint seems to be rather of a nature to be pursued in the Courts of Justice according to the counsel you may obtain from the profession of the law. Your papers are herewith returned. I am &c.

James Madison

Letterbook copy (DNA: RG 59, DL, vol. 14). Addressed to Richards at City Point, Virginia.

1In his letter Capt. Edward Richards complained of the confiscation of his ship in Saint-Domingue, described his subsequent efforts to obtain reimbursement, and requested Jefferson’s intervention (Richards to Jefferson, 17 May 1804, DNA: RG 59, ML; docketed by Jefferson and by Wagner as received 23 May).

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