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Results 48361-48410 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy: Library of Congress I have received the honour of your Excelly’s: Letter of the 3d. Instant. I am very Sensible of the King’s Goodness, in granting Liberty to the Americans who have been taken Prisoners in the English Service as by that means his Majesty Lessons the Number of the Prisoners that may be exchanged for his own Subjects; and I think we ought whenever we can Show our Gratitude...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am honor’d with your favor of the 26th Inst. and am truely sensible of your friendly Goodwill which you so obligingly Express in answer to my representation which forecast made me judge incumbent, from dread of events. I am happy to advise you that the Arrival of the General Mercer loaden with Tobacco to my address will effectualy prevent any checks to my...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon áme est plus calme mon chér papa, depuis qu’elle s’est déchargée dans la vôtre; depuis qu’elle ne craint plus que mile j + + ne se retire chéz vous, et n’y fasse votre tourment et celui de votre chér fils: plus je refléchie a sa démarche à ce sujét et a la proposition que vous a fait mr de C++, moins je conçois qu’un homme de son age, qui est peu venu...
LS : American Philosophical Society Since I received your orders to Sail for Port L’Orient, I have been Waiting in this River for a boat Loaded with provisions, and fear wind; but now having all aboard and the Wind S E. I am getting under Sail and Expect to be to-morrow at Port-Louis. I have at présent theerten passengers beside the honble. John Adams, his Son and Servant. Please to Write me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The person who will deliver this letter is a priest of the Roman Catholic persuasion, and one of my antagonists in metaphysical matters, but a man of a very liberal disposition, and with whom I have spent many an agreeable hour. He is so obliging as to undertake to deliver to you my Treatise on Education , and my Correspondence with Dr Price . I shall very...
Copy: Library of Congress If one Nicolas Davis should come to Dunkirk, and Demand Assistances as an American in distress, I desire you not to give him anything, he having already defrauded us of great sums. I have the honour to be & In BF ’s letterbook the present letter immediately follows two letters dated May 9 and precedes one dated May 10.
LS : Yale University Library; copy: Library of Congress I received yours with a Copy of the Resolution of the 26th past which gave me a great deal of Pleasure. If one Nicholas Davis, who lodges in the Warmoes Straat Amsterdam, at the House of Jan Hendrik Consé, should apply to you for Assistance as an American, I desire you to take no Notice of him for he has already cheated us of considerable...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your obliging Letter of the 3d. Instant, with two Pamphlets, for which I thank you, and shall be glad of any others of the Kind that are esteemed to be well written. I have received lately two Letters from one Nicolas Davis, who is now in Amsterdam at the House of Jan. Hendrik Conse in de Warmoes-straat, and asks me for Money. I am afraid that if he can...
LS : National Archives; copies: National Archives, Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 1st Instant, I have made the Application you desire in behalf of the Officer who wishes to have leave to go with you, and for the Americans who are come from Senegal, and I hope for a favourable Answer. I need not tell you that I wish you a good Voyage, and all the Success that I am sure you...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I received the honour of yours of the 29th past from Nantes. I hope you are before this time safely arrived at L’Orient. M. De la Luzerne is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, and you will soon see him. He and the Secretary of the Embassy are both very agreable and sensible Men, in whose Conversation you will have a...
LS : Franklin D. Roosevelt Library; copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour to write to me the 1st. inst. That inclosed for the Marquis de la Fayette was sent to him directly. The other for M. de Sartine, was carry’d to Marly by my Son; but he being at Paris, it was brought back and delivered to him there the next Morning. His Answer has been ever since expected,...
ALS : Library of Congress An Offer has been made me, which I think worthy Your Attention, as it may be of Infinite service to the fleets & Armies of America. A person has Applyed to me to furnish any Quantity (not less then 20 lb weight) of Doctr: James’s fever Powders, so well known all over Europe, for fifteen Shill, Ster. an Oz. Each Oz Contains 12 Packages, and the price that James &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Vostre Excellence, Monsieur Le Docteur, peut envoyer quand il luy plaira Sa Benediction au Cape Jones, Je crois qu’il sera en rade le quinze pour partir au plus tard Le vingt, ce que je vous prie de dire a ceux qui s’interessent a son sort. J’attends L’alliance &ca tous Les Jours. Le Cape. Landais m’a ecrit qu’il attendoit unne Barque de Nantes Retenue en...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief En reponse à la vôtre du 29, je commence par ce que vous me demandez concernant Mr. St——. Il est d’une des meilleures familles de Berne, & peut, en son temps, entrer dans la régence de sa patrie. Il est protégé par le Ministre de la Marine, & employé par le même en Hollande à des affaires particulieres, par Commission...
