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Results 48301-48350 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Copy: Library of Congress I am very sensible of your Merit with the United States and wish it was in my Power to serve you under the Difficulties you represent to me in yours of the 17th. Inst. But I have no Money at Command which is not appropriated to answer Contracts we have made here or Drafts of the Congress daily arriving, and I dare not presume to hazard a Possibility of Disappointment,...
Two copies: Library of Congress I understand from his Excellency M. De Sartine that you have taken Care of such poor Americans as arrived at Cherbourg from England, and been at some Expence in relieving them. Please to accept my Thanks, and send me your Account that I may reimburse you. And as you have been so good as to Offer a Continuance of these kind Offices of Humanity I hereby assure you...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, La lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 23. de ce mois. J’ai rendu Compte à Sa Majesté des ordres que vous avez bien voulu donner au Sr. Landais Capitaine de la Fregatte Americaine l’alliance, de conduire au Port de l’Orient le Batiment qu’il commande. Sa Majesté desire que cette fregatte soit reunie au Vaisseau le Bonhomme Richard...
LS : National Archives; copies: Library of Congress, Archives de la Marine I have at the Request of M. De Sartine postponed the Sending the Alliance to America, and have order’d her to proceed immediately from Nantes to L’Orient, where she is to be furnished with her Complement of Men, join your little Squadron and act under your Command. The Marquis de la Fayette will be with you soon. It has...
Copy: Library of Congress I am much obliged to M. deshayes, Commissaire des Classes a Cherbourg, for the Care your Excellency informs me he has taken of the poor Americans that have escaped from England and arrived at that Port. I shall desire him to send me his Account of the Expence he has already been at in relieving them, that I may discharge it; and I shall request him to continue his...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je me mets à vos pieds pour vous remercier de L’honneur que vous m’avés fait Hier et je n’ai point d’expressions pour vous dire combien j’en suis flatté. Une heure plus tard vous eussiés trouvé notre bonne et respectable amie qui vous embrasse, qui vous fait mille amitiés. Elle aura L’honneur d’aller diner chés vous Vendredi prochain, et L’Excellent...
Copies: National Archives (two), Archives de la Marine, Library of Congress Instructions to the Honble: J. P. Jones Esquire, Commander of the American Squadron in the Service of the United States, now in the Port of L’Orient. 1. His Majesty having been pleased to grant some Troops for a particular Expedition, proposed to annoy our common Enemy, in which the Sea Force under your Command might...
Copies: Archives de la Marine, Library of Congress, Harvard University Library Being arrived at L’Orient agreable to the Orders I sent you when at Nantes, you are to join Capt. Jones, put yourself and ship under his Command as your senior Officer, proceed with him on the Cruize he is about to make, and obey his Orders untill your Return to France. I heartily wish you Success, both with Regard...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress Enclosed I send your Excellency a Letter I have just received from Mr. Wm. Bingham, Agent of the Congress at Martinique, complaining of the Proceedings of the Judge of the Admiralty there, relating to an English Privateer brought thither by some American Seamen, who have not only been deprived of their Prize, but are...
D : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu de Monsieur frankelin ministre plenipotentiaire des etats unis de l’amerique la somme de 24 lt pour payement de premiere souscription du dictionnaire topographique, historique, &c de la france &c dont ce monsieur recevra les Volumes reliés sans frais . A tarascon—28—avril 1779 . De
ALS : American Philosophical Society From your kind permission, I have at different times taken the liberty of writing to you. It begins to be generally beleived here, that if Sp——n has not yet declared herself in favor of Ama., that it will not be long before that happy event will take place— Mr. De Neufville of Amsterdam, whose character & sentiments I understand you are sufficiently...
Copy: Library of Congress I received duly yours of the 19 inst. You have my free Consent to communicate the Letters you mention (and any others that I have written) to M. L. Ambr. de F. He is a wise Man & our Friend, and his Opinion & Advice, when he may think fit to give it, cannot but be useful in our Affairs. As to that M. Str. I saw him twice with Mr. de Ne. when I was ill with the Gout;...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honor to write me & thank you for the Intelligence it contain’d. There is a Rumour here from England of a Battle in Georgia, in which both Armies are said to have suffered extreamly: but I know not whether it has any Foundation. I hear from Martinique that an English Privateer cruizing in those seas had been surprized by some...
