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Results 48351-48400 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
48351 Walker, Benjamin Washington, George To George Washington from Benjamin Walker, 1 June 1789 1789-06-01 I flatter myself it will not be deemed improper to mention to your Excellency my having been...
48352 Madison, James Act Securing the Copyright for Authors, 16 November … 1785-11-16 I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly , That the author of any book or pamphlet already...
48353 Madison, James Lincoln, Levi From James Madison to Levi Lincoln, 4 November 1803 … 1803-11-04 4 November 1803, Department of State. Asks “whether the payment of freights claimed against the...
48354 Franklin, Benjamin Livingston, Robert R. From Benjamin Franklin to Robert R. Livingston, 29 June … 1782-06-29 LS , copy, and transcript: National Archives In mine of the 25th. Inst. I omitted mentioning,...
48355 Vaughan, Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from [Benjamin Vaughan], 6 … 1778-09-06 AL : American Philosophical Society I waited three days for an opportunity of sending the leaves...
48356 Madison, James Executive Pardon, 29 January 1810 (Abstract) 1810-01-29 29 January 1810, Washington. JM grants “a full and entire pardon” to five enlisted men...
48357 Pichon, Louis-André Madison, James To James Madison from Louis-André Pichon, 18 November … 1801-11-18 Le Soussigné, Chargé d’affaires de la République Française, à l’honneur d’informer Monsieur le...
48358 “Pacificus” Americanus No. I, [31 January 1794] 1794-01-31 An examination into the question how far regard to the cause of liberty ought to induce the...
48359 Washington, George Villefranche de Genton, Jean-Louis-Ambroise … From George Washington to Jean-Louis-Ambroise … 1782-05-12 After making the proper Estimate of Plank which will be necessary for Platforms to the Batteries...
48360 Jefferson, Thomas Montmorin de Saint-Hérem, Armand Marc, Comte de From Thomas Jefferson to Montmorin, 26 January 1788 1788-01-26 In the course of the last war His Majesty thought proper to equip a small squadron for an...
48361 Jefferson, Thomas IX. Postscript to the Report on Weights and Measures … 1791-01-10 It is scarcely necessary to observe that the measures, Weights, and Coins, proposed in the...
48362 Smith, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Smith, 29 June 1805 1805-06-29 The Enclosed I received this Moment. It is an Extract from the Coffee House Book of this place....
48363 Gelston, David Jefferson, Thomas David Gelston to Thomas Jefferson, 31 August 1816 1816-08-31 I have received bill of lading & ca enclosed, but have no invoice , if you can furnish the inv o...
48364 Washington, George Hamilton, Alexander George Washington to Alexander Hamilton and Henry Knox … 1793-02-27 As the day is near at hand, when the President-elect is to take the oath of qualification, and no...
48365 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 16 September 1807 1807-09-16 I had the honor to receive your letter of July 6th. by Doctor Bullus on the 31. ulto. & did not...
48366 Lambert, William Enclosure: William Lambert’s Table for Computing the … 1809-09-19 Table for computing the Moon’s motion for 12 hours at any intermediate time. h. m. ( x .) 1 st...
48367 Hamilton, Alexander Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr. From Alexander Hamilton to Jonathan Trumbull, 19 July … 1799-07-19 I have been favoured with your letter of the 10th. instant— In consequence of it, I have...
48368 Washington, George General Orders, 11 January 1780 1780-01-11 As effectual measures are now in execution for supplying the Army, all detachments and parties...
48369 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Albert Gallatin, 16 February … 1805-02-16 The last paragraph of the enclosed letter confirms the charge against the lessees of the Salt...
48370 Adams, Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams, John Quincy From Louisa Catherine Johnson Adams to John Quincy … 1824-07-11 11 July. This day we celebrated and drank the health of my best friend accompanied by every good...
48371 Washington, George Heath, William From George Washington to Major General William Heath … 1778-03-05 I am favd with yours of the 20th Feby inclosing a letter from Lieut. Coune of the 62d Regt to...
48372 Smith, Samuel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Smith, 14 November 1801 1801-11-14 Since writing my Letter of this Morning, Mr. John Donnell (one of our Republican & most wealthy...
48373 Wirt, William Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from William Wirt, 11 June 1825 1825-06-11 Doct. Caldwell, of the University of Transylvania, being on his way homeward from a short...
48374 Washington, George [Diary entry: 29 November 1774] 1774-11-29 29th. Continued the Sale at Dawson’s & finishd at that Plantation. GW was becoming increasingly...
48375 Washington, George Ward, Artemas Orders and Instructions for Major General Artemas Ward … 1776-04-04 You are hereby Ordered and directed to take upon you the Command of the Continental Forces...