AL : American Philosophical Society Vous avéz bien raison mon bon papa, nous ne devons faire consistér le véritable bonheur que dans la paix de l’áme; il n’est pas en notre pouvoir de changér le caractére des gents avéc lesquels nous vivons n’y d’empeschér le cours des contrarietés qui nous entourent; c’est un sage qui parle et qui tasche de consollér sa fille trop sensible en lui enseignant...
AL and AL (draft): American Philosophical Society Vous m’avez dit, ma chere fille, que vôtre Coeur est trop sensible . Je vois bien, dans vos Lettres, que cela est trop vraie . D’etre fort sensible de nos propres fautes; c’est bon; parceque cela nous mêne de les eviter en futur: Mais d’etre fort sensible & affligé des Fautes d’autres Gens,—ce n’est pas bon. C’est à eux d’être sensible là, &...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr De Labussiere emprêssé de s’aquitér des devoirs que lui impose la reconnoisance des bontéz quil vient de recevoir a Londre de Miss chipley, est au déséspoir que des devoirs le Contrarie sur le desir quil a d’avoir l’honneur de remetre lui mesme a Monsieur Franklin ses Comiscions. Le bonheur eut étté double pour Mr. De Labussiere de joindre les témoignages...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Aujourdhui 11e. le Corps des Marchands d’Amst—— présente une Adresse à l’Amirauté, pour presser les Convois en conséquence de la Résolution du 26 Avril, sur la foi de laquelle ils ont déjà fait leurs speculations & pris leurs mesures, notamment pour des bois de construction. Nous verrons comment l’Amirauté se comportera....
Copy: American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress Yours of May 4th. recd this moment. I cannot see the Commissioners of Sick & Hurt before tonights Mail, but I can equally give you an answr relating to the Prisoners because it was not longer ago than last night that one of the Commissioners calld upon me, in part to hear what was become of the Cartel Ship and anxious to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the honour of Incloseing you some American News Papers the 29 Ultimo which I hope you got safe. Inclosed you have the only one I have received since. Some time ago you was so obligeing as to write me that you had procured an exemtion of the Duties on my Furniture. I would rather pay ten times the sum than to be troublesome, but the ungenteel...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have the honour to inform your Excellency, that I have this day, received a Letter from my worthy Friends Messrs: Folsh and Hornbostel of Marsailles, enclosing a Copy of his Excellencys the Count de Vergenne’s Letter to the Marquiss de Pilles Governor of that City, granting me and my Sons permission, at your recommendation, to remain there; having been...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I arrived here a few days ago from Virga. in a Ship, built there, belonging to Philadelphia, having had leave of absence from the Marine Committee for that purpose. I should have done myself the Honor to have wrote You earlier, aprizing You of the well being of your Family, & Friends in America, had not the Chevalier de Crenis, who came passenger with me,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Stephen Merchant of Boston, is come from Dunkirk to Sollicite your Excellency for an American Commission to Enable him to Command the Cutter of 16 guns which I mention’d to you— I request you may gratify him therein. This Vessel will have a very good Crew, American & Irish; As She Sails extremely well, She must do considerable Execution— Thomas...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania My journey hither was a favourable one & I am in hopes will turn out to good account; I have not yet however been able to deliver all Your letters—those for the environs of London are yet in my possession, as I preferred keeping them a day or two to make a personal delivery of them, to the risqueing them by penny post. I this day deliverd Miss Shipleys—...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Sailed from the River of Nantes the 10th. Instt. Came at anchor at Groay Island the 12th and into the harbour of L’Orient today, where Monsieur Ray De Chaumond Delivered me the Letter Your Excellency honnoured me with the 28th Ult. Containing Your Order to put my Self and Ship under Capt Jones Command accordinly I went Directly to Seek him and ask’d his...