Copy: Library of Congress As you do my little Piece on the Aurora Borealis the Honor to suppose it may be agreeable to your philosophical Readers, I have requested M. Le Roi who read it at the Academy & has it in his Hands, to furnish you with a Correct Copy of it, which he has promised to do. With great Esteem I am &c In answer to his of April 21. Le Roy’s final manuscript has not survived,...
Two copies: Library of Congress I have received a Letter from Mr. Wm. Bingham, Agent for the Congress at Martinique, covering the inclosed for your Excellency, and giving an Account of an unhappy Mistake, in which a Vessel belonging to some Subjects of the U. S. was sunk by one of the Batteries of Guadeloupe, & 17 of the People drowned. I request your Excellency would take the Matter into...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had, Yesterday, the Honour of yours of the 24th. inclosing a Letter from his Excellency M. de Sartine, expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance Should be retained here a little longer. As my Baggage was on board, and every Appearance promised that We should be under Sail in three or four days for America, in a fine ship and the best Month in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Les Etats de la Province d’Hollande sont rassemblés ici depuis ce matin. Mais ce n’est qu’une Assemblée ordinaire; & notre Ami m’a dit plaisamment Nous ne sommes venus que pour la Foire (car dans quelques jours d’ici ce sera foire à Lahaie). Il prévoit aussi, que la Résolution des Etats-Genx. ne sera pas telle qu’elle pût...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Inclosed I forward you Som American Papers which I have rec’ed this Day by a Vessell from Virginia, you will be pleased to give Mr. Jennings the perusial of them when you are done with them. I have the Honour to be Sir. Your most obed. Hble Servt Notation: Joshua Johnson 29 April 79
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Harvard University Library As the Books & Papers of the Comtee. of foreign affairs remain on the Table of Congress to be used in the public Deliberations which still continue upon a fruitful Subject begun last September you do not at this Time receive any official Letter from that Committee. But I will not omit the good opportunity by Mr. Smith,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Algemeen Rijksarchief J’eus l’honneur de vous écrire hier par Rotterdam. Je viens de chez notre Ami, à qui j’ai demandé s’il étoit vrai qu’il avoit dit à g—— F——, que la Ville d’Amsterdam desiroit qu’on n’exécutât pas trop à la rigueur le dernier Edit françois de Navigation? Il m’a assuré qu’il ne l’avoit pas dit; qu’au contraire sa ville comptoit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I sent you a pacquet with a number of sheets of your printed papers; which I suppose you have received, though as yet I have not had it signified to me. I send you more sheets which now lie by me; and have still another or two finished, which I believe are with the printer. I send you also all that I have written out of my remarks on motion &c &c: it...
AL : American Philosophical Society Chaumont a L’honneur de prevenir Monsieur le Docteur franklin que le Courier de Bretagne part aujourdhuy a Deux heures et que si M. franklin a des ordres a faire passer a Nantes a M. Landais Commandant La fregatte L’alliance il est Bien important que sa Lettre soit avant deux heures a la grande poste et quelle y soit postée fidelement. M. le Chever. de La...
D : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères M. de Neuville d’amsterdam Continue a Donner de Bonnes Esperances Sur L’emprunt de M. franklin, qu’il n’a fait que pressentir parceque L’emprunt de Langleterre, La prise de Ste. Lucie, Celle de Pondichery et quelque tentatives Reelles ou Supposées de M. Neker pour trouver de L’argeant en hollande, luy ont parus trop importants pour operer en...
