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Results 48351-48360 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I flatter myself it will not be deemed improper to mention to your Excellency my having been employed these three years past as one of the Commissioners for adjusting the public Accounts, that the term of my appointment expires at the Eighth of this Month, and that the business is brought into that State as to render a renewal of the office unnecessary. It was to your Excellencys very...
I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly , That the author of any book or pamphlet already printed, being a citizen of any one of the United States, who has not transferred to any other person or persons the copy or copies of such book, or pamphlet, share, or shares thereof, his heirs and assigns, or the person or persons who have purchased or acquired such copy or copies, share or shares, in...
4 November 1803, Department of State. Asks “whether the payment of freights claimed against the French Government is embraced by a sound construction, in the Convention with France of the 30th, April last?” “The manner in which this has been made a question appears from the enclosed letter from our General Commercial Agent at Paris.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. The...
LS , copy, and transcript: National Archives In mine of the 25th. Inst. I omitted mentioning, that, at the repeated earnest Instances of Mr Lawrens, who had given such Expectations to the Ministry in England, when his Parole or Securities were discharged, as that he could not think himself at Liberty to act in Publick Affairs ’till the Parole of Lord Cornwallis was absolved by me in Exchange,...
AL : American Philosophical Society I waited three days for an opportunity of sending the leaves you wrote for by a private hand; but not meeting with one, I sent them by post, directed to Mr. Chaumont. The remaining leaves, with a letter, I gave to Mr. Williams , upon his promising to convey them; but you know the man, and there they rest. He is a good natured, well disposed character; but I...
29 January 1810, Washington. JM grants “a full and entire pardon” to five enlisted men court-martialed at New Orleans and Terre aux Boeufs between April and July 1809 and sentenced to be “shot to Death.” Tr ( DNA : RG 107, LSMA ). 1 p.
Le Soussigné, Chargé d’affaires de la République Française, à l’honneur d’informer Monsieur le Sécrétaire d’Etat des Etats Unis que la conduite des croiseurs Britanniques, Stationnés à l’embouchure de la Chesapeake ou mouillés dans ses rades, avec le but avoué d’intercepter une Seule frégate Française mouillée dans ces mêmes eaux, a donné enfin matiere à une représentation qui a été adressée,...
An examination into the question how far regard to the cause of liberty ought to induce the UStates to take part with France in the present war has been promised. This promise shall now be performed; premising only that it is foreign to the immediate object of these papers—a vindication of the Declaration of Neutrality. That Executive Act must derive its defence, from a just construction of...
After making the proper Estimate of Plank which will be necessary for Platforms to the Batteries in case of the Seige of New York I have to request you will without loss of time arrange that business with the Quartr Mastr Gen. or his Asst with the Army, and that you will inform him in writing specifically, of all the Articles which will be required of that Department, that measures may be...
In the course of the last war His Majesty thought proper to equip a small squadron for an occasional cruize and to give the command of it to the Chevalier Paul Jones. The American frigate the Alliance was joined to it at the King’s desire. Of the prizes which they took three put into Bergen in distress, and being reclaimed by the British Minister at the Court of Copenhagen, were taken out of...