Three LS and copy: American Philosophical Society The Papers enclosed will inform You of the unfortunate Loss of the American Brigantine Fair Play, with 18 of her Crew, on the 5th: Jany last, by the discharge of the Cannon of a two Gun Battery, near Port Louis in Guadaloupe— The Governor of the Island thinking it reasonable that the Owners should recieve a Compensation for their Loss,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You my dear Sir by your most flattering attention have anticipated my very wishes, this moment I have received from Mr Digges your kind letter & valuable present; it would be difficult to express the real pleasure they have both given me, we all are made happy from your account of your own health, my father desires me to say, that a life so precious cannot...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In February 1778 I embarked with the honble. John Adams Esqr. on board the American Frigate the Boston for France, for the purpose of acquiring a competent knowledge of the Language, manners, customs, manufactures, exports & imports of this Kingdom. I arrived here in April following; and having found, after three Months experience, that the frequent &...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was first Lieutenant, of the Ship Boston, under Captn. Mc.Neil, the first Cruize she made, But when Captn. Tucker got her, I left her, I then got the command of the Continential Brigg Dispatch, to come to France, but had the misfortune to be taken, and Carried to Scotland, and with much Difficulty, got from thence to France, I was at your house in Passey,...
Three ALS : American Philosophical Society I take the Liberty of enclosing to You sundry Papers, relative to the Loss of the Brigne. Fair Play—which Vessel was sunk, last Jany, by Shot, fired from a small Battery, on the Island of Gaudaloupe— The Depositions of Andrew Giddings & S Mc Clintock, the two principal Officers on Board said Brig, contain the particular Circumstances of this unhappy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You’ll allow me these epithets, for the sake of my hearty wishes whatever relates you or to yours. This Vol. lately published, is sent by the author, whose heart you Know well to be as a friendly one, as he is an upright and worthy man. He told me, that he had nothing particular to add: and only to assure you of the Continuation of his and of every other...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Day before Yesterday, We arrived here, in two Days from Nantes, all well: There is a Frigate now turning into this Port, which is said to be Le Sensible, & if this is true, I hope, it will not be a long Time before We get to sea. The Chevalier de La Luzerne I hope is sensible of the Value of every Moment in the last half of the Month of May towards a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si vostre Excellence etoit icy, Monsieur Le Docteur, elle verroit avec plaisir Le pavillon americain flotter sur des Vaisseaux franco-americains. J’espere que toutte Cette flotte Legere appareillera du vingt trois au vingt Cinq. Vous devriez venir luy donner vostre Benediction patriarchale, elle en auroit Bezoing, Car les officiers de L’alliance sont prest...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The reason why you could not find out W. Peters by your letters was that they were directed to Nottingham instead of Liverpoole.—I have done the needful towards Your request & make no doubt of soon hearing frm him for He is in want . I gave You a few lines by private conveyance the 12th. Int since which nothing conclusive has been done on the matter I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have this day received your esteemed letter of the 9th—The Alliance arrived here the 12th. and the Sensible is this day arrived at Port Louis (at the entrance of this Harbour)—There is also this day arrived here a Cutter of 18 Guns from Cherbourg—this last I hope will be added to the Armament—the Pallas with the rest of the small Vessels from Nantes have...
Copy: Library of Congress I am Directed by my Grand father to transmit you the enclosed Commission for a Privateer, together with the instructions to the Commander and the bond to be signed by the Owners you are desired carefully to attend to the filling up of the Blanks both in the Commission and Bond. In the Commission opposite to this (✻) mark, after the words “ belonging to ” the owners...
