Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from George Elliott, 12 January 1781

From George Elliott

Petersburg 12th Jany 81

May it Please Your Exelency

The provision for the army on there March from this place Down the Country is Chiefly My Business, Being directed by the Barron and requested By Mr. Brown to undertake the Business. The troops Are Marching, and Some distance from here. My Athority, Which I receivd from you Before for the other invation Having Expird, and provissions for the men being very Scarce and None at all provided for the Horses, I know Not by what Means I am to proceed. It is reported that the last assembly fixt a price for Corn &c. which prevents the people from leting Me have it as the inclosd will Explain. I hope Your Exelency will furnish Some assistance Eighther by Athority as before to Impress or purchase Corn fodder &c. I am Sr. with Much respect Your Exelencys Most Obt. Humle. Servt.,

Geo: Elliott D Q M G

RC (Vi); addressed and endorsed. Enclosure: David Ross to George Elliott, “Arrowfield,” 12 Jan. 1781 (Vi), stating that he has loaded three wagons with corn and fodder and “can spare more of both, provided the Country allows an adequate price, if they have fixt an under price, it then becomes a kind of tax which ought to fall equally upon all.”

George Elliott was appointed agent for collecting the specific tax at Petersburg on 3 July 1780 (Va. Council Jour., ii, 265). The act of the last assembly which fixed a price for corn &c.: “An Act to revive and amend the act … for procuring a supply of provisions and other necessaries for the use of the army” (Hening, description begins William W. Hening, The Statutes at Large; Being a Collection of All the Laws of Virginia description ends x, 344–6).

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