Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Abraham Du Buc de Marentille, 23 May 1804

From Abraham Du Buc de Marentille1

Elizabeth town [New Jersey] Ce. 23. mai. 1804.


Si, comme je l’espère, vous avez trouvé mon manuscrit, Je vous Serai obligé de vouloir bien le remettre à la personne qui vous délivrera cette lettre Sous mon couvert.2

J’ai l’honneur d’être avec les Sentimens les plus distingués, Monsieur, Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur

Du Buc de Marentille

ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress.

1Du Buc de Marentille had served in the French army during the reign of Louis XVI. He owned property in the West Indies, and after the outbreak of the French Revolution, he emigrated to the United States, where he settled in Elizabethtown, New Jersey (Jonathan Williams to Timothy Pickering, December 6, 1807 [ALS, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston]; Aaron Ogden to Henry Dearborn, July 23, 1807 [copy, Massachusetts Historical Society, Boston]).

2At the bottom of this letter H wrote a receipt for the manuscript, dated May 24, 1804, which is signed “Delagroüe ⟨– – – –⟩.”

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