Copies: Archives de la Marine, Library of Congress Conformement à la demande de Votre Excellence je vous envoye cy joint les lettres et les instructions que j’ai adressées aux Captn Jones et Landais. Je suis très respectueusement De Votre Excellence Le très humble et très obeissant Serviteur In English. Sartine’s request is that of April 27. The communications to Landais are dated April 24 and...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress; copies: United States Naval Academy Museum, National Archives The letter which I had the honor to receive from your Excellency to day together with your liberal and noble minded instructions would make a Coward brave.— You have called up every sentiment of public virtue in my breast and it shall be my pride and ambition in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received Your Favour of the 24 ult. and went directly down the River to the Ship to aquaint the Honnble John Adam with the order you geve me. The wind is So high that no loaded buts can go aboard, I’ll do my utmost to fullfil your order as Soon as possible— I have recruted already fourty three fore mast men among the american Prisonners besides the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As another opportunity offers of conveying a letter to my dear Doctor Franklin, I cannot resist the strong inclination I feel of once more writing to you, especially as I flatter myself that you still retain your former friendship & partiality for this family, & consequently that you will be always glad to hear from any part of it. Since you left England I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library In the Newspapers which Mr. Johnson sent you last post you will see an Extract from one of my Letters to Mr Dean in which the word Connection is mentioned and represented as a proof that I had some commercial Concerns with Mr Dean. I send you enclosed a Copy of the whole of the Letter & you will see that the Paragraph has no...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay L’honneur de Remettre a Vostre Excellence, La Reponse du Cape. Jones a La Lettre dont vous m’avez Chargé. Je Compte qu’il poura apareiller Le quinze pour executer Les ordres de Vostre Excellence. Permettez moy de vous prier de faire Remettre Sans Retard La Depesche incluse a M. Le Marquis de la fayette, par quelqu’un qui ne Scache pas d’ou elle vient....
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copies: United States Naval Academy Museum, National Archives The within paper I have this moment recd.— It comes from some unfortunate Men who were made Prisoners when the Gallant Montgomery fell in his attack on Quebec.— I am so much indisposed to day that I am obliged to write to you in Bed— I have however Sent to ask if the Commandant if he can...
LS : American Philosophical Society; ALS (draft): National Archives; copy: Harvard University Library By letters this day from Nantes, I am informd that the Alliance Frigate is mann’d, & ready to sail. Adverse winds still detain the American fleet at Brest with its Convoy. As that Convoy is destind for the french Islands it will of course leave those Vessels which are intended for the United...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your Letter, and it gave me great Pleasure to hear of your safe Arrival at Geneva, & of your being plac’d in your Pension. You now have a fine Opportunity of learning those things that will be reputable and useful to you when you come to be a Man; and you will make your Father and Mother very happy to hear that you mind your Studies and improve daily,...
Copies: Library of Congress, Harvard University Library I did write to the Gentlemen at Nantes concern’d in fitting out the Vessels for America, offering them the Alliance as a Convoy and order’d her to Nantes accordingly. They did not chuse to accept that offer Knowing, as I Supose, her Weakness, but Sail’d for Brest, to go with the french Convoy without waiting her arrival and would probably...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; copy: Library of Congress When I last had the honor of waiting upon your Excellency, I mentioned certain Applications from the States of Virginia and Maryland, for Arms, Ammunition and Clothing, which I am desired by their Agents here to sollicit. I should sooner have presented your Excellency a Note of the Particulars, which I now enclose,...
