Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from the Baron de Holtzendorff, 24 June 1779

From the Baron de Holtzendorff

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Paris, june 24th. 1779.


I think it incumbent on myself to inform you, that yesterday in the after noon I found young Mr. cocheran quit Sick, possessed by a very strong Feever, which I fear may be the Effect, or consequence, of an accident, called in french, un Effort, he proved, so told me Mr. Le coeur, on thursday last week.5 His father, very much estimed, I believe, by yourself, would be undoubtedly exceedingly obliged to you, if you will sent to the young gentleman a good Surgon, or doctor, where care would prevent the ill consequences of such bad Events for the young people. I ardently take this opportunity for renewing to yourself the very respectful Sentiments with which I have the honour to remain Sir your most obedt. honnbl servant


Notation: Baron D’holkendor Paris june 24e. 1779.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

5The young Cochran recovered from what was probably a hernia; for his adult career see XXVII, 262n. Holtzendorff presumably had met the father, Robert Cochran (above, June 12), and his family while he was in Charleston; see Lasseray, Les Français, I, 242.

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