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Results 48351-48400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received my angel two letters from you since my arrival in Camp with a packet of papers,...
The Albany post is arrived and not a line from my dear Betsey; though I have reason to believe...
I arrived here, my beloved, about five this afternoon. According to my first day’s journey, I...
You do not hope in vain My very Dear love that I am tired of living alone. I was so the very hour...
This, My beloved Eliza, is the third letter I have written to you since I left—but I am still...
The day before yesterday, my angel, I arrived here, but for the want of an opportunity could not...
I was much relieved, My Dear Eliza by the receipt yesterday morning of your letter of Monday...
I was quite disappointed and pained, My Dear Eliza, when I found, that the Post of Saturday had...
I am just arrived My Love at this place and shall cross Kings ferry tomorrow. I am much pleased...
I am arrived here My Dear Eliza in good health but very anxious about my Dear Philip. I pray...
We have reached this place for the night, after a very tolerable journey. I am in much better...
I believe my beloved that I omitted to write by the last Post thinking it would not find you at...
I have just arrived here and shall stay till tomorrow. It has always appeared to me that the...
I had written the inclosed My Dear Betsey when the appearance of your father’s horses announcing...
I have received only one letter from my beloved Eliza since I left the city. I am very anxious to...
I wrote you yesterday by Mr. Rensselaer. Since that I received yours of Friday last which gave me...
[ Philadelphia, April 19, 1799. On April 20, 1799, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton : “I...
Tomorrow, My Dear Eliza, your Fathers slay leaves this place for New York. I drop you a line to...
I thank you my beloved Betsey for your letter announcing your safe arrival; but my satisfaction...
I am again My beloved Betsey in the hot City of Philadelphia; but in good health. And you may...
I have received my beloved Betsey your letter informing me of the happy escape of your father. He...
Your Sister Peggy has gradually grown worse & is now in a situation that her dissolution in the...
[ Albany, March 8, 1801. On March 9, 1801 , Hamilton wrote to his wife: “Yesterday, My beloved...
The lapse of two days more, my beloved Eliza, has happily diminished the term of my absence from...
I just hear of an opportunity for Albany & sit down to tell you I am well. Mr. Eveleigh is...
The Senate has refused on account of the interference with other business to hear any more causes...
I wrote you two or three times last week. But since my last I have received another letter from...
This moment my Dear Eliza, we descended from the carriage—after a journey, so far, much more...
I thank you my beloved for your letter of the 14th. I am very sorry that some of my sweet angels...
I had strongly hoped My very Dear Betsey that our business would have ended this day & that...
I have been extremely uneasy, My beloved Eliza, at the state of health and state of mind in which...
I am here, my beloved Eliza, on my way to Albany —in much better health than I have been since my...
How chequered is human life! How precarious is happiness! How easily do we often part with it for...
On Saturday, My Dear Eliza, your sister took leave of her sufferings and friends, I trust, to...
[ Plainfield, New Jersey, May 22, 1800. On May 24, 1800, Hamilton wrote to Elizabeth Hamilton: “I...
We arrived here last Evening well and shall proceed immediately on our journey. I forgot my brief...
[ Camp before Yorktown, Virginia, October 10, 1781. On October 12, 1781, Hamilton wrote to...
Two nights ago, my Eliza, my duty and my honor obliged me to take a step in which your happiness...
[ 1798 ]. “I am almost ready to abandon every thing & fly to you—But I am so entangled with war &...
I have just written you by the Post. This will be brought by Robert, who from the heat of the sun...
I arrived here, My Dear Betsey, on Saturday in good health & not much fatigued. But I was...
I informed you My Darling by a letter which will go by post of my arrival here in good health and...
For want of having made application on time The stage waggon has been engaged so as to prevent my...
I am just arrived here after a very comfortable journey. Our intention is to reach Albany on...
I thank you My Betsy for your letter from Fish Kill. I hope the subsequent part of your journey...
I have just written to you My beloved by the person who will probably be the bearer of this. Col...
Your letters, my beloved Eliza, have been regularly received & I thank you much for your...
I arrived My Dear Betsey at this place yesterday Evening not so much fatigued as I expected to...
Captain Church, My Dear Betsy, has just arrived & brings me favourable accounts of your journey...
This letter, my very dear Eliza, will not be delivered to you, unless I shall first have...