James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William C. C. Claiborne, 24 May 1804 (Abstract)

§ From William C. C. Claiborne

24 May 1804, New Orleans. “There exists a great hatred between the Marquis of Casa Calvo and the late Intendant Morales, and at this time their exertions are mutual to ruin each other.

“The contest is taking such a direction that, the probability is, one of them will lose the confidence of the Court; My private opinion is that, the Marquis is infinitely the most deserving character, and I therefore wish and hope he may triumph over his rival.

“The Privateer of which I spoke in my letter of this morning, has been stopped at Plaquemine; she has no prizes with her, as was reported, but in her possession, is a long boat with ‘The Abigail of New-York’ written on her stern; an attempt has been made to erase the words, but I learn they are still legible; This circumstance leads to a belief that, the Privateer has captured an American vessel on our coast.

“Application is not yet made, for the passage of the Privateer by the Fort.”

RC (DNA: RG 59, TP, Orleans, vol. 4); letterbook copy (Ms-Ar: Claiborne Executive Journal, vol. 13). RC 2 pp.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Claiborne; docketed by Wagner.

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