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Results 48351-48400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received my angel two letters from you since my arrival in Camp with a packet of papers, and I have written to you twice since I saw you. I acquainted you with the assurances that had been given me with respect to command, and bad you dismiss all apprehensions for my safety on account of the little prospect of activity. With no object of sufficient importance to occupy my attention here...
The Albany post is arrived and not a line from my dear Betsey; though I have reason to believe she must have arrived before the departure of the Post. This is a disappointment to me, as I was anxious to learn how she & my Children got up & how they were. I wrote you a day or two since by a Vessel & shall write you again by the Wednesday’s post when I will tell you decidedly whether I can come...
I arrived here, my beloved, about five this afternoon. According to my first day’s journey, I ought now to be much further advanced. But some how Riddle sprained the ancle of one of his hind legs, which very much retarded my progress to day. By care and indulgence, he is much better this Evening; so that I count upon being able to reach Albany with him early on Wednesday morning. I have...
You do not hope in vain My very Dear love that I am tired of living alone. I was so the very hour after you left me. But I am not sure for all this that it will be possible for me to come to you. Though Mr. Eveleigh is here his health is such as to confine him wholly to his room and disqualify him intirely for business. Besides this, I am the only one of the Administration now here, and, for...
This, My beloved Eliza, is the third letter I have written to you since I left—but I am still without a line from you. I hope the Post of today will bring me one, or I shall be uneasy. We are getting on in our cause so that I expect to leave this place on Sunday or Monday. Your father is better again. All the rest of your family are well. They speak of you with tenderness and this you know...
The day before yesterday, my angel, I arrived here, but for the want of an opportunity could not write you sooner. Indeed, I know of none now, but shall send this to the Quarter Master General to be forwarded by the first conveyance to the care of Col. Hughes. Finding when I came here that nothing was said on the subject of a command, I wrote the General a letter and enclosed him my...
I was much relieved, My Dear Eliza by the receipt yesterday morning of your letter of Monday last. How it came to be so long delayed, I am unable to conjecture. But the delay gave much uneasiness in consequence of the imperfect state of health in which I had left you. Thank God you were better—for indeed my Eliza you are very essential to me. Your virtues more and more endear you to me and...
I was quite disappointed and pained, My Dear Eliza, when I found, that the Post of Saturday had brought me no letter from you; especially as I was very anxious to hear of the health of my little Betsey. But I was consoled in the Evening by your affectionate letter of which Mr. Leguen was the bearer. It is absolutely necessary to me when absent to hear frequently of you and my dear Children....
I am just arrived My Love at this place and shall cross Kings ferry tomorrow. I am much pleased with the horses; they are both free and gentle; and I think you will learn to have confidence in them. I am perfectly well, and as happy as I can be when absent from you. Remember your promise; don’t fail to write me by every post. I shall be miserable if I do not hear once a week from you and my...
I am arrived here My Dear Eliza in good health but very anxious about my Dear Philip. I pray heaven to restore him and in every event to support you. If his fever should appear likely to prove obstinate, urge the Physician to consider well the propriety of trying the cold bath—I expect it will, if it continues assume a nervous type and in this case I believe the cold bath will be the most...
We have reached this place for the night, after a very tolerable journey. I am in much better health than Spirits. The swiss-malady grows upon me very fast—in other words I am more and more homesick. This added to some other circumstances that do not give me pleasure at the present moment makes me rather heavy hearted. But we must make the best of those ills which cannot be avoided. The...
I believe my beloved that I omitted to write by the last Post thinking it would not find you at Albany; but as it seems possible from what Mr. Schuyler tells me that your stay may be prolonged I write this to say to my darling that I begin to [be] very anxious for her return & hope it will be accelerated. I was very glad to receive a favourable account of her health & spirits. AL [S], Hamilton...
I have just arrived here and shall stay till tomorrow. It has always appeared to me that the ground on which our Orchard stands is much too moist. To cure this a ditch round it would be useful, perhaps with a sunken fence as a guard. But this last may be considered at a future time. If you can obtain one or two more labourers, it may be adviseable to cut a ditch round the Orchard—three feet...
I had written the inclosed My Dear Betsey when the appearance of your father’s horses announcing his speedy approach induced me to defer sending it off. I flattered myself for a moment that my Betsey would accompany him; but alas! the hope was in vain. It was not my Betsey’s fault however, but the advice of her parents that prevented my seeing her. They were right my angel to dissuade you from...
I have received only one letter from my beloved Eliza since I left the city. I am very anxious to hear further and especially to know that my beloved Philip is recovered. My health continues pretty good—but I am excessively engaged with our cause. I impatiently wish it at an end that I may return to the fond bosom of my Eliza. If our Dear Angelica is returned remember me affectionately to her....
I wrote you yesterday by Mr. Rensselaer. Since that I received yours of Friday last which gave me much pleasure. I was consoled to hear that you & our darling little ones were well—though I shall be anxious till I rejoin you lest there should be a relapse or some new attack. Your father is really better and as I hope in no present danger. His breaking out looks less & less like mortification &...
