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Results 48351-48360 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society On aime à se parer de votre nom Mon Illustre confrère et on croit qu’il ne peut qu’être accompagné de la fortune et des succes. En conséquence Un Négociant de Dunkerque qui fait construire au Havre une frégate qu’il veut armer en course dèsireroit lui donner votre nom et qu’elle s’appellat Le Franklin . Mais il n’a point voulu la baptiser de votre nom sans...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de M’écrire le 1er. du mois passé. Je me suis fait rendre un Compte detaillé du projet que M. Gillon m’a communiqué; il en resulte que si le Succès étoit tel qu’il est annoncé, il procureroit éffectivement de grands Avantages; mais pour en tenter l’Execution, il faudroit envoyer sur les lieux au moins trois...
AL (draft): Library of Congress I received my very dear Friend’s Letter of the 9th April, with the Pacquet accompanying it. I leave the whole Management of that Edition in your Hands with great Confidence, as I am sure my Pieces will be improv’d by your Attention to the Matters you mention.— I have sent a little Paper to Dr Ingenhauss, which I have desired him to give to you, or to Dr Priestly...
AL : American Philosophical Society Baudouin assure monsieur franklin de toutte sa veneration et de son Respect, il prie s. Excellence de vouloir bien faire donner au porteur un recû de la lettre cy jointe. Addressed: pour / Monsieur franklin Possibly Sartine’s letter of May 4.
ALS : American Philosophical Society This may probably convey to you a painful article of intelligence, viz, the death of that great man Dr Winthrop, who expired on the 3d instant, & is to be buried on the saturday. The College, the State & the Public have sustained a great loss in his death; but the Orderings of Heaven are all right; & it is appointed unto man to die, no less than to be born....
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We have been informed that the destination of the Alliance Frigate has been altered, & that she is not to sail immediately for America. We can not help expressing our great uneasiness at this measure, as we are of opinion that there is no service, in which she can be so usefully employed, as that of convoying the Vessels bound thither. Many of our...
LS : American Philosophical Society; ALS (draft): National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library I had not the honor of receiving your letter till today, tho it is dated the 3d. It came by the Penny post. It was by Mr Adams’s information, when on board, that I understood the Alliance “had now a good Crew,” & I cannot express my concern on hearing from you that it is otherwise. The persons...
L (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, M, la lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire Le 3. de ce mois concernant les effets et munitions de guerre demandès par les Etats de Virginie et de Maryland. Vous n’ignorez sans doute pas, que la premiére de ces provinces a obtenu des arsenaux du Roi, par le canal de M. Lée, des canons et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I have not yet finished my algebraic Calculation relative to my proposed Voyage, because two Circumstances are wanting. News from America , & the arrival of Mr de Montieu . The first of these will I believe turn the Balance one way or the other.— If I should hear that my accots. have not been passed by the Committee, and that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I write this letter in case I shd. not be fortunate enough to find you at home, the importance of the subject will be a sufficient excuse for the liberty I am about to take desirous ever since the comencement of hostilities in America, to be of service to that cause I have never taken my eyes off their proceedings, & I now find that one substantial check...