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Results 48361-48390 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
It is scarcely necessary to observe that the measures, Weights, and Coins, proposed in the preceding report, will be derived altogether from mechanical operations; viz: A rod, vibrating seconds, divided into five equal parts, one of these subdivided, and multiplied, decimally, for every measure of length, surface and capacity, and these last filled with water, to determine the weights and...
The Enclosed I received this Moment. It is an Extract from the Coffee House Book of this place. It would thence seem that the Store Ship the Huntress has been recaptured by the English. Respectfully RC ( DLC ); endorsed by TJ as received 1 July and “Huntress” and so recorded in SJL .
I have received bill of lading & ca enclosed, but have no invoice , if you can furnish the inv o it will save much trouble—when completed I shall forward the case to Richmond — RC ( MHi ); mistakenly endorsed by TJ as received 17 Aug. 1816. RC ( MHi ); address cover only; with
As the day is near at hand, when the President-elect is to take the oath of qualification, and no mode is pointed out by the Constitution or law; I could wish that you, mr Jefferson (Genl. Knox, or Colo. Hamilton) and mr Randolph could meet tomorrow morning, at any place which you may fix between yourselves; & communicate to me the result of your opinions as to time, place & manner of...
I had the honor to receive your letter of July 6th. by Doctor Bullus on the 31. ulto. & did not lose a moment in entering on the business committed to me by it, in the manner which seemed most likely to obtain success. The details shall be communicated to you in my next dispatch. All that I can state at present is, that the whole subject has been plac’d fully before this government in as...
Table for computing the Moon’s motion for 12 hours at any intermediate time. h. m. ( x .) 1 st diff. ( y .) 1 st diff. (z.) 1 st diff. 0.
I have been favoured with your letter of the 10th. instant— In consequence of it, I have communicated to the Secy. of War, your recommendation of Mr. Mason as a Cadet in the 13th. Regt. of Infantry with my support. I shall speedily write to you on the subject of the Soldier, deserter from Niagara— With great esteem & respect I have the honor to be Sir yr. obedt. Servt. ( LS , Connecticut State...
48368General Orders, 11 January 1780 (Washington Papers)
As effectual measures are now in execution for supplying the Army, all detachments and parties from the line not sent by general orders are to be called in immediately. Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
The last paragraph of the enclosed letter confirms the charge against the lessees of the Salt spring on Wabash. If you shall approve, the Governor may be authorized to appoint an Agent on the principles of my former communication to you or of those of Mr Harrison’s letter— Respectfully Your obedt. Sert. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as...
11 July. This day we celebrated and drank the health of my best friend accompanied by every good wish for his future happiness Dr Watson and several Gentlemen dined with us but I did not mention your name to them or give publicity to the occasion—Our company encreases fast we have a Mrs. Dawson Mrs. Lyons an old Lady who came ninety Miles on horseback and a Mr. Baily from Newington Pensylvania...
I am favd with yours of the 20th Feby inclosing a letter from Lieut. Coune of the 62d Regt to Genl Howe. I shall send in the letter and shall have no objection to his Exchange if Genl Howe consents. As Ensign Winslips health does not admit of his remaining in the Service, I would have you accept of his resignation. The wax which you mention to have sent forward is not yet come to hand. Having...
Since writing my Letter of this Morning, Mr. John Donnell (one of our Republican & most wealthy Merchts.) put into my hand the Inclosed Letter from his Father in Law Mr. Isaac Smith on whose subject I have already written Mr. Gallatin . Mr. Smith was Collector under the King, is a man of Business highly respectable & Invariably a Whig—Mr. Bowdon is also his son in Law—Mr. Savage the New Member...
Doct. Caldwell, of the University of Transylvania, being on his way homeward from a short excursion to the North of us, and being desirous of paying his respects to you, as he passes, is yet fearful that you may possibly not recollect him and has accepted the offer of this note of introduction, which I have much pleasure in giving him, both as it may contribute to the gratification of a...
48374[Diary entry: 29 November 1774] (Washington Papers)
29th. Continued the Sale at Dawson’s & finishd at that Plantation. GW was becoming increasingly suspicious about his host’s honesty regarding the estate. His suspicions were confirmed when he was later told by Edward Snickers that Dawson had been selling off timber and stock at reduced prices; this, GW thought, would “account for the deficiency we found in the Articles of Horses & Stock” ( GW...
