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Results 48331-48360 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received your kind favour of the 6th: instt: and shall be careful to enclose the more important documents which may be printed from Time to Time— I hope my dear Mother has ere this entirely recovered from her illness. I had a letter from Mr: Shaw, one day later than your’s, in which he gives me a yet more flattering hope of her being on the recovery. Although the more my brother’s...
The last Charts I did of North America I dedicated to the late General Washington who sent me polite answers; as you now preside at the head of the Congress, I have taken the liberty of this Chart to you, they are done with an intent to connect the Navigation of North America with the West Indies, and I trust they will be found useful— I am Sir with the greatest Respect Your Obedt Servant ViW...
The great events on which my resignation depended having at length taken place; I have now the honor of offering my sincere Congratulations to Congress and of presenting myself before them to surrender into their hands the trust committed to me, and to claim the indulgence of retiring from the Service of my Country. Happy in the confirmation of our Independence and Sovereignty, and pleased...
J’ay Recu, Monsieur, La Lettre que vous m’avés fait L’honneur de M’ecrire dattée du 6e 7bre dernier par Laquelle vous me demandés dix douzaines de Bouteilles de mon vin de Margaux première Calitée. Quoy que je Sois dans L’usage de Le vendre en nouveau, je m’en trouve une petitte partie de 3 tonneaux de L’année 1785 qui, quoy que bon, n’est pas une des meilleures Années. Il est tiré en...
It is of great importance at this Crisis, to have the best possible information of the state of the Enemy’s affairs at N. York. His Excellency the Commander in Chief has commanded us therefore, to inform you, it is his wish that you will use your utmost endeavours to obtain such information, and that you will devote all the time & attention you can spare from your other Duties, to this very...
Th: Jefferson with his respects to the President incloses him draughts of letters in the Algerine business. In that to Colo. Humphreys he proposes a modification of the former instructions in one point, on a presumption that the President will be disposed to approve it. He will wait on him to-day to know his pleasure, as also to submit to his consideration the question of Mr. Genet’s reception...
6 July 1803, Philadelphia . “We took the liberty of addressing you some months back on the subject of our detention at Jacmel (Hispa) by General Pageot, the Commanding Officer there; and claiming the interference of Government to obtain our enlargement.” Were liberated, after being moved from Jacmel to Aux Cayes by order of General Brunet, and granted passports to return to the U.S. “We have...
Draft I Mr. Hamilton declares & would repeat that when he interposed in the altercation between Mr. Nicholson & Mr. Hoffman what he said was addressed to both & was purely intended without offence to either to prevent the continuance of a controversy which might lead to disturbance & riot. Mr. Nicholson replied very harshly to Mr. Hamilton that he was not the man to prevent his quarrelling...
Having, Sir, by some considerable losses become indebted several thousand pounds, and money being so very scarce in America, my first object has been, since my arrival in Europe, to raise as much money as should discharge those debts, by depositing a certain quantity of Certificates, of the Debt of the United States, in order to prevent my being obliged to Sacrifice 50/ of my families Estate,...
I duly re cieved, on my late return to this place your acceptable favor of Apr. 22.    in looking back on past life the greatest pleasure I feel, is in recollections of the friends who have been my fellow-laborers, & my greatest happiness in the harmony and affection in which I lived & parted with them. of the manner in which your command in the army was made to cease, no one felt stronger...
Before I got home from Richmond the Malitia ordered by Genl. Weedon was discharged and Claim it as a Tower Notwithstanding they Marched only three Miles out of the County and Shou’d it so be determined it will fall Next on that part of the Malitia which Went to Carolina. I did not Conceive from what past between us on the Subject that you woud have Called upon us so soon had not Weedon done...
In a Letter from M r Mather Mayor of N w Orleans , under date of the 23 rd of July , he speaks of the request I had made of him, to inform me of the Authority under which the Spanish Governors removed the Intruders from the Batture , and he says— “I have taken the advised steps to procure the information desired; but shall not be able to get answers from Mesrs Blanque and Moreau Lislet before...
It appears to us that Effectually to Check the Incursions of the Enemy on our Frontiers, would require a force much superior to that which your Excellency has pointed at in your Letters to us, and a Season less Severe than the present, but we conceive It would render the Savages less Inclined to continue their Hostilities against us, If they should find us Able to penetrate to some of their...
48344[Diary entry: 18 September 1787] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday. 18th. Finished what private business I had to do this forenoon. Dined abt. 1 Oclock at Mr. Morris’s and set off afterwards—in Company with Mr. Blair, who took a Seat in my Chariot with me—on my return home. Reached Chester, where we lodged.
4834512. (Adams Papers)
Went to Boston. Mrs. A. N. York. Lodgd at Camb.
