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Results 48371-48380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
Arrivé depuis le Mexique sur le sol heureux de cette Republique dont le Pouvoir executif à été confié a Vos lumieres, c’est un doux devoir pour moi de Vous présenter mes respects et l’hommage de la’haute admiration que Vos écrits, Vos actions et la liberalité de Vos idées m’ont inspiré dès ma plus tendre jeunesse. Je me flattais de pouvoir Vous les exprimer de bouche en Vous remettant le...
Your Polygraph was nearly finished before I received your favor of the 21st. Instant, and your improvement to command the pull of the spiral Spring shall be made to it. The Machine appears on a short tryal of it, to perform with great accuracy & considerable freedom. The joints are made to fit close without being stiff, and I have thought it best, not to use a single drop of oil in puting it...
Yesterday I paid a Visit Which I had long promised to Old Col: Green of this Country Who was formerly Sent, Towit in the year 1785. by the State of Georgia to demand this Country of the Spainards—On that Occasion, as he informs me, When he Demanded the Country of the Spainish Commandant at Natchez—He replied that it was more than his life was worth to deliver it up, but that he would write to...
Si, comme je l’espère, vous avez trouvé mon manuscrit, Je vous Serai obligé de vouloir bien le remettre à la personne qui vous délivrera cette lettre Sous mon couvert. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec les Sentimens les plus distingués, Monsieur, Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Du Buc de Marentille had served in the French army during the...
Notice is hereby given, that it has been deemed expedient to change the form of the Mediterranean passport issued to Vessels of the United States; that from the eighth day of July next, those of the new form will be issued at the Custom-houses to every Vessel, for which application may be made on a compliance with the terms prescribed by law and surrendering the former passport of which she...
The President has received your letter of the 17th. with its enclosures. It does not appear from your statement, that, in the wrongs you mention that you have sustained, there is any circumstance calling for or even admitting of the interposition of the Executive of the United States; but your complaint seems to be rather of a nature to be pursued in the Courts of Justice according to the...
23 May 1804, Malta. “I have the honour to inform your honour that few days since has pass’d this Island five Russian Frigates who have arrived at Corfu, landed their Troops and lodged them in the respective Forts & Castels. “And are daily expected According to the Levant News about fifteen Russian Men of War. The Grand Caire after a very sanguine Battle has been restored to the Grand Signor....
23 May 1804, Annapolis. “You will owe the trouble of this Letter to my willingness to do justice the Character and professional Skill of Mr. John Bowie Duckett, who wishing for Employment, is pleased to think that my knowledge of him in private Life and at the Bar may aid his pursuits. “He informs me he is authorized by Mr. Mason to say that the Office of Attorney for the District of Columbia...
30. Dollars to Alexander Perry, Queen street Alexandria, to wit 20. D. for himself and 10. D. for mrs Wanscher on account of Martin Wanscher   D   C 51.21 for Monticello 30    81.21 May 23d. 1804 RC ( MHi ); in TJ’s hand, with text in italics in Barnes’s hand; written on a scrap from an address cover, probably from Robert Smith to TJ, 16 May , postmarked at Baltimore that day and with remnant...
The petition of John Devereux DeLacy Humbly sheweth That your petitioner prays as he heretofore has prayed that you sir would take cognizance of his case personally and make therein such order as to you Sir shall appear Just and expedient. That your petitioner having been Atty in fact for William Blount late of Tennessee Decd who was Executor to and a surviving partner of David Allison Decd....