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Results 48241-48250 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
Two DS : American Philosophical Society I promise to pay to the honbl. the President of Congress or his Order the sum of three hundred & sixty four Livres, twelve sols, for Value recd. of Mr. Coffin at Dunkirk, & of B. Franklin esq; at Passy. I have signed three Notes of this Tenor & Date to Serve as one. Mace appears on the Alphabetical List of Escaped Prisoners where he is recorded as...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The report of the Commitee’s for to morrow has been declined by M. le Roy, & is delay’d till Saturday next. I again beg earnestly you would be So good as to be present then to give your opinion, which will be requested by M. le Comte de Maillebois. Was it not now so material a point to the Author, that a candid judgement should be pass’d upon his work, he...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I had Yesterday the Honour of yours of the third of this Month. C. Landais had So much diffidence in Some of his Crew, that he could not think of carrying home any of the most culpable of the Conspirators, especially as he was so weak handed. The naval Code of the united States, has great occasion for Amendments in many Particulars, without...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favour’d with your Excellencys Letter of 31 March, sent me by Messrs Hopes: for having been taken ill, I had advised them accordingly. I have been many days confined to my Rooms with the blind Piles; have suffer’d intolerably, but am now better— My Journey to & from Stockholm, travelling night & day, without rest, probably brought on the complaint— As...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Yale University Library I recvd your Favour of the 8th Instant per this days post.— I am surely the most unlucky of all accused Persons for all my Endeavours to bring on a Trial are unsuccessfull. Of the Gentlemen named there remains here only three Mr Johnson Mr Gridley & Mr Schweighauser the two last are so ill as to make their attendance...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis menpecher de vous troubler pour vous assurer de mes plus tendre respect et vous donner avis quaprees avoir Etez fait prisonnier deux jour avant lentrée des anglois Dans Philadelphia et detenu depuis ce tems la jé sependant par le moyen d’un amis passé en Engleterre ou je suis presentement mais les perte que jé faite depuis mon Emprisonnement mon...
(I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I thank you very much indeed for that kind Paper of Protection & Safeguard & Recommendation for our Vessel, which you offerd me at once, and which was so kindly and handsomely drawn. I have sent it to England to my Brethren, who know your Good Will, and who will be comforted by it, and will hope for the same thing, in kind, from Mr de Sartine....
ALS : American Philosophical Society M Le Roy vient de presenter a Lacademie un ouvrage qui minteresse dautant plus que je le regarde comme Le Votre, nÿ auroit til point de lindiscretion a Vous demander un exemplaire en attendant que jay L’honneur de Vous presenter un ouvräge qui est actuellement sous presse. Je suis avec respect Monsieur Votre très humble et très obeissant serviteur...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I took courage & went this morning to Versailles to Mr de Sartine who immediately did all I desired. I now therefore can go on my Journey with chearfulness, & thankfulness to you for your kindness to my people & to me. I am sure your giving me that Protection had the wished for Effect here. How many obligations have I & my People in America to you! It is a...
AD : American Philosophical Society Monsieur franklin doit pour la Pension de Mr. son petit fils Les deux quartiers et plusrs. jours de Pension ce qu fait au total 270 Six mois de Mtre. de Dessein 108 6 mois de danse 72 6 paires de Souliers 27 Les Semaines 31 12 Lait pour les dejeuner 29 15 6 mois de Perruquier 12 Les Etrennes des Sous Mtres et domestiques