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Results 48351-48400 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
25 May 1804, London. No. 34. “I have the honor herewith to transmit a List [not found] of the Ships which have entered this Port and of which the Masters have deposited their Papers in this Office pursuant to the Act of Congress of February 28th. 1803 since the operation of that Act commenced here to the 31st. of December 1803.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 9). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner...
25 May 1804, Kingston, Jamaica. “My last letter was under date of 3d. April , since which I have received Eight Documents respecting the undermentioned persons vizt. Joseph H. Wildman, John Anderson, Wm. Cliffor⟨d,⟩ Caleb Cane, Moses Fielding, Joseph Ellingwood, Willm. Collins & John Ingersal, the seven first are represented to be onboard Vessels that are not on this Station, as soon as the La...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th of March by the ship Piomingo to the care of Mr. Gelston Collector for New York, and forwarding by the same conveyance the Montepulciano wine you had directed.—it was likewise accompanied with some Vine-cuttings, and a treatise on the cultivation of them, both of which were presented me by Mr. Lastri Director of the King’s gardens, and President of...
We are urged by our feelings, to address you on a Subject, which is to us most interesting and important we had each a son on board the late United States’ Frigate Philadelphia, at the time of her capture by the Tripolitans, and by the latest intelligence received from them, we have too much reason to feel an extreme solicitude and apprehension for their personal safety—under these Impressions...
I have the honor to transmit herewith two copies of the receipts & expenditures of the United States for the years 1801 & 1802. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir Your Obedient Servt. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Nourse; at foot of text: “William Burwell Esqr:”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 25 May and “Rects. & expend.” and so recorded in...
Judging from my own feelings, that Condolance might be offered too soon to Griefs like yours, I have refrained thus long from obtruding upon that part of your precious time which parental tenderness could not but devote to bewailing the inexpressible loss of an inestimable Daughter! But I should be void of sympathetic Feelings, were I any longer to refrain from mingling my Grief, & that of my...
With Profound Respect to your high Official Capacity as a Statesman and Philosopher, I submit tho’ with the greatest diffidence in my Own Judgment the enclosed plan of my Improved Air Pipes and bellows for supplying families with Pirfumed and Salubrious Air for Respiration—Perhaps it might be of service in large Cities and even in private families. If you think so and it is aproved by You,...
Suffer a word Honored Sir, sine the supreme law, Salus Populi require it and the expence of the execution, shall be on the Side of the author, The Memorialist, has brought forth in a Roll clear demonstrations against Locke and Newton , the two grand pillars of the learned world, and of all modern theology, metaphisicks, and philosophy: It is therefore proposed to his Excellency to attend to...
[ Stockbridge, Massachusetts, May 24, 1804. On July 10, 1804, Hamilton wrote to Sedgwick : “I have received two letters from you … that of the latest date being the 24 of May.” Letter not found. ]
I have the honor to enclose copies of the communications, which have passed between the office of Discount and Deposit and myself, relative to certain monies recovered by Mr. G. W. Erving in London on account of the capture of American Vessels, and which it has been determined to pay in this City to the persons having a right to it. As the Directors of the office have accepted the terms on...
An occasion has occurred, in relation to a demand set up by the proctors, who have conducted the American suits, in London, on account of captures, to request the favor of your stating how far they are supported in it by any promise made by you. It seems that suitors in the prize-courts have a right to cause their proctor’s bills to be taxed, which produces a deduction, supposed to average...
Il aurait été bien flatteur pour moi de pouvoir Vous remettre personellement le Pacquet—ci-joint dont mon ami le Consul des Etats Unis à la Havane a bien voulu me charger pour Vous, Mais la longueur de notre navigation pendant une saison orageuse et de petites affaires qui me retiennent ici me forcent de confier ces lettres au Courier, craignant que sans cela elles ne Vous parviennent trop...
24 May 1804, Marseilles. “I have the honor of enclosing you a Copy of a letter to me from Mr Baussier Charges d’affaire of the French Republic at Tripoly of the 16th. march last with a Copy of a letter I received under his Cover from Captn. Bainbridge of the same day, which reached me the 15th. instt. as their Contents may be useful for your information, also of a letter from our minister...
