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Results 48251-48300 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being on board of the Virginia Packett bound to Bordeaux in France I had the misfortune to be taken by the Fortune Sloop of War belonging to the English and when I got to England I had my Liberty given me because I was taken on board of an American Merchantman, but being totally at a Loss how to subsist having no money in my Pockett was under the necessity...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Voici le Memoire, dont je vous ai parlé dans ma derniere du 13e. Je n’ai rien à ajouter, sinon que nous somes ici présentement dans un calme profond, qui ne laisse pas d’être intéressant pour un Observateur attentif. Il n’y a pas plus à s’y fier, qu’à ceux qui regnent quelquefois sur le perfide élément. Je suis avec bien du respect, Monsieur, Votre...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai Lhonneur de vous informer de l’arrivée d’une Prise angloise le 9 du courant sur notre rade de L’isle de bas [Batz] nommée Le Jeune Dominique du port d’environ 30 Thonnaux chargée de Saumons Sallés en futailles faite au Cap de Clare par Le Corsaire particulier Le Prince Noir armé au Port de Celem province de Newhampshire en amerique Capitaine Le Sieur...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. D’amezaga, fait ses plus tendres Compliment à Monsieur de franklin, et luy fait demander sil se trouvera demain chès luy à l’heure du dinner. Mr. D’Amezaga Compte Toujours, que Monsieur de frankin fera Lhonneur Lundy, à Mr Amelot de venir dinner chés luy à Paris où Mr. D’amezaga se rendera. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur de franklin / a Pacy / a Pacy...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous recommande avec instance La lettre cy jointe qu’une tendre Mere desire faire passer surement a son digne fils à Philadelphie. Elle est des Amies de Madle. Basseporte, je crois que cela suffit pour vous faire juger de tout l’interet que j’y dois prendre, et qu’independamment de ma mince recommandation cela suffiroit pour vous y interesser vous meme....
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Motives for inclosing you the Anext detail of conections wherein I have and am embarked springs from the apprehendtion I am under of falling a Sacrefice with many others in the Crush of the times relying on timely returns engaged my extending my concerns further than the Capital we have in Europe will answer. I find myself in a Situation the most...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I yesterday recd. the Inclosed Letter from Capt. Sargent Ingersoll of the Saucy Jack, Cutter belonging to Mr. Nat Tracy of Newberry Port & myself— by the Capt. Declaration his Vessell Was taken too Nigh the Shore to be a legal prize & Genl. Oriley gives the Capt hopes of recovering her again, tho from the Spirited manner in which the court of Spain have...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library M. L’abbé de la Roche m’a fait espérer que vous vouliés bien me faire L’honneur de venir diner chés moi jeudi 22e. Si vous rendés justice aux Sentiments de vénération et d’attachement que je vous ai voués, vous Savés combien j’en suis flatté. Je vous recevrai comme vous desirés L’être, c’est-a-dire que vous aurés peu de monde. J’espere toutefois que M....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I received the Honor of your Excellencys letter of 18th. Ultimo: am sorry for your indisposition, & sincerely wish a speedy return, & long continuance of Good Health. In regard to the Duties paid on the exportation of Salt from the Ports of France in general , & on Shipping it to the French Colonies from this Port , your Excellencys information was pretty...
Copy: Library of Congress By Letters I am daily receiving, I find there are in various Prisons of France a number of American Sailors, who having been forced into the english Service and since taken, remain confined with those of that Nation; but are very desirous of serving their own Country, in any of our Ships of War; and to that end, request I would obtain their Discharge from their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Algemeen Rijksarchief Depuis deux mois environ, je suis extrêmement embarrassé de ma conduite ici à l’egard de Mr. l’Ambr. de F——. Accoutumé, ainsi que Mr. l’Abbé Des Noyers son prédécesseur, à me voir leur communiquer sans réserve toute ma correspondance, mes démarches & mes opérations, il m’a paru piqué que je ne lui aie rien dit de ce qui...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: University of Virginia Library I left the Harbour of Brest the 11th in Compagny of the French frigate called the Egrette bound to this River but the wind being Contrary we could Sail no farther than the conquet where we staied till the 15th, that the wind came SE, then we get under Sail but I Soon found out we could out Sail all the french frigate or...
