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Results 48361-48370 of 184,431 sorted by author
ALS : British Museum Returning just now from the Board of Commissioners, I found your agreable Favour of the 10th Instant. We had a Meeting on Tuesday, when your Letter to the Governor was laid before us, his Honour not present, and the Board thin. I think none but myself spoke then for the measure recommended; so, to prevent its being too hastily refus’d, I moved to refer it to this Day, when...
ALS : William L. Clements Library I have before me your Favours of Jan. 11. and 14. Feb. 20. and 21. I am glad the House thought fit to attempt a Circuit Bill. It has long been a great Hardship to the remote Counties, that they were forc’d to come to Philadelphia for Justice. Obliging the Judges to go the Circuit regularly is so reasonable a Measure, that it must in time force itself thro’ all...
ALS (mutilated): Yale University Library I receiv’d your Favours of June [  and] July 4. I am sorry for the Faults in the I[ntroduction] and shall endeavour to be more careful. The Contents and Introduction are to be prefix’d, tho’ printed last; they shall be plac’d in the same Order as in the M.S. Perhaps a few of the Oeconomy’s might sell in your Parts by your Recommendation: If you think so...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I have this Day received your Favours per Capt. Falconer, of which more in my next. With this I send you a number of Newspapers and Pamphlets, by which you will see Things are become serious here. Your Nation must stop short, and change its Measures, or she will lose the Colonies for ever. The Burning of Towns, and firing from Men of War on defenceless Cities...
LS : Library of Congress; extract: printed in The London Chronicle , November 14–16, 1765. I am extreemly obliged by your kind Letters of Aprill 12th. and 14th. and thank you for the Intelligence they Contain. The Outrages continueally commited by those misguided people, will doubtless tend to Convince all the Considerate on your side of the Water of the Weakness of our present Government and...
48366Mutiny Act, [15 April 1756] (Franklin Papers)
Printed in Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis, Magnae Britanniae, Franciae & Hiberniae, Vigesimo Nono. At a General Assembly of the Province of Pennsylvania, begun and holden at Philadelphia, the Fourteenth Day of October, Anno Domini, 1755 , … (Philadelphia, 1755), pp. 267–70. On March 3, 1756, the Assembly minutes record that “A Bill for the better Regulation of such Soldiers as are or hereafter...
Reprinted from Jared Sparks, ed., A Collection of the Familiar Letters and Miscellaneous Papers of Benjamin Franklin (Boston, 1833), pp. 123–4. I received your kind little letter of January 3d from Philadelphia. I am glad your visit thither proves agreeable to you. Since your family is so much reduced, I do not see why you might not as well continue there, if you like the place equally with...
Copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 8th. Inst. inclosing Letters from America & thank you for your Care in speedily forwarding them. I have since received another acquainting me with the Cargo of the Active, and desiring to know if you may draw on me for what may be wanting to compleat her Cargo back. I have also received a Letter from the Admiralty Board relating to...
Copy: Historical Society of Pennsylvania Sold for Benj: Franklin Esqr 1761 Novbr. 26 £700 4 per cents to Wm: Morris at 83½ £584. 10 – £1000 to J. Ruddell at 83⅜ 833. 15 – £1200 to S: Cazalet at 83⅜ 1000.
AL (draft) and two copies: Library of Congress On looking over your Letters I am asham’d to find my self so much & so long in your Debt. I thank you for making me acquainted with Mr. Sonnerat. He appears a very amiable Man, and is full of Intelligence & Information. We are all much obliged to Count de Montmorin, for his friendly Assistance in our Affairs. Please to present him my thankful...