24 May 1804, New Orleans. “In my letter of the 24th. of January I mentioned the agitation in the public mind which the case of St. Julien (on a charge of murder) had occasioned here, and the line of conduct I had pursued. I now enclose the translation of a late letter to me from the Marquis of Casa Calvo on this subject (No. 1), and a copy of my answer (No. 2.). A copy of the Prefect’s...
24 May 1804, New Orleans. “There exists a great hatred between the Marquis of Casa Calvo and the late Intendant Morales, and at this time their exertions are mutual to ruin each other. “The contest is taking such a direction that, the probability is, one of them will lose the confidence of the Court; My private opinion is that, the Marquis is infinitely the most deserving character, and I...
24 May 1804, Lisbon. “I have not heard a sentence of a declaration of War against us by the Tunisians except through the channel of Mr Cathalan’s letter, (a copy of which I did myself the honor to inclose in mine of the 12th Instant) although I have recieved several letters from the different ports in the streights as late as the 10th Instant, which induces me to believe that the report is...
Your’s of the 19th. came to hand yesterday and I now inclose you fifty dollars for Johnson’s costs. this is 1. D 21 c short of the amount, because the U.S. bank here issuing no bills under 10. D. I cannot come nearer with paper. mr Lilly will pay you the difference or I will do it when I come home. I cannot give up the expectation that Sneed’s jury may have their consciences so far excited as...
A vessel being about to sail immediately from this place for Richmond she will be desired to call on you for the syrop of punch, which therefore it is necessary for me to ask you to have got ready without delay. A plaisterer of the name of Wanscher, a resident of Alexandria, tho now at work for me at Monticello, has desired me to send the inclosed letter to his wife who is at Alexandria, with...
Yours of the 18th . is recieved and I have this day inclosed to mr Deblois of Alexandria 20. D. for Alexander Perry and 10. D. for mrs Wanscher. mr Duncan shall have 20. D. a month and his washing done. you will be so good as to give directions for the latter. I presume he engages to continue till all the work is ready for mr Wanscher. I will thank you to keep me informed of your progress, of...
For some time I have had a wish to bee on board of one the United States Frigets and now take this liberty of addressinge you on that part. you have some vessels allmost ready for Sea I expect. and if by your good Will I should be happy if posseable to git in one of them. If you think that it will answer, I am ready at any time and will be happy if you will informe me, and by so dowing you...
Arrivé depuis le Mexique sur le sol heureux de cette Republique dont le Pouvoir executif à été confié a Vos lumieres, c’est un doux devoir pour moi de Vous présenter mes respects et l’hommage de la’haute admiration que Vos écrits, Vos actions et la liberalité de Vos idées m’ont inspiré dès ma plus tendre jeunesse. Je me flattais de pouvoir Vous les exprimer de bouche en Vous remettant le...
Your Polygraph was nearly finished before I received your favor of the 21st. Instant, and your improvement to command the pull of the spiral Spring shall be made to it. The Machine appears on a short tryal of it, to perform with great accuracy & considerable freedom. The joints are made to fit close without being stiff, and I have thought it best, not to use a single drop of oil in puting it...
Yesterday I paid a Visit Which I had long promised to Old Col: Green of this Country Who was formerly Sent, Towit in the year 1785. by the State of Georgia to demand this Country of the Spainards—On that Occasion, as he informs me, When he Demanded the Country of the Spainish Commandant at Natchez—He replied that it was more than his life was worth to deliver it up, but that he would write to...
Si, comme je l’espère, vous avez trouvé mon manuscrit, Je vous Serai obligé de vouloir bien le remettre à la personne qui vous délivrera cette lettre Sous mon couvert. J’ai l’honneur d’être avec les Sentimens les plus distingués, Monsieur, Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Du Buc de Marentille had served in the French army during the...
Notice is hereby given, that it has been deemed expedient to change the form of the Mediterranean passport issued to Vessels of the United States; that from the eighth day of July next, those of the new form will be issued at the Custom-houses to every Vessel, for which application may be made on a compliance with the terms prescribed by law and surrendering the former passport of which she...