AL : American Philosophical Society Je vous remércie bien mon bon papa de l’intérést que vous prenés a ma santé, elle est moins mauvaise mais mon áme est bien malade; c’est cétte áme honneste et trop sensible qui me mine et me tuë: il m’est absolument nécéssaire d’avoir avéc vous une convérsation longue et détaillés; je veux que vous connoissiés a fond mon coeur et ceux qui l’ont bléssé d’une...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I make bold to truble you with a few Lines to aquant you that I am an Amarican born at Garmaintown Seven miles from Pheladelphea and have at this time a Wife and famley thir so I hope you will asist me in giting me in to my Contreys Servous as I never had an Opertunity in giting thir before now. I shiped my self on board the London Packit Capt Cook to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society When I had the pleasure of seeing you in Paris Jany. was two years I was in hopes that I was in the high road to preferment and honour: As you have no doubt Sir long before now had the particulars of the Ship La Seins being taken by an Eng. Man of War in a few hours after leaving Martinico I imagine it would be unnecessary my adding any thing on that...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Sur les dernieres Requêtes des Marchands de differentes villes Hollandoises, communiquées aux Provinces, les Etats-Genx., ayant résumé l’affaire délibérée, avoient pris Lundi 26 Avril, sans que rien en eût transpiré, la Résolution d’équiper 32 Vx. [Vaisseaux] de guerre & frégattes de toutes grandeurs, montés ensemble de...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai reçu, Monsieur, la Lettre que vous m’avez fait l’honneur de m’écrire le 19 du mois dernier par la quelle vous me marquez que plusieurs Americains qui, après avoir été pressés en Angleterre, ont été pris sur des Vaisseaux de cette nation et conduits dans les Prisons de France desireroient entrer au Service des Etats unis. J’ai deja accordé au Capitaine John la...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The condescending respect with which Your Excellency hath in repeated Instances regarded me and mine is matter of gratful contemplation. Permit us to look with sincerest Veneration to the Man distinguish’d amongst a glorious Band of firm Characters: who sustain’d by divine Providence, have thus farr, form’d and Fostered the Rising world of Freedom. May...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Le Colonel Hope, a ècrit & est venu on ne peut pas plus obligeament lui même, pour vous demander les dèpêches que vous lui aviez annoncé pour la hollande. Il ne seroit pas possible de rencontrer une occasion plus sure ni plus d’emprèssement à vous servir. C’est ce qui fait Monsieur que je vous envoye un èxprès, parce que Mr. Hope part après souper &...
Copy: Library of Congress I take this opportunity by Col. Hope of sending you some Papers , which you may occasionally make use of to Show the upright Conduct of the Congress, in the Affair of Captures &c. if they have not been already—publish’d— I send also a Copy of my general letter relating to Cap. Cook, which you may show to any american Cruiser that may happen to put into any port near...
Copy and transcript: Library of Congress; copy: Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I received your several favours, viz: One of April the 10 one of the 20th. and two of the 22d. all on the same Day but by different Conveyances. I need not repeat, what we have each of us so often repeated, the Wish for Peace. I will begin by frankly assuring you that tho’ I think a direct, immediate...
LS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind Letter of last Month, and I forwarded that Part of it, which related to Mr: Williams. Inclosed you have his Answer. I shall be glad to see those Papers of yours which you tell me will be in the Transactions, or indeed any thing of your Writing. By the way, mentioning the Transactions puts me in mind that I have received none of the...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the letter you did me the Honour to write me of the 10th. past. As you Seem to have some Reliance on my Advice in the Affair you mention, I ought to give it candidly & Sincerely. And it must therefore be, not to accept of the offer made you. If you carry your family to America, it is, I suppose, with the intention of Spending the Remainder of your Days in...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the letter you did me the honour to write by Messrs. Waitz & d’Eshen. I happen’d not to be at home when they call’d on me; and they were abroad when I went to wait on them in Paris So that I have not yet had the pleasure of Seeing them;—but Shall be glad of an Opportunity of rendring them any Civilities in my Power on your Recommendation.— I repeat my...
ALS (draft) and two copies: Library of Congress I received with great Pleasure your kind Letter, as I learnt by it that my hospitable Friend still exists, and that his Friendship for me is not abated.— We have had a hard Struggle, but the Almighty has favour’d the just Cause, and I join most heartily with you in your Prayers that he may perfect his Work, and establish Freedom in the New World,...
ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your Favour of the 14th of March past, and if you should continue in your Resolution of returning to America thro’ France, I shall certainly render you any of the little Services in my Power: but there are so many Difficulties at present in getting Passages from hence, particularly Safe ones for Women, that methinks I should advise your Stay...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honor to pay my respects to you the 17 & 23 Ulto. I have the pleasure to advise you of the arrival of One of the Ships I expected from Virginia she arrived at Rochforte, the 2d April having had a passage of only Twenty Nine days. The Captain writes me that he shall retain my Letters to deliver them to me himself. I expect the Ship here every Tide...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am very sorry to be troublsome to You, but I find great difficulty in procuring my pass, & am not likely to get one without You will indulge me so far as to write a line to the Lieutenant de Police to grant me one. I have taken Dr. Bancrofts advice about it and He advises me to send the inclosd out to You either for alteration or to get a note to the...