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Results 48331-48360 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The bearer Dr Anth: Fothergill wishes to do himself the honor of paying his respects to you. He is a relation of the late illustrious Dr John Fothergill, & possesses a large share of his philanthropic disposition. After having acquired wealth & independance at Bath, he has come to spend the evening of his life in our peaceful & flourishing country. He is well informed & amiable, and will duly...
Tho I have not the honor of a personal acqaintance with your Exelcy., yet am confident that the trouble you may have in the perusal of what follows will be excused.— so far as concerns my private character, principles, or abilities, shall leave them to my Friends.— thro’ the revolutionary war it may be said, that few men in Connecticut did, paid, or made more sacrifices than myself—my House...
27 May 1804, Amsterdam. “You will perceive by the Gazettes here inclosed, that the scenes passing at this moment in Europe are of a nature peculiarly interesting—especially on the theatre of F. where on the spot which is still wreaking with the blood of those human sacrifices which but a few years since were immolated on the Altar of Liberty they have erected a throne more splendid & costly...
27 May 1804, Amsterdam. “The present confused State of this part of the World, causing a Strong desire of emigration to the United States among the Germans & Swiss—applications have been made to me from those Countries to know whether our Govt would not be disposed to adopt some plan for facilitating their passage to & being placed on the lands in the Interior of our Country after their...
Letter not found. 27 May 1804. Acknowledged in Armstrong to JM, 2 June 1804 , as an offer of appointment as U.S. minister to France and a suggestion, should Armstrong accept the commission, that he visit Washington before sailing to France.
Letter not found. 27 May 1804, Washington. Described as a one-page autograph letter signed of about fifty-five words in the American Art Association Anderson Galleries Catalogue No. 4143 (1935), item 286.
Permit a man who servd. the prime of his days in the revelutionary Army of his Country in Obtaining the Independence of the United States of America—over which your Excellency now presides: to Address you with candour & Truth—I was born in the City of New York. my Father Viner Leaycraft who had previous to the revolt of our Country from Brittain been a Ship Master out of the Said port of New...
In a letter, by the last evening’s mail, covering the inclosed from a young friend its author, he says, he transmits one copy of an address for my perusals, with a few more, which if it should be thought proper, I might present to such of my friends as would honor them with an acceptance. Mr Brazer is a young man of talents, of firmness, of zeal in the republican cause, and deserves the...
Conceiving it to be my duty to endeavor to obtain your opinion and sanction in all matters appertaining to the Appointment which I have the honor of holding under you, the duties where of (altho’ comparatively trivial & unimportant, are to be executed under your immediate direction, I feel a diffidence and reluctance in doing any thing which from its nature may possibly be disapproved by you,...
26 May 1804, Leghorn. “By advices received from Como. Preble it Appears that on the 15th. instant he was Again at Naples, where he had Arrived from Tunis, and was then on the eve of his departure for Malta, with intention to touch at Messina, for the purpose of taking six gun-boats, several Mortars, together with some Amunition which had been loaned by his Sicilian Majesty Agreeably to an...
26 May 1804, London. “I hope you will do me the justice to believe that it is not without extreme reluctance, and only on the most urgent motives that I am induced so often to address you on my own personal interests, as Connected with a public Commercial Situation under the Government of the United States. If it was a question open to my discussion, whether it is expedient in the Government...
We find it of advantage to the public to ask of those to whom appointments are proposed, if they are not accepted, to say nothing of the offer, at least for a convenient time. the refusal cheapens the estimation of the public appointments and renders them less acceptable to those to whom they are secondarily proposed. the occasion of this remark will be found in a letter you will recieve from...
I have the honour to forward to the President of the United States the Moniteur of the 19 & 20th of May containing the Organization of the Imperial Government of France . RC ( DLC ); addressed: “The President of the United States of America”; endorsed by TJ as received 2 Aug. and so recorded in SJL . Enclosures: Gazette Nationale ou le Moniteur Universel , 19 and 20 May. Lee’s note with its...
Sir the blinds will Cost if the laths stand: fast 27 100 ⅌ foot & if moveable 33 100 ⅌ foot the average 30 100 ⅌ foot, blinds 3 feet 3 by 3 feet 3 I = 10 feet 6 at 30 100 – $ 3  15 Painting will be 37 100 ⅌ yard, 3 f 3 by 3 f 3 = 2 yards 3 feet
1804. May. 26. Present the Secretaries and Atty Genl. What terms of peace with Tripoli shall be agreed to? if successful, insist on their deliverg. up men without ransom, and reestablishing old treaty without paying any thing. if unsuccessful, rather than have to continue the war, agree to give 500. D. a man, (having first deducted for the prisoners we have taken) and the sum in gross &...