ALS : American Philosophical Society We Make Bold to trouble you with these few Lines to Let your Honour know our Situation at present in hopes that your Honour will Be so good as to Relive from our Confinement and Grant us permission to go on Board of Some american Ship Sir we saild out of Nantucket October the 10 Day 1777 Bound to the Brozells a whaling and had the Misfurtune to Be taken By...
L (draft): University of Pennsylvania Library Where as it is represented to me, and appears by authentic Documents, that the articles of Merchandise mentioned in the annexed Invoice were delivered by Mr—Jona. Williams Junr. at Nantes to Mr. J. D. Schweighauser supposing them to belong to the Public of the United States, and whereas the said goods (except case No. 3) have been Since exported to...
Copy: Library of Congress Inclosed is the Invoice you sent me & the Order you desired. I have kept Copies. I wish it was in my Power to relieve all the Wants and even to gratify the Wishes of Prisoners, who have suffered in the Cause of their Country. But there are Limits to every thing, and the frequent Intercepting of our Supplies from the Congress by the british Cruizers, has very much...
Copy: Library of Congress I am very sensible of the Honor you propose to do me in the naming of your Vessel; to which I have but this Objection, that I cannot merit it by taking a Part in the Enterprize. I have communicated your Scheme to some of my Friends; But they are already engaged in such Undertakings as far as they chuse to be. I shall however try some others, and I most heartily wish...
ALS : Benjamin F. Bailar, Houston, Texas (1990) Je prens la liberté de vous écrire pour vous informer de ma santé aussi bien que de mon voyage ou nous avons essuyé quelques malheurs nous arrivames à Genéve lundi et j’ai été en pension le jour suivant ou je ferai mon possible pour bien travailler et pour vous satisfaire j’espère que je receverai la réponse le plutôt qu’il vous sera possible je...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Pandant la Guerre en Allemagne, qui heuresement vient d’estre finie, nous avons fait Speculation pour livrer des Uniformes a une partie de l’Armée de notre Souverain, de laquelle nous restent environ quatre mille Uniformes, ne pouvant plus les emploÿer, l’Idé nous est venue, d’envoÿer une Uniforme Complette a Votre Exellençe pour Vous offrir le tout...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress I hope you have heard of your prisoners (viz the first cargo) before this time. I am impatient to receive your answer to some of my late letters to you. You know the Object wch constantly possesses my mind. I wish to bring some material points to issue, upon terms of certainty and Confidence . Parliament will probably sit...
ALS : Benjamin F. Bailar, Houston, Texas (1990) Monsieur Cramer m’avoit écrit de préparer une place dans ma pension à Monsieur vôtre petit fils, je l’ai fait avec plaisir à sa recommandation & a cause de vous; ils arrivèrent hier dix neuf avril en parfaite santé; Je sens bien, Monsieur, que cest à ses bontés que je dois l’honneur de vôtre confiance; mais il est de mon devoir de vous assurer...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: National Archives La Difficulté, Monsieur, de recevoir des Nouvelles de l’Amérique Septemtrionale, et de donner de celles d’Europe au Congrès me fait desirer que vous suspendiez le départ pour l’Amerique Septemtrionale, de la frégate des Etats-unis, l’Alliance; parceque le Roi a ordonné qu’il fût préparé une de ses frégates pour porter en Amérique...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library The two Boxes for Mr Watson came to hand a few days since and I shall embrace the first opportunity to Ship them. I would do it by the Alliance if I could, but Capt Landais does not think himself justifiable in taking any Goods, Types however (being of public Utility,) may perhaps be an exception.— I am Dear & hond Sir Most...
DS : American Philosophical Society Doit Monsieur Franklin à Gabriel Marignac pour la Pension de son Petit fils depuis le 20e. Avril jusqu’au 5. 7bre … £192.19 Papier, Encre & Plumes 2.5    Ecritoires .12   Catéchisme .10   1 Service d’argent pour l’entrée acheté suivant l’ordre de Monsieur Cramer 19.10   8 Paires Bas 13.10   12 Bonnets de nuit 4      Thêmes Mercier 1.10   Blanchissage 3    ...
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library M. Le Roy prie son illustre ami Monsieur Franklin de vouloir bien s’intéresser auprès de M. De Sartine pour qu’il accorde à M. Wibert, Lieutenant-Colonel au Service des Etats unis, son passage sur le vaisseau qui portera M. Le Chr. De La Luzerne en amèrique. Monsieur Franklin se rappellera sans doute que M. Adams pendant son sejour ici a donné en...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress I have received your two Favours of the 13th. Inst. I am much obliged to you for undertaking the Trouble of contenting the Officers and People of the Alliance. I must now beg leave to make a little Addition to that Trouble, by requesting your Attention to the Situation of the Officers and Sailors, late Prisoners in England, which...