The President has received your letter of the 17th. with its enclosures. It does not appear from your statement, that, in the wrongs you mention that you have sustained, there is any circumstance calling for or even admitting of the interposition of the Executive of the United States; but your complaint seems to be rather of a nature to be pursued in the Courts of Justice according to the...
23 May 1804, Malta. “I have the honour to inform your honour that few days since has pass’d this Island five Russian Frigates who have arrived at Corfu, landed their Troops and lodged them in the respective Forts & Castels. “And are daily expected According to the Levant News about fifteen Russian Men of War. The Grand Caire after a very sanguine Battle has been restored to the Grand Signor....
23 May 1804, Annapolis. “You will owe the trouble of this Letter to my willingness to do justice the Character and professional Skill of Mr. John Bowie Duckett, who wishing for Employment, is pleased to think that my knowledge of him in private Life and at the Bar may aid his pursuits. “He informs me he is authorized by Mr. Mason to say that the Office of Attorney for the District of Columbia...
30. Dollars to Alexander Perry, Queen street Alexandria, to wit 20. D. for himself and 10. D. for mrs Wanscher on account of Martin Wanscher   D   C 51.21 for Monticello 30    81.21 May 23d. 1804 RC ( MHi ); in TJ’s hand, with text in italics in Barnes’s hand; written on a scrap from an address cover, probably from Robert Smith to TJ, 16 May , postmarked at Baltimore that day and with remnant...
The petition of John Devereux DeLacy Humbly sheweth That your petitioner prays as he heretofore has prayed that you sir would take cognizance of his case personally and make therein such order as to you Sir shall appear Just and expedient. That your petitioner having been Atty in fact for William Blount late of Tennessee Decd who was Executor to and a surviving partner of David Allison Decd....
On Arriving in England I find I Shall be detained some weeks longer than, I at first calculated I therefore forward your letters committed to my care in Paris, I am Sir with profound respect your most Obedient RC ( DLC ); at head of text: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 16 Aug. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosures: (1) Tadeusz Kosciuszko to TJ, 28 Apr. (2) Volney...
A friend was so good as to apply to your Excellency on my behalf for an appointment in the Land-office to be opened at Port St. Vincennes. Having lived some time at Vincennes and intending to make that place my residence in future, either the office of Receiver or Register would be convenient and acceptable to me. But Sir you would not have been troubled with this address had I not just been...
I have the honor herewith to send, for your signature, a Commission for Stephen Decatur junior, to be a Captain in the Navy of the United States. I have the honor to be with the greatest respect sir, y mo ob servt. RC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “President of the United States”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Navy Department on 23 May and “Decatur” and so recorded in SJL with notation “post...
It is remarked in your Letter with which I was yesterday honoured, “that since the general Law of Nations with Respect to the Case in Question (notwithstanding that the Law of the United States by which it is established, in speaking of the Servants of public Ministers, expresses no Exception in Regard to Persons of Colour) is not considered by the American Government as paramount to the local...
In the list of claims which have been or are to be preferred to the Commissioners have been observed the names of James Swan, Joshua Barney and Thomas Eldred. The first would appear to be disqualified by his having been engaged in foreign partnerships, the evidence of which is exhibited in the enclosed copy of an original letter from him to the Secretary of the Treasury dated 6th. May 1795,...
As I shall write you a publick letter soon I take occasion to observe in this that the material changes in the ministry, are Mr. Pitt in the room of Mr. Addington, Ld. Harrowby in that of Ld. Hawkesbury who has taken that of Mr. Yorke retired; Ld. Melville at the head of the admiralty instead of Ld. St. Vincent. The Grenvilles & Wyndham refused to enter the ministry without Mr. Fox, who it is...
I wrote you a few days ago that Coln. Davis the Collector of this port had resigned. I soon after found that an appointment had been made. Mr Nicholas the new Collector is now here, I have had some conversation with him, and he has expressed to me his doubts whither he will accept the Appointment or not, this being the case, in the event of his not accepting I have to request you will be...
22 May 1804, Antwerp. “I have the honor to send you enclosed duplicate of the Table of the Colis Fees which I addressed you by my last respects of the 9th Inst: by which I had the honor of informing you that Mr Jacob Ridgway had exhibited to me the 28th April his appointment to this Agency and that his Intention being then to enter into office, on receiving his Exequatur, I should thenceforth...
