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Results 48361-48370 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy: Library of Congress I have received the honour of your Excelly’s: Letter of the 3d. Instant. I am very Sensible of the King’s Goodness, in granting Liberty to the Americans who have been taken Prisoners in the English Service as by that means his Majesty Lessons the Number of the Prisoners that may be exchanged for his own Subjects; and I think we ought whenever we can Show our Gratitude...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 26th Inst. and am truely sensible of your friendly Goodwill which you so obligingly Express in answer to my representation which forecast made me judge incumbent, from dread of events. I am happy to advise you that the Arrival of the General Mercer loaden with Tobacco to my address will effectualy prevent any checks to my...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon áme est plus calme mon chér papa, depuis qu’elle s’est déchargée dans la vôtre; depuis qu’elle ne craint plus que mile j + + ne se retire chéz vous, et n’y fasse votre tourment et celui de votre chér fils: plus je refléchie a sa démarche à ce sujét et a la proposition que vous a fait mr de C++, moins je conçois qu’un homme de son age, qui est peu venu...
LS : American Philosophical Society Since I received your orders to Sail for Port L’Orient, I have been Waiting in this River for a boat Loaded with provisions, and fear wind; but now having all aboard and the Wind S E. I am getting under Sail and Expect to be to-morrow at Port-Louis. I have at présent theerten passengers beside the honble. John Adams, his Son and Servant. Please to Write me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The person who will deliver this letter is a priest of the Roman Catholic persuasion, and one of my antagonists in metaphysical matters, but a man of a very liberal disposition, and with whom I have spent many an agreeable hour. He is so obliging as to undertake to deliver to you my Treatise on Education , and my Correspondence with Dr Price . I shall very...
Copy: Library of Congress If one Nicolas Davis should come to Dunkirk, and Demand Assistances as an American in distress, I desire you not to give him anything, he having already defrauded us of great sums. I have the honour to be & In BF ’s letterbook the present letter immediately follows two letters dated May 9 and precedes one dated May 10.
LS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I received yours with a Copy of the Resolution of the 26th past which gave me a great deal of Pleasure. If one Nicholas Davis, who lodges in the Warmoes Straat Amsterdam, at the House of Jan Hendrik Consé, should apply to you for Assistance as an American, I desire you to take no Notice of him for he has already cheated us of considerable...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your obliging Letter of the 3d. Instant, with two Pamphlets, for which I thank you, and shall be glad of any others of the Kind that are esteemed to be well written. I have received lately two Letters from one Nicolas Davis, who is now in Amsterdam at the House of Jan. Hendrik Conse in de Warmoes-straat, and asks me for Money. I am afraid that if he can...
LS : National Archives; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 1st Instant, I have made the Application you desire in behalf of the Officer who wishes to have leave to go with you, and for the Americans who are come from Senegal, and I hope for a favourable Answer. I need not tell you that I wish you a good Voyage, and all the Success that I am sure you...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours of the 29th past from Nantes. I hope you are before this time safely arrived at L’Orient. M. De la Luzerne is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, and you will soon see him. He and the Secretary of the Embassy are both very agreable and sensible Men, in whose Conversation you will have a...