Copy: Library of Congress I am glad you have seen Brest and the fleet there. It must give you an Idea of the Naval force of this Kingdom, which you will long retain with Pleasure. I caused the Letters you inclosed to me to be carefully delivered, but have not received Answers to be sent you. Benjamin whom you so kindly remember would have been glad to hear of your Welfare; but he is gone to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I propose setting off to morrow morning, I shall esteem it a particular favour if your Excellency will be pleas’d to send me per. the Bearer, the Pass I requested of you (when I had the pleasure of seeing you last) for Capt. Joyner & Self, with Servants & Baggage to Holland thro Flanders, & as we propose returning by the Sea Coast, so as to Visit Havre...
Copy: Library of Congress Inclosed is the Passport you desire, with which I heartily wish you a good Journey and all the success you hope for. You may depend on my doing what I can for you, but do not depend on my succeeding. I have understood since I saw you, that these Applications of particular States are not agreeable. It is said, that if they are comply’d with, they will encrease, and...
Copy: Library of Congress I duly received yours of the 8th inst. I approve of the Assistance you have afforded the American Prisoners. You will consult with M. Adams and take his Directions for what may be farther necessary. I have accepted your late Bills for Livs, and am with great esteem &c— Missing. The prisoners had recently arrived on the cartel ship Milford , and on April 22 JA oversaw...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettés moi de vous prier de me communiquer votre memoire sur L’aurore Boréale, Pour L’imprimer dans Le journal de physique. J’ose vous faire cette demande au nom de Tous Les physiciens. Vous savés combien tout ce qui sort de votre Plume est interressant Pour eux. Le mercure de France en donnera un extrait, mais un extrait n’est Bon que pour ceux qui ne...
Copy: Library of Congress J’ai l’honneur de vous informer, que Mr. Deshayes Commissaire des Classes à Cherbourg represente qu’il arrive journellement d’Angleterre des Sujets des Etats Unis qui se trouvent sans ressources et qu’il seroit a désirer que vous voulussiez bien nommer un Agent dans ce Port pour pourvoir dans ces Occasions à leurs Besoins. Ce Commissaire s’est jusqu’a present chargé...
ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your valuable Letter by the Marquis de la Fayette; and another by Mr. Bradford. I can now only write a few Words in Answer to the latter, the former not being at Hand.— The Depreciation of our Money must, as you observe, greatly affect Salary Men, Widows & Orphans. Methinks this Evil deserves the Attention of the several Legislatures and...
LS : American Philosophical Society I received your kind Letter of Jan. 4. which gave me the Satisfaction of knowing that you were well, and comfortably situated among your Friends. You mention other Letters you have written, but they are not come to hand. Dont however be discouraged from writing as often as you can; for I am uneasy when long without hearing from you; and the Chance is greater...
LS : Princeton University Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your very kind Letter by Mr Bradford, who appears a very sensible and amiable young Gentleman, to whom I should with pleasure render any Service here, upon your much respected Recommendation; but I understand he returns immediately. It is with great Sincerity I join you in acknowledging and admiring the...
(I) ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères; transcript: Library of Congress; (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society; transcript: Library of Congress The bearer of this, & of some other papers (Mr. D ) is a very sensible & worthy gentleman, with whom I have had the pleasure of contracting an acquaintance, since the commencement of the American troubles, originally upon the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I was duly favoured with your much esteemed of the 8 Instant & in conformity to your recommendation have had two interviews with Mr. D. Acosta on the subject of those Goods he prepared under a Contract with Mr. A. Lee for the State of Virginia & find that he has Shipped all but the Musketts to America on his own Account which makes it utterly Impossible to...
LS : American Philosophical Society Oserois-Je vous prier, Monsieur, de me faire l’honneur de venir diner chés moi Mardi prochain ainsi que M. votre petit fils. Le Chevalier de la Luzerne qui comme vous le pensés bien, desire beaucoup de multiplier les occasions de vous voir, s’y trouvera. Le Mardi est ordinairement votre Jour de Versailles, mais vous n’aurés pas cet obstacle Mardi prochain...