You are hereby Ordered and directed to take upon you the Command of the Continental Forces remaining in the Province of the Massachusetts Bay for the defence and security of the same and for the protection of the Continental Stores. You are therefore to observe the following Orders and Instructions. Vizt: 1st You will comply with any requisition of the General Court or Council of said Province...
Letter not found: to John Stanwix, 24 June 1757. On 11 July 1757 Stanwix wrote to GW: “had I had any Opportunity of returning an Answer to the Favour of yours of the 24th of June. . . .”
4 May 1802, Washington. “From some of the remarks you made, in the Conversation I had the honor to have with you this day; I have reason to beleive that some misinformation has been given you, of my leaving Barcelona.… When I left Barcelona, I had hopes of finding some property in Europe, belonging to James Muirhead & Co of Charleston, for whom I had made very large advances.… Even with all my...
Votre Excellence pardonnerés l’hardiesse de Vous incommoder de mon Ecriture. Un certain Colonel Americain, qui a servi au Roi de Prusse comme Volontaire dans la derniere Guerre contre les Autrichiens a assuré a mon Frere le Major Prussien de Woedteke, que notre frere Frederic Guillaume de Woedteke ci-devant Capitain et Brigade Major au Services prussiennes étant mouru comme Colonel Americain a...
48379[Diary entry: 22 December 1772] (Washington Papers)
22. Wind Southerly and pleasant, being clear.
I received last night your favor of the 2d of this month. I am sincerely sorry for the resignation of Capt Truxton. Although you have not explained to me his motives, I presume the decision which gave rise to them, was founded in principles of sound policy and eternal justice, as it was made upon honor & with conscientious deliberation. If it were now to be made, it would be the same, tho my...
48381[Diary entry: 8 June 1769] (Washington Papers)
8. Wind in the same place and Weather Warm. In the Afternoon the Wind being fresh and a cloud rising to the So. West we had a fine shower in the Night with some thunder & much lightning.
This is the third time I have written to my love since her departure. I continue to enjoy good health and my spirits are as good as they can be in her absence. But I find as I grow older her presence becomes more necessary to me. In proportion as I discover the worthlessness of other pursuits, the value of my Eliza and of domestic happiness rises in my estimation. Angelica & her family are all...
48383[Diary entry: 3 July 1762] (Washington Papers)
3. Recd. 494 bushls. Oyster Shells.
I received last Week your friendly private Letter of the tenth.— The assurance of the continuance of your friendship was unnecessary for me, because I have never had a doubt of it.— But others invent and report as they please. They have preserved hitherto, however more delicacy to wards the friendship between you and me than any other. The last Mission to France, and the consequent dismission...
AL : American Philosophical Society I am still without any of your Favors, although two Mails arrived Yesterday. I am wholly at a Loss to account for your not answering my several Letters, and can only ascribe it to Illness, or an Interception of Yours. I will however persevere in my Correspondence, While, I think, There is a possibility, of my being any Ways useful. The Report of ten thousand...
I am sorry I am in this disagreeable sutivation which Obliges me to trouble you So offen as I do. but I hope it wont be long before it will be In my power to discharge what I am indebted to you Nothing will give me greater pleasure I must Sir ask the loan of thirty dollars more from you, which I shall asteem as a particular favour. and you may Rest ashured that I will pay you with Strickest...
The Act entitled “An Act providing for the payment of certain instalments of the foreign Debts, and of the third instalment due on a Loan made of the Bank of the U. States,” passed the 8th of this present month of January; empowers the President to cause to be paid the third installment of the 2.000.000 Loan of the Bank of the United States (which did accrue on the last of December 1794 being...
Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 2 June 1777. GW wrote Baylor on 19 June : “Yours of the 2d Instt I received by Yesterdays Post.”
Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Orders Greene to hold men in readiness to march and to give the necessary orders to quartermaster general and commissary general respecting provisions and forage. States that British fleet has departed from the Delaware. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Although H’s crossed-out signature can be seen on the draft, this...
Two or three Months ago I had the honor to receive your favor of the 27th of Jany. about the same time I was informed, that you either had Imbarked, or was upon the point of imbarking, for Europe; this induced me to suspend my acknowledgment of your polite Lettr till a more favourable juncture; but being lately told that you were in Virginia I address you accordingly. I thank you for your...