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Results 48351-48360 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I have received my angel two letters from you since my arrival in Camp with a packet of papers, and I have written to you twice since I saw you. I acquainted you with the assurances that had been given me with respect to command, and bad you dismiss all apprehensions for my safety on account of the little prospect of activity. With no object of sufficient importance to occupy my attention here...
The Albany post is arrived and not a line from my dear Betsey; though I have reason to believe she must have arrived before the departure of the Post. This is a disappointment to me, as I was anxious to learn how she & my Children got up & how they were. I wrote you a day or two since by a Vessel & shall write you again by the Wednesday’s post when I will tell you decidedly whether I can come...
I arrived here, my beloved, about five this afternoon. According to my first day’s journey, I ought now to be much further advanced. But some how Riddle sprained the ancle of one of his hind legs, which very much retarded my progress to day. By care and indulgence, he is much better this Evening; so that I count upon being able to reach Albany with him early on Wednesday morning. I have...
You do not hope in vain My very Dear love that I am tired of living alone. I was so the very hour after you left me. But I am not sure for all this that it will be possible for me to come to you. Though Mr. Eveleigh is here his health is such as to confine him wholly to his room and disqualify him intirely for business. Besides this, I am the only one of the Administration now here, and, for...
This, My beloved Eliza, is the third letter I have written to you since I left—but I am still without a line from you. I hope the Post of today will bring me one, or I shall be uneasy. We are getting on in our cause so that I expect to leave this place on Sunday or Monday. Your father is better again. All the rest of your family are well. They speak of you with tenderness and this you know...
The day before yesterday, my angel, I arrived here, but for the want of an opportunity could not write you sooner. Indeed, I know of none now, but shall send this to the Quarter Master General to be forwarded by the first conveyance to the care of Col. Hughes. Finding when I came here that nothing was said on the subject of a command, I wrote the General a letter and enclosed him my...
I was much relieved, My Dear Eliza by the receipt yesterday morning of your letter of Monday last. How it came to be so long delayed, I am unable to conjecture. But the delay gave much uneasiness in consequence of the imperfect state of health in which I had left you. Thank God you were better—for indeed my Eliza you are very essential to me. Your virtues more and more endear you to me and...
I was quite disappointed and pained, My Dear Eliza, when I found, that the Post of Saturday had brought me no letter from you; especially as I was very anxious to hear of the health of my little Betsey. But I was consoled in the Evening by your affectionate letter of which Mr. Leguen was the bearer. It is absolutely necessary to me when absent to hear frequently of you and my dear Children....
I am just arrived My Love at this place and shall cross Kings ferry tomorrow. I am much pleased with the horses; they are both free and gentle; and I think you will learn to have confidence in them. I am perfectly well, and as happy as I can be when absent from you. Remember your promise; don’t fail to write me by every post. I shall be miserable if I do not hear once a week from you and my...
I am arrived here My Dear Eliza in good health but very anxious about my Dear Philip. I pray heaven to restore him and in every event to support you. If his fever should appear likely to prove obstinate, urge the Physician to consider well the propriety of trying the cold bath—I expect it will, if it continues assume a nervous type and in this case I believe the cold bath will be the most...