[ Philadelphia, April 19, 1799. On April 20, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I yesterday informed my beloved of my arrival here.” Letter not found. ]
Tomorrow, My Dear Eliza, your Fathers slay leaves this place for New York. I drop you a line to tell you that I am well and that today the hear⟨ing⟩ of LeGuen’s cause began. I fear prepossessions are strongly against ⟨us⟩. But we must try to overco⟨me⟩ them. At any rate we shall soon get to the end of our journey; and if I should lose my cause I must console myself with finding my friends....
I thank you my beloved Betsey for your letter announcing your safe arrival; but my satisfaction at learning this has been greatly alloyed by the intelligence you give me of the indisposition of my darling James. Heaven protect and preserve him! I am sure you will lose no time in advising me of any alteration which may happen. I trust he will not be in danger. Remember the flannel next his...
I am again My beloved Betsey in the hot City of Philadelphia; but in good health. And you may depend I shall take all the care in my power to continue so. Will you my Angel do the same? Consider how much our happiness depends upon it; and I pray you do not relax in attention. I have been to see your new house & like it better than I expected to do. Twill soon be ready and I shall obey your...
I have received my beloved Betsey your letter informing me of the happy escape of your father. He showed an admirable presence of mind, and has given his friends a double pleasure arising from the manner of saving himself and his safety. Upon the whole I am glad this unsuccessful attempt has been made. It will prevent his hazarding himself hereafter as he has been accustomed to do. He is a...
Your Sister Peggy has gradually grown worse & is now in a situation that her dissolution in the opinion of the Doctor is not likely to be long delayed. The Lt Governor sends the bearer to bring home his Child. I have not time to add more. Adieu My Eliza ALS , Mr. Andrew Joyner, Greensboro, North Carolina. H was in Albany attending the New York Court of Errors. See H to Elizabeth Hamilton,...
[ Albany, March 8, 1801. On March 9, 1801 , Hamilton wrote to his wife: “Yesterday, My beloved Eliza, I wrote you.” Letter not found. ]
The lapse of two days more, my beloved Eliza, has happily diminished the term of my absence from you. It is the most pleasing reflection I can now make. My heart looks forward with delicious anticipation to the period of our reunion. Capt. Church arrived last night. This gives great pleasure to the ladies who wanted a beau . They persist in saying that they will leave this place with me on...
I just hear of an opportunity for Albany & sit down to tell you I am well. Mr. Eveleigh is arrived but so indisposed as to be of no assistance to me which I fear will prevent my journey to Albany; but of this I shall write with more certainty on Sunday. I trust the next post will bring me a line from my love informing me of her & my Children’s safe arrival & health. I am a solitary lost being...
The Senate has refused on account of the interference with other business to hear any more causes this session; so that were it not for the situation of your Sister Peggy, her request that I would stay a few days longer and the like request of your father and mother, I could now return to you. But how can I resist these motives for continuing a while longer? Things must change this week but at...
I wrote you two or three times last week. But since my last I have received another letter from you which does not remove my anxiety. The state of our dear sick angel continues too precarious. My heart trembles whenever I open a letter from you. The experiment of the Pink root alarms me But I continue to place my hope in Heaven. You press to return to me. I will not continue to dissuade you....
This moment my Dear Eliza, we descended from the carriage—after a journey, so far, much more comfortable than we could possibly have anticipated. It makes me repent that we had not pursued our original plan. But we must console ourselves with the hope of a speedy reunion which you may be assured I do every thing in my power to accelerate—For I give up too much of my happiness by my absence not...
I thank you my beloved for your letter of the 14th. I am very sorry that some of my sweet angels have been again sick. You do not mention my precious John. I hope he continues well. The day after tomorrow I march with the army. Be assured that there is not the least appearance of opposition from the Insurgents & that I shall take the greatest care of myself & I hope by the Middle of November...
I had strongly hoped My very Dear Betsey that our business would have ended this day & that tomorrow I should have begun my journey for New York but to my infinite chagrin I am obliged to submit to a further delay. It does not appear that we can now count upon leaving this place before Monday Morning. Then we rely that there will be no remaining obstacle & I shall fly to your bosom. Forgive...
I have been extremely uneasy, My beloved Eliza, at the state of health and state of mind in which you left me. I earnestly hope that there has been a change of both for the better. Let me entreat you as you value my happiness to tranquillize yourself and to take care of yourself. You are infinitely dear to me. You are of the utmost consequence to our precious Children. You have every motive to...
I am here, my beloved Eliza, on my way to Albany —in much better health than I have been since my first attack at home. To avoid the risk of bringing on a relapse by too much exercise, it is my intention to continue here ’till tomorrow morning. Judge Benson is with me. The Arbitrators are gone to view the land in which business they will be engaged till Wednesday. On that day I must be back at...
How chequered is human life! How precarious is happiness! How easily do we often part with it for a shadow! These are the reflections that frequently intrude themselves upon me, with a painful application. I am going to do my duty. Our operations will be so conducted, as to economize the lives of men. Exert your fortitude and rely upon heaven. Hamilton, History John C. Hamilton, Life of...
