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Results 48361-48410 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
An occasion has occurred, in relation to a demand set up by the proctors, who have conducted the...
Il aurait été bien flatteur pour moi de pouvoir Vous remettre personellement le Pacquet—ci-joint...
24 May 1804, Marseilles. “I have the honor of enclosing you a Copy of a letter to me from Mr...
24 May 1804, New Orleans. “In my letter of the 24th. of January I mentioned the agitation in the...
24 May 1804, New Orleans. “There exists a great hatred between the Marquis of Casa Calvo and the...
24 May 1804, Lisbon. “I have not heard a sentence of a declaration of War against us by the...
Your’s of the 19th. came to hand yesterday and I now inclose you fifty dollars for Johnson’s...
A vessel being about to sail immediately from this place for Richmond she will be desired to call...
Yours of the 18th . is recieved and I have this day inclosed to mr Deblois of Alexandria 20. D....
For some time I have had a wish to bee on board of one the United States Frigets and now take...
Arrivé depuis le Mexique sur le sol heureux de cette Republique dont le Pouvoir executif à été...
Your Polygraph was nearly finished before I received your favor of the 21st. Instant, and your...
Yesterday I paid a Visit Which I had long promised to Old Col: Green of this Country Who was...
Si, comme je l’espère, vous avez trouvé mon manuscrit, Je vous Serai obligé de vouloir bien le...
Notice is hereby given, that it has been deemed expedient to change the form of the Mediterranean...
The President has received your letter of the 17th. with its enclosures. It does not appear from...
23 May 1804, Malta. “I have the honour to inform your honour that few days since has pass’d this...
23 May 1804, Annapolis. “You will owe the trouble of this Letter to my willingness to do justice...
30. Dollars to Alexander Perry, Queen street Alexandria, to wit 20. D. for himself and 10. D. for...
The petition of John Devereux DeLacy Humbly sheweth That your petitioner prays as he heretofore...
On Arriving in England I find I Shall be detained some weeks longer than, I at first calculated I...
A friend was so good as to apply to your Excellency on my behalf for an appointment in the...
I have the honor herewith to send, for your signature, a Commission for Stephen Decatur junior,...
It is remarked in your Letter with which I was yesterday honoured, “that since the general Law of...
In the list of claims which have been or are to be preferred to the Commissioners have been...
As I shall write you a publick letter soon I take occasion to observe in this that the material...
I wrote you a few days ago that Coln. Davis the Collector of this port had resigned. I soon after...
22 May 1804, Antwerp. “I have the honor to send you enclosed duplicate of the Table of the Colis...
I arrived here on friday last, after all the information I have been able to collect I have...
48390Notes on Curing Herring, 22 May 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Hollis —Hollis near Bushtown Maryland, comes every year to fish in the Patowmac opposite...
I have for some time been desirous to explore Louisiana since it has been ceded to the United...
Altho I have not written to you Since the return of Your Husband to Quincy, I have had the...
[ New York ] May 21, 1804 . Asks Hamilton to answer questions concerning David Lydig’s “rights to...
21 May 1804, Department of State. “The omission of the endorsement on the bill which I received...
21 May 1804, Baltimore. Encloses the commissions [not found] of Gen. Antoine Gabriel Venance Rey...
21 May 1804, Baltimore. “The extreme Distress of Mind felt by the President has I presume...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Barnes. he has bought of the bearer mr Hollis 10....
Il y a quelques mois passé que J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire ; je voue éxposois en abregé ma...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you at your own house you expressed a wish to see Priestly’s...
Mr. Lee of Bordeaux on the 23d. of February shipped some books for me on board the Bordeaux...
Yrs. to Mr Js Taylor who is at N York came to my hands this day. he inform’d me that the...
I recieved last night your favor of the 19th. and am sorry you have paid so much respect to my...
In the Washington Federalist of May 18. a person, well known here , has undertaken to give a...
I have to apologize for not forwarding the Case from Kuhn, Green & Co, ere this; the reason was,...
Had You been no other than the private inhabitant of Montecello, I should e’er this time have...
I have received, my best friend, your kind and truly affectionate letter of the 12 th: or rather...
I sieze the earliest opportunity of answering your very kind letter of the 9 th which I did not...
I have the Honour to acknowlege the Receipt of your Letter of Yesterday’s Date, and to acquaint...
I have lately recieved a letter from Genl Smith covering one from Mr John A Morton, who was...
20 May 1804, Santiago de Cuba. “On the 9th. April last died in this city, Alexander Frazier, who...