I should have answered your kind letter of the 13 th. a day or two sooner, but for company which has fallen in, and call’d me away just at the time I devoted to the purpose of writing— M r: & M rs: Greenleaf of Cambridge, Charlotte Welsh, and her brother William, who has just returned from India, and M r: Isaac Smith, and his Sister, who are here at this time— And yesterday, a tea-party of...
In the postscript of 18th. to my letter of the 15th of April, you were requested to suspend your departure from London for Madrid until you should be informed of the President’s views as to your destination after closing your mission to Spain . I am now enabled by the return of the President to signify to you that he yields to the reasons assigned by you for declining the appointment on this...
I received by the last mail a letter from the Secretary of the Treasury in which my Ordinance for the establishment of the Louisiana Bank is greatly censured. My reply to Mr. Gallatin’s letter fully explains the motives and reasons which influenced my conduct on that occasion, and I beg you Sir, to ask Mr. Gallatin for a perusal of it . The Louisiana Bank will probably die of itself: Only one...
25 May 1804, Department of State. “Your letter of the 7th. inst. [not found] and the papers annexed to it have come to hand, and according to your request will be forwarded to Paris to Mr. Skipwith, Agent of claims there, to be by him laid before the Commissioners.” Letterbook copy ( DNA : RG 59, DL , vol. 14). 1 p.
25 May 1804, Leghorn. “We have the honour to transmit you inclosed Copies of two letters recieved from Tobias Lear Esquire Consul General at Algiers, dated the 26th March & 25th April, by which he advises us that in order to Carry into effect a negotiation he had concluded with that Regency, by which the Interests of the United States are very essentially benefitted, he had passed on us a...
25 May 1804, London. No. 34. “I have the honor herewith to transmit a List [not found] of the Ships which have entered this Port and of which the Masters have deposited their Papers in this Office pursuant to the Act of Congress of February 28th. 1803 since the operation of that Act commenced here to the 31st. of December 1803.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 9). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner...
25 May 1804, Kingston, Jamaica. “My last letter was under date of 3d. April , since which I have received Eight Documents respecting the undermentioned persons vizt. Joseph H. Wildman, John Anderson, Wm. Cliffor⟨d,⟩ Caleb Cane, Moses Fielding, Joseph Ellingwood, Willm. Collins & John Ingersal, the seven first are represented to be onboard Vessels that are not on this Station, as soon as the La...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 20th of March by the ship Piomingo to the care of Mr. Gelston Collector for New York, and forwarding by the same conveyance the Montepulciano wine you had directed.—it was likewise accompanied with some Vine-cuttings, and a treatise on the cultivation of them, both of which were presented me by Mr. Lastri Director of the King’s gardens, and President of...
We are urged by our feelings, to address you on a Subject, which is to us most interesting and important we had each a son on board the late United States’ Frigate Philadelphia, at the time of her capture by the Tripolitans, and by the latest intelligence received from them, we have too much reason to feel an extreme solicitude and apprehension for their personal safety—under these Impressions...
I have the honor to transmit herewith two copies of the receipts & expenditures of the United States for the years 1801 & 1802. I have the honor to be with great respect Sir Your Obedient Servt. RC ( DLC ); in a clerk’s hand, signed by Nourse; at foot of text: “William Burwell Esqr:”; endorsed by TJ as received from the Treasury Department on 25 May and “Rects. & expend.” and so recorded in...
Judging from my own feelings, that Condolance might be offered too soon to Griefs like yours, I have refrained thus long from obtruding upon that part of your precious time which parental tenderness could not but devote to bewailing the inexpressible loss of an inestimable Daughter! But I should be void of sympathetic Feelings, were I any longer to refrain from mingling my Grief, & that of my...
With Profound Respect to your high Official Capacity as a Statesman and Philosopher, I submit tho’ with the greatest diffidence in my Own Judgment the enclosed plan of my Improved Air Pipes and bellows for supplying families with Pirfumed and Salubrious Air for Respiration—Perhaps it might be of service in large Cities and even in private families. If you think so and it is aproved by You,...
Suffer a word Honored Sir, sine the supreme law, Salus Populi require it and the expence of the execution, shall be on the Side of the author, The Memorialist, has brought forth in a Roll clear demonstrations against Locke and Newton , the two grand pillars of the learned world, and of all modern theology, metaphisicks, and philosophy: It is therefore proposed to his Excellency to attend to...
[ Stockbridge, Massachusetts, May 24, 1804. On July 10, 1804, Hamilton wrote to Sedgwick : “I have received two letters from you … that of the latest date being the 24 of May.” Letter not found. ]
I have the honor to enclose copies of the communications, which have passed between the office of Discount and Deposit and myself, relative to certain monies recovered by Mr. G. W. Erving in London on account of the capture of American Vessels, and which it has been determined to pay in this City to the persons having a right to it. As the Directors of the office have accepted the terms on...