On Saturday, My Dear Eliza, your sister took leave of her sufferings and friends, I trust, to find repose and happiness in a better country. Viewing all that she had endured for so long a time, I could not but feel a relief in the termination of the scene. She was sensible to the last and resigned to the important change. Your father and mother are now calm. All is as well as it can be; except...
[ Plainfield, New Jersey, May 22, 1800. On May 24, 1800, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton: “I wrote to you the day before yesterday.” Letter not found. ]
We arrived here last Evening well and shall proceed immediately on our journey. I forgot my brief in the cause of Le Guen against Gouverneur which is in a bundle of papers in my armed Chair in the Office. Request one of the Gentlemen to look for it and send it up to me by the post of Tuesday. Beg them not to fail. Adieu My beloved. Kiss all the Children for me. Yrs. ALS , Mr. George T....
[ Camp before Yorktown, Virginia, October 10, 1781. On October 12, 1781, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I wrote you two days since.” Letter not found. ]
Two nights ago, my Eliza, my duty and my honor obliged me to take a step in which your happiness was too much risked. I commanded an attack upon one of the enemy’s redoubts; we carried it in an instant, and with little loss. You will see the particulars in the Philadelphia papers. There will be, certainly, nothing more of this kind; all the rest will be by approach; and if there should be...
[ 1798 ]. “I am almost ready to abandon every thing & fly to you—But I am so entangled with war & law that it is impossible.” Copy, Columbia University Libraries.
I have just written you by the Post. This will be brought by Robert, who from the heat of the sun has become sick & is to be left here to return by the first Vessel. Fearing the same effect upon me (for the heat is excessive) I have resolved to moderate my movements, which will unavoidably occasion delay. But my Betsey will prefer my staying somewhat longer to my seriously risking my health....
I arrived here, My Dear Betsey, on Saturday in good health & not much fatigued. But I was immediately surrounded by a number of persons who engaged me till the hour of the Post had past by; so that I did not write as I intended. I cannot lose the opportunity of today; though I intend certainly to leave this place tomorrow in the Mail stage which arrives on Wednesday Morning. Mean time I...
I informed you My Darling by a letter which will go by post of my arrival here in good health and finding your family well. But this morning your papa has an attack of the Gout, not particularly severe, one indeed which in a different situation would give no uneasiness—but as his strength has been of late somewhat diminished, it is impossible not to feel anxiety about him. On the whole I...
For want of having made application on time The stage waggon has been engaged so as to prevent my going in it. I must therefore take my chance by water which I shall do tomorrow and must content myself with praying for a fair wind to waft me speedily to the bosom of my beloved. Adieu ALS , New York State Library, Albany. On March 15, 1858, John C. Hamilton wrote the date “April 8, 1795” on...
I am just arrived here after a very comfortable journey. Our intention is to reach Albany on Wednesday morning, from which place I shall immediately write to you. I am less and less pleased with the prospect of so long a separation from my beloved family & you may depend shall shorten it as much as possible. Dumphey had planted the Tulip Trees in a row along the outer fence of the Garden in...
I thank you My Betsy for your letter from Fish Kill. I hope the subsequent part of your journey has proved less fatiguing than the two first days. I have anticipated with dread your interview with your father. I hope your prudence and fortitude have been a match for your sensibility. Remember that the main object of visit is to console him; that his own burthen is sufficient, and that it would...
I have just written to you My beloved by the person who will probably be the bearer of this. Col Burr just tells me, that the house we live in is offered for sale at £2100. I am to request you to agree for the purchase for me, if at that price. If you cannot do better, you may engage that the whole shall be paid in three months; but I could wish to pay half in a short time and the other half...
Your letters, my beloved Eliza, have been regularly received & I thank you much for your punctuality fatigued as you are with our precious infant. Would to heaven I were with you but alas ’tis impossible. My fervent prayers are not wanting that God will support you & rescue our loved Child. I believe the course you are pursuing is as good a one as can be pursued—though I am somewhat afraid of...
I arrived My Dear Betsey at this place yesterday Evening not so much fatigued as I expected to have been but with my Cold somewhat increased. I am however better to day and hope to finish my business so as to return on Thursday. If a Vessel offers at the time and a fair wind I may take that mode of conveyance. I hope you have been attentive to your medicine. Remember Mrs. Powel on the...
Captain Church, My Dear Betsy, has just arrived & brings me favourable accounts of your journey hitherto and prospects. It is a great comfort to me and I hope will not be marred by bad weather; so that you may all speedily arrive and without too much fatigue to sooth and console your affected Father. Now you are all gone and I have no effort to make to keep up your spirits, my distress on his...
This letter, my very dear Eliza, will not be delivered to you, unless I shall first have terminated my earthly career; to begin, as I humbly hope from redeeming grace and divine mercy, a happy immortality. If it had been possible for me to have avoided the interview, my love for you and my precious children would have been alone a decisive motive. But it was not possible, without sacrifices...