LS : Archives de la Marine; copy: Library of Congress Je Recois dans ce moment La Lettre que vostre Excellence m’a fait L’honneur de m’ecrire Le vingt de ce mois, et Je m’empresse a faire tout Cequi peut estre agreable a Sa Majesté; en ecrivant au Capitaine Landais, Commandant La fregatte L’alliance arrivee a Nantes avec quatrevingt treize prisonniers de Se Rendre Le plutost possible a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Schooner Betsey Cap: Barrett arrived here yesterday from James River Virginia, after a passage of twenty six days. He brings no public papers, but says both Main Armys were, when he saild, in winter Quarters, and that the British one in Georgia had made no material progress in it’s advances in that province, that Generals Moutry & Lincoln were marching...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay Lhonneur De Vous adresser Cy Joint Une Expedition de requete a nous presentée (Concernant le navire suedois la Victoria Detenu En ce port, suivant Detail que Vous avez par Ma Lettre du 19 Mars.). Je Vous prie De prendre Connoissance de L’ordonnance provisoire que J’ay Eté obligé de rendre. Monsieur De grandbourg secretaire General de La marine recoit...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Si j’ai bien entendu, bien compris, vous m’avés fait L’honneur de me prier à déjeuner ou à diner pour après demain Dimanche, mais notre Bonne et Respectable amie doit arriver demain au Soir, ou apres demain matin et dans les Deux suppositions il ne me sera pas possible de La quitter: Si au contraire votre obligeante invitation est pour Une date plus...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; copy: Library of Congress By the enclosed Letter from M. De Sartine expressing his Majestys Desire that the Alliance should be retained here a little longer, you will see that I am under a kind of Necessity of disappointing you in your Intentions of making your Passage immediately in that Vessel; which would be more unpleasing to me but for these...
Copies: Library of Congress, American Philosophical Society, Harvard University Library I received your Favour of the 6th Inst from Brest, and the 19th from Nantes. I am glad to learn that you are safely arrived with the Prisoners. You will receive some of the exchanged Americans whom Mr Schweighauser has engaged for you: and I have applied to the Minister of the Marine for as many good French...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Since my last of the 17th Ins I am honord by your favor of the 5th. The Contract for Cannon made with Spain being compleated the Caron Company depended on a renewal and the pieces at Ferrol were lodged there in consiquence Spain alterd her Contract and the Cannon remaind on account of the former Contractors. The Prisoners carried into the ports of Spain...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il s’est elevé divers procés entre les assurés et les assureurs des batiments & Cargaisons partis de L’Amerique Septentrionale pour la françe, et pris par les Anglois ou peris, et je Suis du Nombre de ceux qui Sont en Souffrance par le refus des assureurs de payer les pertes. Un des grands obstacles a faire finir ces discussions est dans L’Incertitude du...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In December 1775 I had the Honour to write to you for Philadelphia and to Send you a Letter from Baron Waitz von Essen, who then was Minister of State here, who told me that he had been acquianted with you at Cassel, this Experienced and worthy Gentleman died Since, and I am in doubt if ever my Letter came to your hands. I take now the Liberty to Send you...
Reprinted from “Memoir of John Ross, Merchant, of Philadelphia,” Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography , XXIII (1899), 78. That unless your Excellency affords him speedy relief, agreeable to the express order of that Honble Body (Congress) he must plainly tell your Excellency, that his ruin is immediate and unavoidable, as he has bills running upon him, which he has accepted in...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I should have sent your Spectacles Sooner, but in Complyance with your favor of the 20th: inst:, have cut a Second Pair, in Which I have been Unfortunate, for I broke and Spoilt three Glasses, the Bearer will Deliver them, the Price is 18 l.t. a Pair, Which you may Pay him if you think Proper, I hope Sir, they will Please you, should anything be wanting,...
Copy: University of Virginia Library The Bearer Mr. Hezekiah Ford who has for some time been in the service of the United States, & always a zealous friend to the cause of Liberty, being about to return to America, if you can conveniently receive him in your Ship as a Passenger when you return thither you will oblige Sir Your most Obedient & most Humble Servant I Certify that the above Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society This will be presented you by Mrs Richards who with her Children, is coming hither to meet & continue with her Husband.— Mr. Richards has been here some time past, & has been employed by Mr Johnson & myself in our ’Counting Houses, as his Intention is to continue in the american Business in this Place, or perhaps to settle with his Family in america, we...