Incomplete copy: Library of Congress I have before me your favour of the 27th. past, & the 1st. & 6th. of May. In these Letters there are several Things upon which you ask my direction, such as the Demand of the Mate and Seamen of the Brigt. Morris, the Propriety of Sending away the Same Brig without Convoy or detaining her till the next, and the Affair of the Swedish Captain’s not having...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since I tooke the Command of the frigate Alliance My officers have join together against me, Even before I left Boston, I was promissed that I Should have another Set, but being ready to Sail the Hounble Navy board thought they woold behave better when at Sea, but to the Contrary it has been gradualy worse and worse to a peack that I am Compel to acquaint...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr Le comte de Sarsfield m’a fait Esperer que vous voudriez bien vous occuper un moment des nottes que nous vous avons Laissées, et dont vous connoissez toute l’importance pour mon ouvrage: je ne les rappelle à vôtre Souvenir que pour vous temoigner ma reconnoissance, et La confiance avec Laquelle j’attens un temoignage si precieux de vôtre amitié. Je me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have sent a parcel of Papers about Vandalia, which it may be proper, That you should have a Copy of. I am with the sincerest Respect & Esteem Dear Sir Your’s most affectionately Notation: Wharton Paris 15 may 1779. BF and Wharton were still partners in the proposed colony to be founded on lands purchased from the Indians: XXII , 19–21. Wharton continued...
ALS : American Philosophical Society On looking over some Papers I found a Congress Commission & Warrant, which remaind after filling up those for the Dean. As it is probable you may want them for Capt Jones, and as they ought to be at your Disposal only, I herewith transmit them and request you in the next Letter you write me to do me the favour to mention the reception of them. A Dutch...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de Vous avertir de mon arrivée icy, et que l’etat de ma sante est beauccoup meilleur qu’il etait avant ce tems, je desespêre pourtant d’être parfaitement retabli. Il y a six semaines que je Vous avois donné des mes nouvelles par une lettre incluse dans celle de Mr. William Lee, mais malheureusement cette lettre a eû le sort des deux autres,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur de vous envoyer un Billet d’associé et trois autres billets dont vous pouvez disposer pour entrer à L’assemblée publique que la société libre d’Emulation tiendra le Vingt de ce mois dans une salle de l’hôtel de soubise. Je suis avec une profonde vénération, Monsieur, Votre très humble et très Obéïssant serviteur Notation: Du Mony Paris ce...
ALS : American Philosophical Society You will probably be much surprized at receiving a Letter from this Place, and from one who has so much disgraced the Introduction you were so kind as to favour him with. I cannot without deep Confusion, attempt to address you again— I cannot attempt to excuse my past follies and Indiscretions otherwise than by pleading a natural Volatility and a great flow...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, The Private Correspondence of Benjamin Franklin, LL.D. F.R.S. &c … (2nd ed.; 2 vols., London, 1817), I , 36–7. Having assured you verbally that I had no authority to treat or agree with any military person, of any rank whatever to go to America, I understand your expressions, that “ you will take your chance if I think you may be useful ,” to mean that...
Incomplete copy: Library of Congress in a Week. The Business has required a longer [ remainder of line missing ] is the Only cause of the Bills not being paid according to the Acceptance. But whatever the Cause, I do not See why that Should as your friend Supposes faire beaucoup de mal au credit des Americains . M Holker is not an American but a Frenchman lately arrived in America. If a...
Incomplete copy: Library of Congress Before the Rect. of your last favour of the 11 Inst. I had assured M. Le Roy who wrote me on the same subject that tho’ I could not take a Part in your Ship I was very Sensible of the Honour you proposed to do me by giving her my Name, and therefore should make no objection to it. But since you desire my Consent in Writing, I hereby give it; wishing most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Your Favour of the 10th. I received the Day before Yesterday, and am glad to hear that the Chevalier is making diligent Preparation for his Departure, for I wish, most impatiently to see him. Every day, now is a great Loss. In a Letter I wrote a few days ago I mentioned Some Reasons for prefering Boston to Delaware. I think there can be no doubt that there...
ALS and copy: American Philosophical Society Nous sommes très reconnoissans de la peine que vous avés pris de nous faire part, par votre lettre du 23. juillet de l’année passée, de ce qui etoit venu à votre connoissance concernant le rembours ordonné par le congrès de Williamsbourg de la valeur du senau l’Elegante & la Cargaison & qui a eu son Effet, pour la somme de 5000 pounds; Nous prenons...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je prens la liberté de présenter a Votre Excelance; Le Tableau des forces actuelle de la france; Tant par Terre, que par Mer; ouvrage que J’ai deja eu L’honneur de présenter aux Princes; et Seigneurs de La premiere distinction ainsÿ qu’a quelque uns des Ministres Etrangers.; M. Le Marquis de La Faÿette a qui J’ai eu L’avantage den offrir; ma fait L’honneur...