48376 Washington, George Stanwix, John From George Washington to John Stanwix, 24 June 1757 … 1757-06-24 Letter not found: to John Stanwix, 24 June 1757. On 11 July 1757 Stanwix wrote to GW: “had I had...
48377 Willis, William Madison, James To James Madison from William Willis, 4 May 1802 … 1802-05-04 4 May 1802, Washington. “From some of the remarks you made, in the Conversation I had the honor...
48378 Woedteke, Charles Guillaume de Adams, John To John Adams from Charles Guillaume de Woedteke, 10 … 1781-03-10 Votre Excellence pardonnerés l’hardiesse de Vous incommoder de mon Ecriture. Un certain Colonel...
48379 Washington, George [Diary entry: 22 December 1772] 1772-12-22 22. Wind Southerly and pleasant, being clear.
48380 Adams, John Stoddert, Benjamin From John Adams to Benjamin Stoddert, 8 August 1799 1799-08-08 I received last night your favor of the 2d of this month. I am sincerely sorry for the...
48381 Washington, George [Diary entry: 8 June 1769] 1769-06-08 8. Wind in the same place and Weather Warm. In the Afternoon the Wind being fresh and a cloud...
48382 Hamilton, Alexander Hamilton, Elizabeth From Alexander Hamilton to Elizabeth Hamilton, [8 June … 1798-06-08 This is the third time I have written to my love since her departure. I continue to enjoy good...
48383 Washington, George [Diary entry: 3 July 1762] 1762-07-03 3. Recd. 494 bushls. Oyster Shells.
48384 Adams, John Jay, John To John Jay from John Adams, 24 November 1800 1800-11-24 I received last Week your friendly private Letter of the tenth.— The assurance of the continuance...
48385 Wharton, Samuel Bancroft, Edward [Samuel Wharton to Edward Bancroft] with a Postscript … 1777-01-10 AL : American Philosophical Society I am still without any of your Favors, although two Mails...
48386 Reynolds, James Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from James Reynolds, 23 April … 1792-04-23 I am sorry I am in this disagreeable sutivation which Obliges me to trouble you So offen as I do....
48387 Hamilton, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Hamilton, 20 … 1795-01-20 The Act entitled “An Act providing for the payment of certain instalments of the foreign Debts,...
48388 Baylor, George Washington, George To George Washington from Col. George Baylor, 2 June … 1777-06-02 Letter not found: from Col. George Baylor, 2 June 1777. GW wrote Baylor on 19 June : “Yours of...
48389 Washington, George Greene, Nathanael George Washington to Major General Nathanael Greene, 1 … 1777-08-01 Chester [ Pennsylvania ] August 1, 1777. Orders Greene to hold men in readiness to march and to...
48390 Washington, George Mazzei, Philip From George Washington to Philip Mazzei, 1 July 1779 1779-07-01 Two or three Months ago I had the honor to receive your favor of the 27th of Jany. about the same...
48391 Hartley, Thomas Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Hartley, 26 February … 1791-02-26 John Forsyth the Collector of Excise for the County of York in this State—applies—for an...
48392 Joy, George Madison, James To James Madison from George Joy, 10 February 1807 1807-02-10 I believe I promised you, in my last a transcript of certain marginal Notes on the Pamphlet you...
48393 Washington, George Hancock, John From George Washington to John Hancock, 17 September … 1777-09-17 I have been honored with your two favours of yesterday and their inclosures; to which due...
48394 Madison, James Coles, Edward From James Madison to Edward Coles, 7 March 1816 1816-03-07 Finding by your letter to Mrs. M. answered by the enclosed, that you must have left N. O. before...
48395 Adams, Abigail Cranch, Mary Smith Abigail Adams to Mary Smith Cranch, 26 December 1797 1797-12-26 I received Your Letter by this days mail of 17 th I am mortified at the loss of mr Whitman, tho...
48396 Ward, Artemas Washington, George To George Washington from Major General Artemas Ward … 1775-08-19 Recommends for the command of a regiment “Colo. Wm Henshaw who before the Arrival of Genl Gates...
48397 Rodney, Caesar Augustus Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 17 … 1806-10-17 I recd. your favor enclosing Mr. Pleasonton’s note. Mr. Read informed me, when at New Castle,...
48398 Gorman, John Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from John Gorman, 22 September 1824 1824-09-22 I have Engaged a Small Job of Work and I am so much huried that I cannot spare time to go to...
48399 Washington, George [Diary entry: 19 April 1775] 1775-04-19 19. Wind hard from the same Quarter till Night & clear.
48400 Hemmings, John (Hemings) Jefferson, Thomas John Hemmings to Thomas Jefferson, 18 November 1819 1819-11-18 i resev your Latter thise evning with grat Pleasure. I hav got 7 saets don radey for hangin, & al...