I arrived here on friday last, after all the information I have been able to collect I have determined to accept the place of collector of this port. I have had very great doubts whether I ought to do it, or not, there are strong reasons why I shou’d not, but it seems to be thought, by the republicans that I shou’d be able to do some service to the cause and I am sure if I do not, you wou’d be...
48390Notes on Curing Herring, 22 May 1804 (Jefferson Papers)
Hollis —Hollis near Bushtown Maryland, comes every year to fish in the Patowmac opposite Alexandria. he says that it is best to leave the head on the fish, because when taken off the fish becomes much drier. he considers what is called gobbing them as much the best method, that is to take out the gills & entrails, & leave the row and head. he has sold this year @ 3⅓ D. the barrel he will...
I have for some time been desirous to explore Louisiana since it has been ceded to the United States, particularly that part which is Watered by the Red and Arkansas Rivers. I have ventured to address you on the subject, having seen the Copy of a Report of a Committee on that subject recommending to Authorize the President to have a full and compleat Geographical Report made from Actual...
Altho I have not written to you Since the return of Your Husband to Quincy, I have had the pleasure of hearing weekly from you through him; and of learning that You, and the Children are well. I want to see the Dear Boys, and regreet that they are like to be so long Seperated from me. George will forget us and John cannot know us. I have a great opinion of childrens being early attached to...
[ New York ] May 21, 1804 . Asks Hamilton to answer questions concerning David Lydig’s “rights to the Bronx River, and how far those rights are affected by the Lease to Doctor J. Brown.…” ALS , anonymous donor; LS , New York State Library, Albany. Jones, who lived in Oyster Bay, New York, was comptroller of New York State from 1797 to 1800. He had been a member of the Continental Congress, the...
21 May 1804, Department of State. “The omission of the endorsement on the bill which I received in your letter of the 17th. would alone prevent its payment, but its being unaccompanied with vouchers to the account, and Mr. Willis being no longer in office forms another difficulty.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
21 May 1804, Baltimore. Encloses the commissions [not found] of Gen. Antoine Gabriel Venance Rey and [Louis] Arcambal as French commercial agents in New York and Baltimore, respectively. Requests exequaturs for them both from the president. RC ( DNA : RG 59, NFL , France, vol. 1). 1 p.; in French; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Pichon; docketed by Wagner as received 23 May. Antoine Gabriel...
21 May 1804, Baltimore. “The extreme Distress of Mind felt by the President has I presume prevented Attention to the Vacancy of the Office of Marshal for the District of Maryland. I am just now informed that Mr. Etting declines to Serve any New Process & that Application has this Day been made. Mr. Thomas Rutter It is expected by all will be appointed. He is by all Republicans Considered the...
Th: Jefferson presents his salutations to mr Barnes. he has bought of the bearer mr Hollis 10. barrels of fish , cured particularly, @ 3½ D. the barrel, which he will thank mr Barnes to pay for and have warehoused. he will have to get 10. barrels more, and would willingly have taken them of mr Hollis, but he is not willing to part with more at so low a price. perhaps on delivering them he may...
Il y a quelques mois passé que J’ai eu l’honneur de vous écrire ; je voue éxposois en abregé ma position et mes malheurs, et je me recommadois a vous pour de l’occupation Soit de mon état d’arpenteur, d’architecte, Ingénieur ou tout autre, ici ou à la louzianne Si cela étoit en votre pouvoir. Je n’ai réçu aucune reponse de vous, president; C’est un père de famille mal’heureux un artiste qui...
When I had the pleasure of seeing you at your own house you expressed a wish to see Priestly’s corruptions of Christianity. finding them in a bookstore here on my return I was happy in the opportunity of gratifying your wish. I meant on my late journey here to have had the pleasure of asking personally your acceptance of them. but the morning I passed you was so rainy, and the necessity so...
Mr. Lee of Bordeaux on the 23d. of February shipped some books for me on board the Bordeaux packet Capt Jacobs bound for Philadelphia. should they be arrived, or whenever they arrive I will ask the favor of you to forward them to this place by water, should the packet be too large to come conveniently by the mail stage. I know not it’s size or contents, the capt’s reciept only saying it is...