Your Favor of the 9 th . Inst has come to my Hands, hav g as usual been inspected— spain want[s] mississippi — true they are participatin in it ^ sat verbum ^ — Whenever you write to me do it in full Expectation that your Letter will be opened before I recieve ^ get ^ it, this being the Case with almost all I recieve—
From Baltimore I acknowledged the receipt of your letter of the 29th Ulto; as I am now about to do that of the first instant from hence. I had no idea of your obtaining money from Mr de Barth, if it was even more abundant than you represent it to be—nor do I believe he had any expectation at the time we bargained to make the payments stipulated—It was, I am satisfied, a Speculation on his...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to mr Monroe, & on a view of the expences incurred & engaged for the Pensylvania avenue, that the funds will admit only to gravel it where it is wanting and as much only as is necessary to make it firm. the planting with oaks &c. & additional arch to the bridge must be abandoned. DLC : District of Columbia Papers.
Yours of the 29th. Ulto: was received by the mail yesterday. The Inclosed Letter for Mr: Gerry I have forwarded under cover to Doctor Eustis. I feel perfectly satisfied of his Integrity, and under existing circumstances I tho’t the mark of confidence might not be all together useless. I have forwarded by this mail one of Mr: Bishop’s pamphlets . In my tour from Washington to Philadelphia I...
To the President & Directors of the Literary fund . In obedience to the act of the General assembly of Virginia , requiring that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia should make report annually to the President and Directors of the Literary fund (to be laid before the legislature at their next succeeding session) embracing a full account of the disbursements, the funds on...
I flatter myself it will not be deemed improper to mention to your Excellency my having been employed these three years past as one of the Commissioners for adjusting the public Accounts, that the term of my appointment expires at the Eighth of this Month, and that the business is brought into that State as to render a renewal of the office unnecessary. It was to your Excellencys very...
I. BE it enacted by the General Assembly , That the author of any book or pamphlet already printed, being a citizen of any one of the United States, who has not transferred to any other person or persons the copy or copies of such book, or pamphlet, share, or shares thereof, his heirs and assigns, or the person or persons who have purchased or acquired such copy or copies, share or shares, in...
4 November 1803, Department of State. Asks “whether the payment of freights claimed against the French Government is embraced by a sound construction, in the Convention with France of the 30th, April last?” “The manner in which this has been made a question appears from the enclosed letter from our General Commercial Agent at Paris.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p. The...
LS , copy, and transcript: National Archives In mine of the 25th. Inst. I omitted mentioning, that, at the repeated earnest Instances of Mr Lawrens, who had given such Expectations to the Ministry in England, when his Parole or Securities were discharged, as that he could not think himself at Liberty to act in Publick Affairs ’till the Parole of Lord Cornwallis was absolved by me in Exchange,...
AL : American Philosophical Society I waited three days for an opportunity of sending the leaves you wrote for by a private hand; but not meeting with one, I sent them by post, directed to Mr. Chaumont. The remaining leaves, with a letter, I gave to Mr. Williams , upon his promising to convey them; but you know the man, and there they rest. He is a good natured, well disposed character; but I...
29 January 1810, Washington. JM grants “a full and entire pardon” to five enlisted men court-martialed at New Orleans and Terre aux Boeufs between April and July 1809 and sentenced to be “shot to Death.” Tr ( DNA : RG 107, LSMA ). 1 p.
Le Soussigné, Chargé d’affaires de la République Française, à l’honneur d’informer Monsieur le Sécrétaire d’Etat des Etats Unis que la conduite des croiseurs Britanniques, Stationnés à l’embouchure de la Chesapeake ou mouillés dans ses rades, avec le but avoué d’intercepter une Seule frégate Française mouillée dans ces mêmes eaux, a donné enfin matiere à une représentation qui a été adressée,...
An examination into the question how far regard to the cause of liberty ought to induce the UStates to take part with France in the present war has been promised. This promise shall now be performed; premising only that it is foreign to the immediate object of these papers—a vindication of the Declaration of Neutrality. That Executive Act must derive its defence, from a just construction of...
After making the proper Estimate of Plank which will be necessary for Platforms to the Batteries in case of the Seige of New York I have to request you will without loss of time arrange that business with the Quartr Mastr Gen. or his Asst with the Army, and that you will inform him in writing specifically, of all the Articles which will be required of that Department, that measures may be...
In the course of the last war His Majesty thought proper to equip a small squadron for an occasional cruize and to give the command of it to the Chevalier Paul Jones. The American frigate the Alliance was joined to it at the King’s desire. Of the prizes which they took three put into Bergen in distress, and being reclaimed by the British Minister at the Court of Copenhagen, were taken out of...